
The dark knight of the twin daggers

In a world where magic and demons are real. Humanity and demons are in an endless war. Our protagonist, Alef will end up entangled in said war by pure coincidence, and he would learn that the world it's not as it seems to be. What will he choose to do? What adventures are waiting for him? Will the past of his father as a knight hinder his adventure or will it help him?

GhastingGhost · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Side story: Like father, like son

<Abraham's POV>

A month ago news that my village was attacked by a beast arrived at the fort where I was training. Immediately after I heard the news, I rushed to my village hoping that my parents were fine.

After a month that seemed like an eternity I finally get sight of my village. I saw that most of the town was being reconstructed. I grimaced at the sight and imagined the worst may come true.

But, when I arrived home, I finally let out a sigh of relief. My home was in perfect conditions, which meant my parents most likely are fine.

I walked to my house and immediately open the door.

"Mom, old man. Are you alright?"(Abraham)

"My beloved son, I'm really happy that you came to visit us"(Alice)

Mom hugged me and started to caress my hair.

"So, the incredible swordsman came to see his old man. I'm really happy. Hahahaha"(Krugger)

He slapped my back while laughing. I can't believe his slaps still hurt even though I'm being beaten up everyday in training.

"I'm glad you're fine. I was worried that something might have happened to you"(Abraham)

"Well, it was a terrible attack but we managed to get through it. But, let's talk about it in the living room"(Krugger)

My old man started to walk towards the living room and I follow suit. Mom went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks and tea.

"What kind of beast attacked the town to cause this much damage?"(Abraham)

"No idea. I didn't saw it, but many say that it wasn't a normal beast and that it was something that came out from netherworld. The only ones who knows for sure what it was are those damned Aetos. Aggh"(Krugger)

When my old man was in the middle of sitting on the coach he started to groan in pain. I hurry over to his side.

"Old man are you alright? Did you get injured during the attack?"(Abraham)

"This isn't that beast's doing, it was the fucking son of Orlando who beat the crap out of me"(Krugger)

When I heard old man's word I became enraged and only thought about teaching that brat a lesson.

"I'm going to teach him a lesson now"(Abraham)

"Wait, you..."(Krugger)

"Hey useless chief wannabe get your ass over here"(unknown woman)

As my old man was about to tell me something, a shout of some bitch interrupted him.

I ran outside the house to see who was the one that dared to insult my old man.

"Who do you think you are to come and insult my old man?"(Abraham)

I roared towards the bitch.

"Oh, so there's another wannabe who thinks that can go against the great Aetos family. How funny"(bitch)

The bitch said while looking at me with disdain.

"So you're a bitch from that assholes."(Abraham)

"How dare a mere peasant call me a bitch. I'm the knight of the next head of Aetos family. I think I should teach you some manners, peasant"(bitch)

When I was about to punch her, my old man stopped me and bowed his head to that bitch. Why would you do something like that, old man?

"Please excuse my disrespectful son Miss Freya"(Krugger)

"Get out of the way Krugger. Your son really needs to learn some manners, how dared he call my beautiful knight a bitch!!!"(Asshole)

I didn't even wait for my old man's answer, I leaped towards the two assholes. But, things didn't go as I intended to. I was beaten to a pulp by the bitch that called herself a knight.

"I'll let you of the hook today because seeing your idiotic son serving as the punching bag of my beautiful knight was really entertaining"(Asshole)

"Thank you sir"(Krugger)

When those two assholes were out of sight my old man finally stopped bowing and carried me inside the house.

"Are you out of your mind son. You can't attack nobles, especially those two monsters. They could kill instantly if they feel like it"(Krugger)

"Old man, they're just a knight family"(Abraham)

"We thought so too dear, but it turned out that they are part of a ducal family and Alef is the heir of the family. You could have lost your head my little A"(Alice)

I paled when I heard that, that asshole is the heir of a ducal house. I could not only got myself killed, I could also provoked the deaths of my parents.


<Master's POV>

"My cute little apprentice how about we go and mess with that asshole a little bit"(master)

"You really hate him, don't you? But I'm in"(Alef)

"I can't hate an ant, but it's like when you dislike something just because. Oh, let's use our new noble pins, it would be more fun that way"(master)

"I was waiting for you to say it. But, let's make a little roleplay to make it more fun. You'll be my henchman and start yelling at him while making a mess in his garden"(Alef)

My cute little apprentice said with a wicked smile. But, I can't believe that he really proposed that I the most beautiful woman act like his henchman.

"You're getting cheeky my cute little apprentice, telling a woman as beautiful as me to be your henchman is just delirious. If we are going to roleplay, you'll act as the noble that's desperately in love with me the beautiful coldhearted woman and that would do anything to please me"(master)

I said while pinching his cheeks as hard as I could to teach him a lesson for calling me a henchman.

"In your dreams master. But how about we play rock, paper, scissors and whoever wins, will decide the roleplay"(Alef)

"Fufufu, bring it on. I'll show you that the universe is sided with the beautiful"(master)

"Rock, paper, scissors"(master, Alef)

How could I lose!? Do the world hate me!? I can't believe I will act as an ugly and lowly henchman.

I was so depressed that I crouched and started to draw circles on the ground with my finger.

"M-master don't be so sad. You won't be a henchman, you'll be the beautiful knight that is tasked to protect the heir of Aetos family. And, who he is secretly in love with for her beauty"(Alef)


I was so happy that my cute little apprentice recognized my beauty that I grabbed his hands without thinking.

"Cough. I mean, I'm glad that you recognize that your beautiful master couldn't be a lowly henchman"(master)

[Author's note: Yeah, she's way too easy if you praise her beauty. And, she was so depressed by the fact of being a henchman that Alef actually felt bad for her]

I walked towards the asshole's house while humming. And after, 5 minutes we arrive to his house.

"Hey useless chief wannabe get your ass over here"(master)

I shouted expecting that the asshole rushed out of his house while trembling but something unexpected happened

"Who do you think you are to come and insult my old man?"(musclehead)

Some musclehead came out of the asshole's house.

"Oh, so there's another wannabe who thinks that can go against the great Aetos family. How funny"(master)

I was really intrigued about this turn of events. But to maintain the act, I glance at him with disdain

"So you're a bitch from that assholes."(musclehead)

"How dare a mere peasant call me a bitch. I'm the knight of the next head of Aetos family. I think I should teach you some manners, peasant"(master)

Fufufufu, it's really funny acting all high and mighty like a petty noble. I think that I provoked him enough for him to try to hit me. Oh fuck, why did the asshole stop him?

"Please excuse my disrespectful son Miss Freya"(asshole)

Oh, so he's asshole junior.

"Get out of the way Krugger. Your son really needs to learn some manners, how dared he call my beautiful knight a bitch!!!"(Alef)

Wow, my cute little apprentice really can act as a petty noble. Good job! And you manage to reach his boiling point, my cute little apprentice.

He launched at me, but I blocked his punch and then I make him my punching bag for a little while. That was a disappointment but at least I managed to let out some pent up stress.

"I'll let you of the hook today because seeing your idiotic son serving as the punching bag of my beautiful knight was really entertaining"(Alef)

After my little apprentice said so, we walked away from the asshole's house and when we were out of sight we started laughing.

"Hahahahahaha, I can't believe we encounter another idiot so full of himself"(Alef)

"Hahahahaha, I know, who would have thought that there was an asshole junior"(master)

"Well, you know what they say. Like father, like son"(Alef)