
The dark knight of the twin daggers

In a world where magic and demons are real. Humanity and demons are in an endless war. Our protagonist, Alef will end up entangled in said war by pure coincidence, and he would learn that the world it's not as it seems to be. What will he choose to do? What adventures are waiting for him? Will the past of his father as a knight hinder his adventure or will it help him?

GhastingGhost · Fantasy
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31 Chs


After finishing our meal, mom showed master to her room. Since I was tired from all my master's mischiefs, I went to my room, and laid on my bed.

It sure was a hectic day, I wonder how my master is planning to train me and if Rosa will avoid...


I fell asleep. Oh, it's already dark

"Come in, it's open"(Alef)

"Hello my cute little apprentice, dinner is ready"(master)

Master walks into the room and sits on my bed. She's acting like she own the place.

"At least you knock the door, I thought you would barge in whenever you wanted"(Alef)

"Of course, I would knock, what if I barge in and, Rosa and you are in the middle of it"(master)

"That's more like you, but that won't happen, Rosa isn't like that"(Alef)

"Are you sure? Jealousy can make interesting things happen"(master)

She give me a mischievous look and I tilt my head in confusion.

"Awwww!! You really see her like a pure and innocent angel. I'm really looking forward to this!! Anyway let's go to eat"(master)

She shouted in joy and exited my room

"What are you up to?"(Alef)

I groaned and followed behind her.

During dinner master for some reason was humming happily and Rosa was stealing glances at me. Sigh, my life will be hectic from now on.

"Oh yeah, my cute little apprentice, I forgot to tell you, that we'll start your training tonight. So after dinner gear up and wait for me in your room. Don't worry Rosa we won't be doing what you're thinking"(master)

Rosa looks relief after hearing master's words. At least she's... Wait, what I'm thinking, where's the trick? I glanced at my master with suspicion

"... At least in this house"(master)

She chuckles and the expression of Rosa turns sour.

"Sorry, but I don't like demons"(Alef)

"Oh, don't be like that, if you let me pop your cherry, I assure you a really good time."(master)

She wraps her arms around my neck and then whispers me in the ear with a sexy voice.

"Remember that succubi are masters under the sheets"(master)


"My bad, I didn't intend to lead the conversation this way"(master)

She chuckles again. After that, the dinner continued peacefully, that's if you rule out that Rosa glared at me the rest of the dinner since I blushed because of master's whisper.

An hour after dinner, master and I are on our way to the forest.

"Why did you told them a fake name?"(Alef)

"How did you know it was fake?"(master)

"If someone as narcissist as you uses a fake name it would be the name of the goddess of beauty Freya"(Alef)

"I'm not a narcissist!!! I just appreciate my incomparable beauty"(master)

I just look to master as if saying 'Really?'

"Here should be a safe distance. Alright, let's start your training"(master)

She clapped her hands.

"Your combat technique is flawless, which saves us a lot of time. So, we'll start by transforming non-elemental mana into dark elemental mana. Watch me first"(master)

Master startd to gather mana in her right hand, when her hand was totally coated in mana little dark dots started to pop up in the mana until the mana completely became black.

"As you can see, first you coat a part of your body in non-elemental which should be easy enough for you, then little by little you start mixing dark elemental mana. It should be easier if you remember the feeling that you had when you were fighting the darkness beast"(master)

"That reminds me, master, how did you find our village?"(Alef)

"Now that I think about, it's suspicious, right? But, the truth is that when I was roaming through the forest I heard screams and sounds of a battle, so I decided to take a look and once I arrived to your village, I saw you coated in dark elemental mana swinging your daggers like a maniac against the darkness beast"(master)

"Why didn't you show up at that time?"(Alef)

"Are you kidding!? You went insane at that time, so no thank you. Alright, enough chit chat, start trying to convert the mana."(master)

"Okay, here I go"(Alef)

I coated my hand with mana and then a try to gather the darkness around me into my hand and... nothing happened. I keep trying for around half an hour, but I can't produce any result.

"Are you trying to remember the feeling when you where fighting the darkness beast?"(master)

Oh right, she said that. Suddenly I feel an intense pain in my head.

"What was that for!?"(Alef)

"My dumbass apprentice didn't listen to what I said so, this is the consequence. Now try again"(master)

I do as she says and once more I coat my hand with mana, next I close my eyes and start remembering the feeling I had when fighting the darkness beast. I remembered that, at that time I felt that I was surrounded by nothingness. Then, I try to surround my hand with that nothingness and after a minute of trying, I feel my hand being in some kind of void. I open my eyes and see some black specs in the non-elemental mana that coats my hand.

I lift my gaze to see the reaction of my master but when I saw her expression it surprises me. She was smiling at me, but it was nothing like her previous smiles. This smile was so warm that I feel really comfortable, it was like being embraced by my mother.

"Congratulations! You successfully took the first step towards shadow fighting. Now try to expand those specs to your entire hand. Is something the matter?"(master)

"No, is just that I suddenly felt too comfortable around you, master"(Alef)


Master tilted her head, and she was so confused that you could practically see question marks above her head.

"I'll start expanding the specs of dark mana"(Alef)

I kept expanding the specs of dark mana and managed to transform the specs into dots, but after 3 hours master told me that it was enough training for the day.

While walking home, master suddenly dropped a bomb.

"So, who are you in love with?"(master)