
Give a wizard a wand and he’ll rob a bank, give a Dark Lord a bank and he’ll rob the world.

28th May 1993. Diagon Alley.

The door opened and revealed the dimly lit environment of the Leaky Cauldron. Ares walked into the dingy establishment, reminiscing as he passed the bar and headed for the entrance at the back of the Pub.

The brick wall opened as if on command; the way it rapidly retreated suggested it was even fearful.

Suddenly he was surrounded by the bustle of a shopping district full of life and joy. There was a flicker of emotion as the time traveller made a mental comparison to the burned husk that remained in his memories. It was bright once again, the dark wizards and rats scurrying around gone.

Without stopping to gather his bearings, the shopfronts of Eeylops owl emporium, Gambol and Japes and Flourish and Botts passed through the corner of his eye.

He noticed that he was drawing attention from some of the fairer sex, even if he was dressed in the muggle clothes scavenged from shops the previous night.

While he wasn't a narcissist per se, it was nice to be appreciated for his looks. Classically handsome, Sirius had given him cheekbones to match his ebony hair and emerald eyes.

Abruptly stopping, Ares looked up at the marble structure that was Diagon Wizarding Bank. It was located at the intersection between Diagon Alley and its seedier counterpart, Knockturn Alley. But, unfortunately, there was a clear hint that the establishment wasn't as clean as its snow-white exterior would project.

It thrived and ran on greed and envy.

Their motto, 'Fortius Quo Fidelius,' which meant strength through loyalty, had other connotations. Loyalty to themselves and money was something essential to remember.

Money was the most excellent assurance of their loyalty. Just look at Griphook, the sly creature who had helped the Golden trio break in because of his greed. He had ultimately betrayed them when he felt his profits were threatened. Ares couldn't help but appreciate yet again the irony that seemed to make up his life.

The goblin race had fallen further than even him in his timeline. However, he had played a role in that particular genocide. After all, their bureaucratic processes allowed others to take advantage of him.

After all his previous visits, finding the department for inheritance and family affairs was easy.

The current manager of Potter assets was called Bogrod. However, Ares wasn't looking for him, as those vaults were no longer his business.

The best way to avoid filling in forms and being sucked into a bureaucratic nightmare is to seek your objective directly. Hence, he found himself outside the office of Department Head Ricbert.

Despite his rather good mood, Ares couldn't help but be influenced by his bad memories of this place, so his knock on the door was rather aggressive.

Without waiting for a reply, he entered, making direct eye contact with the older goblin who sat behind a familiar desk.

"Good day. I am here for an inheritance and aptitude test for the Peverell and Slytherin families. I would appreciate it if you helped me streamline the process." He kept a faint smile on his face as he stated his intentions. It was the nicest he'd been in twenty years.

Contrary to his polite attitude, the goblin sneered and looked at him like he was touched in the head.

"Customers must book appointments. Customers are also reminded that there are dangers associated with making outrageous claims. There is a waiting room down the hall with forms to fill in." The creature drawled. The condescending attitude got worse as he continued.

Perhaps he was too used to being in charge, but as a former dark lord, there were certain things Ares expected to happen when he asked for something, and being ignored was not one of them.

"I'm so sorry. I appear to have made the wrong impression. Listen here, you little shit! If you don't bring me a blood ritual bowl before I sit down, I'll eviscerate you. So, please call one of your associates and let's move on. Now." The Dark Lord's smile became sickeningly sweet, almost sinister.

Its bestial instincts for survival kicked in. Though the goblin looked about to respond with violence, it called for an attendant to bring a runic bowl and sharp needle in.

Perhaps his movements were too fluent after doing the process several times before. Still, when Ares pricked himself and dripped his blood into the bowl without instruction, the goblin's eyes took on a sharp glint.

He opened a drawer and withdrew a parchment scroll before laying it in front of him. Ares passed the bowl over after the goblin indicated with his hands.

The parchment was dipped in the bowl, which had somehow filled with blood even though it was initially a few drops.

Ares placed his palm on the now bloody scroll and chanted, channelling the magic in the air.

"I, Ares Peverell-Slytherin, do at this moment claim the lordships of the Houses Slytherin and Peverell, so mote it be."

Ares Peverell-Slytherin


Lord of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin

Lord Of The Most Ancient and Noble House of Peverell

The Lord Peverell-Slytherin

Governor of Hogwarts Position (Inheritable)


Peverell Family Vault

Contents: 678,896 Galleons, 43,245 Sickles, 387 Knuts

Vault 465

Contents: Books on Blood rituals

Slytherin Family Vault

Contents: 178,356 Galleons, 67,456 Sickles, 12 Knuts and books

Vault 327

Contents: Magical heirlooms and Parseltongue books

Vault 653

Contents: 203,456 Galleons, 457 Sickles, 20 Knuts

Familiar Bloodline: Untraceable, 2 Fathers, one mother.


Slytherin Fort, Scotland (Reasonable living conditions)

Peverell Manor, Wales (Perfect living conditions)

Montreux Cottage, Toulouse ( Reasonable living condition)

Chamber of Secrets (Terrible situation)(Houses Basilisk)

"The financial condition of my vaults escapes me. However, the Slytherin vault looks rather sparse for a founding family." Ares immediately noticed an inconsistency that stood out to him after his previous experiences.

"Ah, that is a result of the other descendant of Slytherin, Tom Riddle, who calls himself Voldemort, funding his war and terrorist acts over the last few decades." Ricbert, the shy creature, responded.

"Cut him off, confiscate any funds he has moved out of the family vault and direct Slytherin assets."

The goblin nodded, uncaring as the matter did not affect himself.

"Do I have any other relations I should be wary of? Am I still alone in this world?" Ares inquired, even though he already knew the answer.

The goblin thought carefully before replying, "You appear to have no significant relations other than the notable Harry Potter."

'Indeed, even now I only have myself….'

"I'll buy two items through the bank for a premium price. A time-turner, which I'm sure you can acquire. I also need an amulet of maturity to alter my age."

The goblin nodded, scribbling down the two items on a paper pad. "Do you require anything else?"

"As creatures well versed in the terrors of bureaucracy, I'll need you to procure two sets of official papers for me. First, I only want the name Peverell on them, as there is a stigma surrounding the Slytherin name. Next, I'll need a set for my son. He is attending Hogwarts soon."

The goblin looked positively delighted, his commission growing by the second. "There will be a fee, of course."

Ares nodded before taking out a list he had conjured.

"These are several companies and industries I want you to invest in. Most of them are owned and run by muggles, so you will have to be discreet, but if you do well, and I know you will, you can keep a tenth of the profits." Ares offered the list to the greedy-looking goblin.

He turned to leave, having achieved everything he wanted to.

"Thank you for your patronage, Lord Peverell-Slytherin. We will inform the ministry of your new position as Lord Peverell and keep the rest of your information private. I'll even forgive your slight against me if your tips pay off." The now smug goblin responded, waving him away.

"I'll be residing in Peverell Manor if you wish to contact me," Ares responded as he walked away. Then, as he stopped and opened the door, he left the goblin with some parting words, "Let's make it clear that you are the one who needs my forgiveness. I am not someone you can afford to offend."

He closed the door behind him gently, yet the entire room shuddered in fear, rocking it to the foundations as the Dark Lord's aura filled the room just as quickly as it disappeared.
