
The Dark Enchantress

The Enchantress was loved and known by all across the kingdom, but one day everything changed for the worst. Credit to the original artist for the cover picture :) Story and Characters by me!

TheQueenOfIthaca · Fantasy
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Chapter 1

In a time of magic and royalty, there lived a kindhearted enchantress who wasn't as strong as the others, she helped others when she saw possible. One day a villager asked her, "Why are you so kind to everyone?" The enchantress Katrine would answer "My parents would be disappoint in me if I used my powers for evil." She would smile afterwards and continue on her way. This village was watched over by the royal family, the youngest daughter's name was Thalia. Thalia was best friends with Katrine, they had been best friends since they were children. 

Although, one day when the girls were walking through the village they heard the townspeople talking. They decide to listen and heard that the prince from the other village was coming to their village. Prince Damion was from a bigger village but he would go through each village every so often. On one of these visits, he stopped and talked with Katrine and soon every visit that Prince Damion did he would stop and talk to Katrine and soon she started to fall in love with him. Today he was going through each village in the kingdom and invited everyone to his ball where he'd find wife and future queen. The girls decided to get ready for the night getting all dressed up and looking nice. However, little did they know that this party would seal their fates forever.

While Katrine was with her parents and was putting the finishing touches on her outfit, her parents approached her and told her about the fact that they had a bad feeling tonight wouldn't go as she hoped. She ignored their warning, wanting to be by Thalia's side. Night fell and off the two girls went to Damion's castle. Upon arriving, Damion was the one who greeted them, Once noticing Katrine made a joking remark "It's your party, why are you out here?", in response the prince laughed and took her hand taking her inside with Thalia following behind. As the night went on Damion and Katrine danced together, even laughing at each other's jokes. Everyone could see the chemistry between the two. What everyone didn't know is Damion kept looking at other girls there, but Katrine didn't think anything of it since this was his party and he had to stay on the search for his queen. Katrine still wanted to try, hopeless or not. 

Once the two went their separate ways, Katrine just didn't enjoy herself so she decided to find Thalia so they could leave and go home. However, when she walked into a room where everyone avoided, she saw Damion and Thalia kissing each other and just looked at each other with love. Katrine felt her heart shatter as she spoke out before she could stop herself, "How could you do this Thalia?", They heard her and immediately started backtracking trying to explain, Katrine however wouldn't hear their excuses and ran from the castle. She ran and ran, not stopping even when she was in the village. She just ran into the forest behind the village, going deeper and farther. Feeling numb and broken, she decided not to return to a village where everyone was using her for her kindness. She slowed to a walk as she finally stopped the tears falling she found a clearing in the forest and stopped, sitting in the grass, gritting her teeth together. She wanted revenge.....no she NEEDED revenge. She was done showing everyone kindness. 

With all the time she was in the forest, she found a way to get word from the village through the birds that flew in and out, Eventually, they told her that Damion and Thalia were getting married. This enraged Katrine more, they moved on without a care in the world and didn't seem to even worry about her. Katrine got everything ready for the day that was to come. She was determined to show everyone, including her parents who she was sure didn't try to find her, that this is what happened when they turned their back on the one who put their heart and soul into the people who needed her. She changed her appearance looking in the mirror, she changed her hair to black, and wore a red velvet dress, she wielded a staff where her owl familiar stayed. Katrine was no longer filled with heartbreak, she wanted vengeance. She didn't care anymore about anyone, She only took care of the animals around her. Katrine got everything ready for the wedding day, summoning a black horse to get her there. Eventually, the day came and she set off towards the castle.