
The Dark Generation

What would you do if your life was shattered by a ruthless crime syndicate? Park Taejoon is a young MMA fighter with a promising future. But everything changes when he witnesses the murder of his father and the coma of his mother by the Rising Suns, the most feared gang in Ansan. Swearing vengeance, he embarks on a dangerous journey to take down the syndicate and unify the country under his rule. Along the way, he will face fierce enemies, unexpected allies, and shocking revelations. Will he achieve his dream of peace, or will he fall prey to the darkness of the gangs? Find out in this thrilling action myestries webnovel

Rissing_Elite · Action
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Chapter 33: Bully Committe vs Gen High 6

Part 1: A Desperate Stand

Eunwoo, fueled by a desperate hope, launched himself at Dong-won. He unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, drawing from his remaining reserves of strength. But Dong-won, a seasoned mercenary, countered with practiced ease.

"Pathetic," he sneered, effortlessly blocking and deflecting each attack.

Dong-won, utilizing the Close Quarter Combat (CQC) techniques ingrained in him through years of military training, closed the distance. He grappled with Eunwoo, bringing him to the ground with a series of swift maneuvers.

Eunwoo struggled against Dong-won's superior strength and technique. He landed a few blows, but they were barely a nuisance to the imposing mercenary. With a final, brutal strike, Dong-won subdued Eunwoo, rendering him unconscious.

Part 2: A Triumphant Declaration

A triumphant smile spread across Yoojin's face as he surveyed the scene. Gen High lay in ruin, the students defeated. The remaining Directors, battered but alive, emerged from the building, a sense of accomplishment etched on their features.

"Central Seoul is ours!" Yoojin proclaimed, his voice echoing through the courtyard. "From this day forward, it bows to the will of the Bully Committee!"

Just as he reveled in his perceived victory, a sudden movement caught his eye. A figure emerged from the shadows, an old man in his sixties with a kind smile and a confident stride. It was none other than Principal Takamura, the unassuming leader of Gen High.

Part 3: The Guardian Emerges

Silence descended upon the battlefield. Everyone's gaze was fixed on the unexpected arrival. Yoojin's smile faltered, replaced by a flicker of confusion.

"No one," Principal Takamura declared, his voice surprisingly firm for a man his age, "takes my school."

Yoojin scoffed. "Who do you think you are, old man? Get out of my way before you get hurt."

He turned towards Dong-won, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. "Take care of him. Quickly."

Dong-won, ever obedient, stepped forward, a cruel glint in his eyes. But before he could even reach Principal Takamura, a blur of movement sent him flying through the air.

A gasp of shock rippled through the crowd. Dong-won, the seemingly invincible mercenary, lay sprawled on the ground, groaning in pain.

Part 4: A Masterclass in Aikido

Principal Takamura stood calmly, his demeanor unchanged. In his hand, he held a simple cane, its surface etched with age.

"Didn't your mother teach you some manners?" he said, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Yoojin's eyes widened in disbelief. He had underestimated the old man, a mistake he now deeply regretted. He had heard whispers about Principal Takamura's past, rumors of a hidden martial arts prowess, but he had dismissed them as mere stories.

Dong-won, fueled by a mixture of rage and pain, charged at Principal Takamura once more. This time, he employed his CQC tactics with renewed ferocity, a flurry of punches and kicks aimed at taking down the old man.

But Principal Takamura, a master of Aikido, effortlessly countered each attack. He utilized the opponent's momentum against them, redirecting their force and turning them off balance. With a series of precise movements, he disarmed Dong-won and sent him crashing to the ground once more.

Part 5: The Tide Turns

Seeing their leader defeated, the remaining Directors, fueled by a mixture of fear and desperation, launched a coordinated attack on Principal Takamura. But their efforts were in vain.

With a display of skill that belied his age, Principal Takamura moved through the group like a whirlwind. He used Aikido's throws and joint locks with devastating effect, taking down each Director one by one. The air crackled with the sound of bodies hitting the ground as the tide of the battle shifted once more.

Chapter 33: End