
the Dark Heart

Abandoned project

Gavin_Erickson · Action
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1 Chs

Well... That Didn't Go As Planned

'Well, shit' Jake thought as he laid, bound and gagged in the back of a van.

It jerked, and turned to the right, leaving Jake to slide across the floor. A stray piece of metal that jutted out cut a deep gash down half his back just next to his spine.

'Fuck!' Jake's cringed but couldn't let the pain get the best of him. His mind raced, thinking of any possible way to get out of this situation. Before he could though he scrunched his face in pain as the wound on his back started gushing blood.

As fast as he could, he moved back to the piece of metal, trying his best not to slide and cut himself again. Positioning himself over it, he moved his hands in a way to cut the rope binding his hands and feet. Understandably he was having a bit of trouble, after all, he was hog-tied in the back of a moving van, and was in crippling pain.

'Yes!' Jake exclaimed 'Finally, that rope was tough as balls.' Breaking out of it, he tried his best to make his way toward the van door. But when he opened it, he realized there was a major flaw in his recently devised plan.

'Oh, I'm stupid arent I' he looked out the now open doors of the van. 'Should I just jump? no, id either get run over or straight up just die from the impact.'

He looked out the open door on the back and saw a car a small distance away, gesturing for it to come closer. They did just that, but moments later when they were finally close enough for him to jump onto it, he saw the woman driving pull out a walki-talkie and say something into it. Soon after, the van he was in screeched to a halt.

It skidded a bit before stopping, leaving him just enough time to jump out and run. Whether luckily or not, there weren't that many people around. It was the middle of the night, so most people locked themselves inside their houses.

It had been like that for as long as jake could remember, the nationwide 8 pm curfew was established in 2213 as a part of the "Altered Prevention" bill that was passed about 9 years ago.

The "Altered" it mentions are failed government experiments that were used to try and make powerful beasts for the military to control. But they managed to escape and covered the planet, and some of the others, getting there via teleporter. They managed to multiply in a matter of weeks, almost quadrupling their population.

Millions, perhaps even billions of people died, and the ensuing 10 years were the worst the world had ever seen.

In Jake's case, when he was seven, two years after the outbreak, his family was attacked and he was brutally killed, stabbed through the heart by a shadowy wolfoid figure's claw.

Jake died, his heart stopped beating for about 4 days, and he was left in an alleyway, unprotected and unloved, but somehow unharmed, well of course other than the gaping hole he had in his chest.

About halfway through that fourth day, though, he regained consciousness, his heart only barely beating.

Over time he got better, he even ended up teaching himself some martial arts. Though he was no pro, he was better at fighting than the average person, giving him the ability to defend himself for those past 8 years.

But the government had found out about his impossible cheat of death a couple of years ago, and he has been targeted by them since.

Aaand that brings us back to where Jake is now... which is being shot at... fun times!

Jake stumbled out of the van, delirious from the blood loss. Metal dust was kicked up next to him, followed by a deafening bang. A portion of a nearby metal wall scrunched together as if it was thin sheet metal, while it was actually almost an inch thick, it fell almost crushing him in the process.

"Shit! get him!" the woman that was driving the car earlier said as she dropped the rifle-shaped gun she was holding.

The man driving the van got out, holding a similar gun to the woman, and fired it at Jake.

While jake was running down the alleyway he felt his leg get blown off, gritting his teeth he bore through the pain knowing it was just an illusion.

Those weapons they had were semi-lethal electric guns, they were specifically designed to subdue valuable personnel without a lethal outcome. They don't do any significant physical damage, the way they work is by sending false electrical signals through the skin and into the nerve endings, making the body think it's in pain when it actually isn't. The only downside of the aforementioned e-guns is that they only work once before frying all their circuitry.

Before taking another step, jake had to convince his brain that his leg was still attached even though he wasn't able to feel it.

He managed to get back up and running again, but that split second of delay would soon cost him his life.

The lady had caught up with him now, and this time she had a real gun, one that would kill instead of just subduing him.

"I've been trying to catch you to study for god knows how many years, boy! I guess ill just have to settle with studying your corpse!" she shot him, not just in the arm or leg or anything. She shot him straight through the back of his head.

Just seconds before he died once again, several figures showed up in front of him, grins on their faces. "well take it from here, kid. good luck." a man in a black trench coat said. Jakes's vision went black, leaving him once again in an endless void.

He said one thing as he sat down in the void he was recently forced into "Well... That Didn't Go As Planned"

Tell me your thoughts, don't be too hard on me though, I'm still a beginner

The upload schedule WILL NOT be orderly, at least for a while, I have school and work and almost no time off... Sorry...

Gavin_Ericksoncreators' thoughts