
the Dark Knight is actually the Prince

Sano_Kaito · Fantasy
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7 Chs

adventure as the black knight

Alex always wear his full black clothing every one in his guild called him the black knight newbie cause he has an imp as a party member they were shoked about alex status cause he has afinity with all the element that only royals has but they can find any royal connection at alex cause they cant even see his face only his green eyes was showing outside his clothing but it change collor depends on element he use but some people was suspecting Alex was actualy prince alex of the water kingdom but they cant prove it cause the only thing they knew about prince alex is he got powerfull afinity with water spirit and not a demon.

okay alissa come here for a second

alex was calling for alissa but she is no where to be found

well maybe its time to remove my black robe and its time to go to shower its my first day bathing alone cause im obligated to be washed by servant back in the castel well time to enter the bath room.

alex open the door to the bathroom and some one suddenly slap him he is shoked cause he cant see cause of the thick some coming from the bath tub

alex you perv you walk in with out knocking whats wrong with you

it was alissa that was in the bath room and he slap alex way too hard

alex nose is bleeding

what a nice view down here

alissa slap alex many more time and alex fainted

you perv im going to beat you up

alex woke up inside the bath room he gets up from the bath tub and walk into the miror.

alissa you idiot why did you wright this on my face you idiot

listen here you perv i demand an explaination why you enter the bath room with out knocking.

you wouldnt answer i was getting kinda board so im going to take a nice relaxing bath and i didnt know that your in there and i demand an explaination about this kiss mark on my forehead did you just take advantage of my unconciousness and steal a kiss.

alisa knew she was caught so she preted to faint but alex knew what she is up to.

you should consider your self to be lucky cause demonese dont kiss a guy they dont have a crush on.

alex was just shocked after the night alex will rake his first quest

what my first mision as a lvl 5 mage swordsman is kill 10 slime how could i lvl up from this maybe il just take a goblin village quest but first things firt relocate to the in thats more cheap than the in we were living.

how about this wooden wagon house its comfortable and it has say free horse its only for 20 silver alex what where ypu thinking

alex is thinking about creating sword and sellimg them but he needs materials

alex and alissa bought the wagon house the horse is super thin thats why everyone call alex's horse the skeleton horse alex and alissa is now became an adventurer.

ok its time to do the slime quest to lvl up