
The Dark Generation

What would you do if your life was shattered by a ruthless crime syndicate? Park Taejoon is a young MMA fighter with a promising future. But everything changes when he witnesses the murder of his father and the coma of his mother by the Rising Suns, the most feared gang in Ansan. Swearing vengeance, he embarks on a dangerous journey to take down the syndicate and unify the country under his rule. Along the way, he will face fierce enemies, unexpected allies, and shocking revelations. Will he achieve his dream of peace, or will he fall prey to the darkness of the gangs? Find out in this thrilling action myestries webnovel

Rissing_Elite · Action
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Chapter 6: Clash of Titans

Chapter 6: Clash of Titans


The air crackled with tension as Juan, the imposing King of Gangdong, stepped into Soloman's headquarters. His gruff voice echoed, "Listen close, Park Solomon. E Industries ain't just after Ansan. They're aiming for the whole damn country, devouring cities like hungry wolves. They want a unified Seoul, either through conquest or forced alliance."

Soloman's eyes narrowed. He had suspected E Industries's ambition, but this confirmed his fears. "What about your gang? Where do you stand?"

Juan snorted. "We ain't puppets, Solomon. We may have our differences, but E Industries' vision ain't ours. We fight for Gangdong, not some corporate empire."

"Then we have a common enemy," Soloman stated, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. "Perhaps a temporary alliance might be beneficial."

Juan considered his words, the weight of the situation heavy on his shoulders. "An alliance with Park Solomon? We'd be the talk of the underworld."

A chuckle escaped Soloman's lips. "And perhaps a force to be reckoned with."


The warehouse floor creaked under the weight of their animosity. Taesuk stripped off his coat, revealing his lean but powerful physique. Years of training in judo, wrestling, aikido, and even sambo flowed through his veins. He could uproot a tree with his bare hands, his grappling techniques honed to perfection.

"Let's see if your fancy suit can withstand real combat," he growled, his voice laced with barely suppressed rage.

Lee Jin remained unfazed, his smile unwavering. "Impressive display of brute force, Mr. Taesuk. But against a weapon master, mere strength isn't enough."

The fight began like a dance of predator and prey. Taesuk lunged, his powerful arms aiming for a takedown. Lee Jin sidestepped with fluid grace, his hockey stick a blur of silver deflecting Taesuk's attempts.

Taesuk pressed his attack, utilizing his grappling expertise to close the distance. He attempted a leg sweep, but Lee Jin anticipated the move, using the momentum to propel himself over Taesuk's head.

A backhand strike from the hockey stick caught Taesuk by surprise, sending him sprawling. He scrambled to his feet, anger fueling his determination. He wouldn't be defeated by some corporate suit with a fancy stick.

He charged again, this time aiming for a clinch, hoping to use his superior strength. But Lee Jin was a master of distance and timing. He used the stick's leverage to keep Taesuk at bay, redirecting his attacks with effortless ease.

Taesuk, frustrated and desperate, made a reckless lunge. Lee Jin saw the opening and delivered a swift strike to Taesuk's pressure point. The pain was instantaneous, paralyzing Taesuk's arm and leaving him vulnerable.

Lee Jin disarmed him with a flick of his wrist, the hockey stick hovering inches from his throat. "Yield, Mr. Taesuk," he said, his voice devoid of malice but firm in its authority. "This doesn't have to end in bloodshed."

Taesuk stared at the gleaming tip of the hockey stick, his chest heaving with ragged breaths. He had never been so thoroughly outmatched. With a grunt of defeat, he slumped to his knees.

Lee Jin lowered the stick, his smile returning. "Wise choice. Now, let's discuss a more civilized way to resolve our differences."

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