
chapter one the first meeting

Pricilla's Pov:

As the sunlight shone through the thin curtains my eyes slowly opened as the sunlight hit my face softly the ray of the sun slightly warming my face from the cold air that blew against my face slightly my eyes fluttered opened slowly as i looked around the sound of the clock ringing i sat up and rubbed my eyes slightly i yawned as i looked at the window as the sun was rising slowly i got up from my bed i yawned slightly as i got up and limped over to my closet to get ready for my first day of school i looked inside my closet and looked all over and threw some clothes on the bed trying to find clothes for school i sighed under my breath as i looked through it i saw a outfit that i liked so i grabbed it and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower and after i changed into my clothes which was comfy. 

It was an over-sized white sweater that had a number nine patch on it as I wore a pair of shorts underneath. Dried my hair in a damped towel. I looked in the mirror and saw my wet bright white hair glowing slightly. I sighed and grabbed a bottle of hair dye spray and sprayed it on my hair. Good thing it was permitted.

I walked out as I headed towards my room to grab my backpack. As I walked I looked over to see my older brother Chan looking at me. I titled my head slightly as I was confused.

"Pricilla you know you don't need that stuff in your hair" he said softly my eyes looked away.

"Know but you know what happened that day" i said coldly he nodded as he went back to his room brushing his hair back closing the door behind him.

I looked back at my room and grabbed my backpack from the floor. I smiled slightly as I have not been to school in forever. I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me rushing down the hallway making my way to the stairs. I slid down the railing and smiled. I ran to the front door and sat down as I started to put on my shoes that were black and white converse. I saw Chan walk down the stairs as he walked towards me putting his shoes on. I smiled and stood up with my bag on my right arm. As we walked out the front door making our way to school. As we walked down the streets of Seoul the sound of all of the cars driving and the cool breeze hitting my face softly i smiled.

"Remember Pricilla no fighting" he said i nodded.

"ok but what if they start the fight that means i have to protect myself like you said to do before you know "I asked he sighed and smiled.

"That's different but still don't make that an excuse to fight someone," she said seriously as he smiled slightly and nodded as we made it to the bus stop. We stood there as we waited. It was still early but we lived far from the school. As I sat down on the bench I looked at my phone and put in my earbuds while listening to music.

Chan was by his friends i closed my eyes and listened to my music i sighed under my breath as i looked down slightly my eyes opened slightly as i saw the bus coming i stood up and Chan walked with me i grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder as i walked up the small steps of the bus the sound of High-school students talking amongst themselves and the adults were quiet as they did not pay attention to any of the kids. I sat down at an empty seat and closed my eyes as I sat by the window. I felt everyone staring at me. I wonder why? I thought to myself. Opened my eyes as I looked out the window seeing how it was autumn already. The air was cool slightly as the leaves started to fall off the tree branches. The yellow and bright red mixed with oranges covered the ground.

The bus stopped moving and I looked up and saw a group of girls getting on. They were laughing. They must be good friends… I looked away and looked at my phone to see what time it was. It was only 6:45 am. All of a sudden one of the girls sat next to me as she was still talking with her friends. I felt slightly uncomfortable since I could hear their whole conversation and I didn't want to eavesdrop on the conversation. I sighed and grabbed my earbuds and put them in both my ears and turned up the music. 

"Did you hear that we have a new student"

"Ya i heard it's a girl and she is Chan's sister i bet she looks like him"

"maybe we should be friends with her to get close with Chan"

As i heard there conversation i closed my eyes irritated by how they were speaking i sighed and went on my phone to text Chan since i couldn't speak to him since these people were here i put in my password and it unlocked my phone i went in my contacts and went to my messages and started to type.

"Hey Chan i have a problem" 

"What is it?" Chan typed

"These girls right now are talking about you and me"

"What about it?" he typed

"They know we are siblings and i'm a new student and so they are going to use me to get close to you"

"Then just don't be friends with them" he typed

"It won't work they will start begging me to be friends with them and that is so annoying"

"Ok i'll deal with it, how is that?" he typed


As i looked at it and it said read i smiled slightly as i put my phone down i looked out the window until the girl tapped my shoulder slightly i turned my head and looked at her she had sparkles in her eyes and so did the rest i looked at them weird as i was uncomfortable by how they were looking at me why the hell are they even looking at me for? I thought to myself confused. They all squealed as I closed my eyes as my ears hurt. I looked at them weird as I started to hate them. One of them grabbed my hand and my eyes widened as they did so I looked at them and they smiled widely.

"You're the new student aren't you? We saw you texting and do you want to be friends?" She asked as my eyes widened as I glared at her. I saw Chan behind the girl as he looked down at her coldly. I looked up at him indicating how uncomfortable I was. The other girls' eyes widened as they looked at Chan and their eyes started to sparkle more as they squealed like pigs. The girl kept smiling as she was getting irritated by how I was not answering her.

"What do you thin your doing to my sister?" he asked as he tilted his head slightly looking down at them coldly they flinched as the girl still held onto my hand i moved my hand away i looked at her coldly she flinched she rolled her eyes annoyed and started to laugh as she leaned back looking at me my eyes widened slightly as she crossed her legs my eyes began to shake as i clenched my fist tightly. I quickly grabbed her collar and looked down at her, her eyes widened as I leaned close to her face looking at her coldly a dark shadow covered my face as my eyes glowed slightly. Chan grabbed my wrist and shook his head slightly.

I let go of her collar and pushed her to the side and walked away. We stopped in front of the school. I walked down the bus steps as I looked down looking at the steps I looked up as I held onto my bag tightly. My eyes widened as I felt the chilly breeze hit my face softly as my hair blew softly against the wind. My eyes widened as i saw the school was huge i looked up slightly at the large and tall gates that were held open i looked at chan and he smiled slightly at me he walked up and i looked at him walking alongside him as we entered through the gates everything looked to be fancy as a field of flowers covered the school grounds i looked around as it felt as if i entered a whole new world.

As we walked inside the building i looked around there were so many different things to look at a statue stood in the middle of the lobby of the school chan walked towards it and smiled as i looked up at it my eyes softened slightly as i looked at its eyes the eyes were made of crystal blue diamonds that filled the eyes as it lifted a sword. I tilted my head slightly as I looked at it. It was beautiful.

"This is the statue of life and death, the protector of this school supposedly but I don't believe that," Chan said with a smile. I reached out my hand towards the statue but Chan stopped me. He smiled as he pointed at a group of people that glared at me. I pulled my hand back and smiled nervously at them as I looked back at Chan. He rubbed his head slightly. As he chuckled nervously. 

"Maybe don't touch that" he said

"Yep i definitely got that" i laughed as i looked back at the statue

"Oh and one more thing you have dorms so you should pack your things after school. I'll help you with your things and bring them here" he said with a smile.

"Ok" i said and nodded slightly and he nodded back and smiled so this is now going to be where i am living for the time being better get used to it hope my roommate is nice and not rude i smiled as i headed towards my locker leaving Chan i waved at him as he smiled and waved back heading to his class. I sighed as I walked past a door. All of a sudden I heard a thump and I stopped and looked at the door. I reached towards the door and opened it. Revealing a huge library that was nothing but books everywhere I shook my head slightly as I remembered I had class. I closed the door and rushed towards my locker. I sighed under my breath as I opened my locker.

I grabbed my textbooks and pencil case as i put my bag inside the locker i closed it shut and walked away rushing to my first class which was first period math for two hours i walked down the hallways as i made my way to class i looked up at the sign and saw that it was my class i knocked on the door and a faint.

"You can come in," the teacher said. I opened the door and walked in. I looked around at everyone who was looking at me and everyone was really beautiful. I smiled softly at the teacher and he smiled back as I faced towards everyone.

"Class today we have a new student her name is Pricilla and she from today and on she will be in our class treat her with respect" the teacher said in a stern voice i bowed slightly and smiled at them everyone started to whisper amongst themselves as i looked at the teacher and he looked at me indicating for me to speak.

"Hello my name is Pricilla nice to meet you all i hope we can be friends'' i said with a soft voice as i bowed again all of the boys mouth dropped as they stared at me and so did some of the girls i looked around to find a empty seat in the back and there was one by a big window i smiled at the teacher and bowed heading to the seat up in the back. Everyone looked at me as I walked up the steps making my way to the seat. As I made it, I sat down and took out all of my supplies and organized myself.

"Ok everyone open your notebooks, and textbooks to page 68 lesson 3" the teacher said as he clapped both his hands together i opened my book to page 68 and looked at all of the problems everyone groaned as they hated how much work you had to show for the problems my eyes looked at every problem and grabbed my pencil and started to write down everything down in my notebook and textbook highlighting everything that was important.

"Miss pricilla you are supposed to go on without us" he said i looked up as my eyes widened slightly i looked around as some people laughed quietly with their friends i nodded as i smiled slightly looking at the teacher.

"Oh thank you because i already finished all of the problems sir" i said with a smile on my face i titled my head slightly. Everyone's eyes widened as I said that the teacher even had a shocked look on his face. He held out his hand indicating to give him the papers. I stood up from my seat and walked down the steps holding out all of the papers I passed to him and he scanned it thoroughly. He looked up as his eyes widened.

"You got everything correct good job this is the best i have ever seen in my whole career" he said with a smile smile as he looked at the papers once more he passed them back to me and i walked back up the stairs again and everyone's mouths dropped as they saw me go up the stairs i sighed under my breath as i went back to my seat and sat down i leaned back in my chair and i heard the whispers but it was like i could hear more than usual.

"That's not fair sir because she went ahead of us that goes against the rules of this classroom!?" one student yelled clearly the teacher's pet for sure. I rolled my eyes and looked at everyone i could tell who is the bad kids and who are the good kids and who are the popular and who are not i looked around and saw a bunch of girls putting makeup as they stared at a boy with slightly long brown hair that covered his eyes and had golden eyes unique eyes he has. I looked at them as they stared at them , sighing in love with him. I shook my head slightly as I looked at them weirdly disgusted slightly.

"Well she did not know the classroom rules she is new here so i let her go" the teacher said as i snapped back into reality i looked at everyone and i saw the boy look at me coldly my eyes widened slightly was i staring for to long oh sh*t? He looked at me and I looked away clearly uncomfortable. He looked away and i sighed in relief

. The teacher looked at me and I smiled at him and nodded agreeing to the terms of the rules of the class. When he looked away my smile faded. I sighed as I looked down at my papers while listening to the lesson. After a whole hour the first bell rang. Some people got up and left the classroom while some stayed. I leaned back in my seat and smiled as I closed my eyes showing my canine teeth that were pretty sharp. I looked out the window and saw the whole campus.

The flowers were still in bloom as the cold chilly weather filled the air. Was it magic? I heard footsteps up the steps towards me. I turned my head as it was the girls that were staring at the boy in front. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow at them as I looked at them weirdly. It was a girl with dark brown hair and brown pupils. I looked at her as she slammed her fist on the tables, smiling slightly. She glared at me as the rest of her friends joined. I smiled slightly as I leaned back against the window looking at her, her fist clenched tightly. 

"You were staring at carsen I saw you," she coldly said as I tilted my head slightly.

"Remind me who that is," I asked, actually confused. She looked at me and pointed at the boy from earlier and my eyes widened. I looked at them with a weird look and pointed back at him and back at me.

"Hold on hold on him!? Ew bro no heck to the no I do not just like someone when I first see them are you stupid!?" I yelled as I stood up. All of a sudden the girl slapped me. My eyes widened slightly as a red mark showed on my cheek. Chan walked in the room to hangout with me before his next class but he saw me get slapped instead fu**king hell. I brushed my hair back as I rolled my eyes slowly irritated and started to laugh. They all looked confused and everyone that started to form in the classroom stopped and looked at me in shock. And in a Swift movement I grabbed her head and slammed it against the table hard. I leaned down and smiled widely as I looked down at her arms fell limp as blood started to form on my desk.

"Aw sh*t sorry did I make a mess aw maybe you should have been more careful and not slap me" i said smiling i put my feet on her head as her face was covered in blood i smiled and leaned back the teacher came back as everyone eyes widened as some just stared it was as if this happened before I sighed under my breath as blood dripped onto the floor. The teacher sighed and walked. Up to his desk and placed his papers on it. 

"May some tell Miss Pricilla why we don't look fazed by this?" He said looking at all of us with a cold stare one person raised her hand and he nodded at her.

"Because this school is a fighting school and you must get your rank up by fighting other people and right now a girl named Toni is ranked number one so you must survive in this school that's why we are not fazed by this" the student said I leaned back and crossed my arms and legs smiling slightly. Everyone looked at me at how I was not shocked since I could tell that most new students quit this school.

"Why the faces just because I hear about fighting you want me to shiver in fear or something?" I asked as I opened my eyes slightly, my crystal blue eyes glowing slightly. Everyone sighed and found their seats. This is going to be more fun but I promised Chan not to fight so I won't. This one was an exception since she slapped me. I kicked her head and she fell to the floor with a thump. I crossed my legs and placed them on the desk again and grabbed my notebook and started to write the lesson all of it down while listening closely.

After class I stood up and walked over the girl I grabbed all of my things and walked out of the school I saw a bunch of girls talking sh*t about me I rolled my eyes irritated already I ignored them and headed to gym class. I was excited for some reason. I have this urge to kill someone or something. Why is that? I smiled slightly as I went inside the girls locker room.