
The Legendary Black Lion

Deep in the Dark forest two tall silhouettes dressed in a black cloak that covers all of their body, if one looked closer they will find it hard to see how they looked like, they are running with an astonishing speed, that only their shadows could be noticed for a brief moment.

" We are in huge trouble, it been long since it escaped " one of the black-caped men spoked and looked worried

" Huge trouble is not enough to describe the situation we are in now " the other man replied.

" What should we do then, we can't find it up till the moment "

" We don't have a choice we have to keep looking "

"it's not our mistake, isn't it ?? " the man face was still full of worry while asking

" of course it's NOT, how should we know that among the monsters we brought here that stupid black lion is of the legendary type, and not only that it ranked up two levels in a single day, and broke out of the B ranked strong cage "

" I find it strange as well, I have never heard of any creature be it a monster, human or any species except for wood elves that can rank up to two levels fast, some wood elves can do it in only 2 months, but IN A SINGLE DAY, man I find too strange "

"it's not the problem now to figure out how did it ranked up so quickly, I'm afraid that … "

Before finishing his sentence the other man started sweating and his face showed more worry than before he interrupted saying " u mean being discovered and fail the mission… it will be our end, the boss will kill us"

" Yes that's the worst case scenario, I hope we find the legendary black lion soon before the black Lion clan, if not we may be discovered, and fail in our mission" the man increased his pace, and his black-cloaked partner followed quickly after.


In the middle of Glory city; the capital city of the volcano country; stood a black colossal building; the building is named castle black; it's the castle where the dark overlord of the black lion clan lives, king Benroy.

Castle Black stood solely on a cliff. On its background stood an enormous mountain, the tip of the mount can't be seen; it's covered with dark black clouds. Cracks of hot red lava can be seen descending down the mountain, in a race. The country is named after this enormous mountain " the volcano country ". The mount shows the pride and glory of the country, hence the name of the capital city " Glory city ".

Two men entered Castle Black's main hall, in contrast to the hot weather outside the Castle, the Castle is extremely cold, colder than the coldest night of winter. Despite the extreme cold, the two middle-aged men looked unaffected, as soon as they entered the main hall they bend their back in a gesture of complete obedience.

" Rise " a deep voice full of majesty sounded from the deep center of the room.

The voice came from a middle-aged muscular man with long red silk hair to his waist and a black crown made of dark wood on his head. The man looked so young, if one is to know that he lived for hundreds of years one wouldn't believe his eyes. His fair skin and complexion don't reflect his actual real age.

" Overlord, we came to report an urgent matter " one of the men reported

" Speak," said the overlord; king Edward D. Benroy

" our insiders reported abnormal movements in the Adolfus clan " the man replied in a worry

" Your majesty, I think they are up to no good " the other man hurriedly added

" You came to disturb me for such an insignificant matter " after a short moment of silence the king added " take your leave "

" But my Lord, the matter is serious they are trying to take our spot as one of the 13 main vessels serving under Hellebores," The man said in an extremely worried expression

" hhahahhahahhahaaa An insignificant small clan dares to challenge us and take our place, hhhahahahaa " after few minutes of loud laughter, the king suddenly stopped and said in a loud angry voice " leave "

One of the men looked to the other and whispered in a soft voice " please leave and follow his majesty's order, I'll talk to him alone"

The man looked at his friend and his worry depended even more.. after few seconds he bowed to the king and left in fast steps.

" Brother … please listen," the man said with a friendly voice

"Don't call me that .. I'm your overlord" the king replied

"Whatever you say, you are still my younger brother, please reconsider the importance of the matter regarding the Adolfus clan, don't make your emotions and power blinds you"

" You dare judge me " the king shouted in an angry domineering voice. The aura of an immortal transcendent being that can crush anything in its path was unleashed.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaah," said the man with agonizing voice; blood and gore scattered everywhere. If one were to look at the scene like a spectator he will find a man in agony holding a red bloody shoulder with a missing arm.

" That was your punishment, Brinley, now u can leave, big brother," said the king with a sarcastic laughing voice.


In the boundary of the Dark forest - Roseshire garden

Quickly Leo and Lilly tried to distract the Lion with stones, Bo started to run with his wooden crane, like a spear towards the Lion's chest, but as soon as he was near the Lion, a black fast paw punched his face as if he was like a fly, Bo was kicked so hard that he started flying, he came to a still when he hit a huge tree nearby, his face was full of blood, and he looked lifeless.

" Nooooooooooooo "

A scream of a woman as loud as a lighting sound was heard, It was Lilly

At this moment Ari used the little distraction that Bo caused to the Black Lion, he then brought the fingers of his right hand straight together like a sword and attacked the Lion with his strongest fire attack

" The Lion fire sword" Ari shouted, and his right hand that was surrounded by a fire at the moment pierced easily through Lion's chest.

After taking the hit, the black Lion flew quickly in pain; groaning. Soon after Ari closed his eyes and fallen unconscious

Lilly after checking that her brother Bo is doing alright, and his injuries are only superficial .. turned and ran towards Ari. She put both her hands on his chest, a white crystal glow soon surrounded her hand and started to flow from her body towards Ari.

Leo rushed to her and said " don't do it, he doesn't deserve sacrificing your energy for him, you are weak"

" so what ?! Should I leave him to die" Lilly started to pour more pure soul energy into his body

Leo didn't talk anymore, he knows how kind Lilly is, she's the girl with the kindest purest heart in his eyes, that's how he fell in love with her and can do anything for her happiness.

Ari soon opened his eyes, he looked confused and then he pushed the girl in front of him on the ground " what are you doing bitch, are you trying to kill me "

A heavy wind came and a black figure appeared within the gush of wind... An old man with an ancient aura looked at the kids in front of him; behind him were 3 men wearing red suits with golden lion emblem on it. This old man is Butler Henry, the one responsible for Ari; his personal Butler.

" old man Henry, these servants tried to kill me" Ari shouted while pointing his finger towards Lilly , Bo, and Leo.

" Bo .. Lilly !!! both of you, what are doing here " one of the red-clothed men named Barric shouted

" Bo Barric, Lilly Barric both you are guilty of trying to Harm Ari D. Benroy, you don't have any right to speak, both of you will receive a severe punishment for that" old man Henry said casually.

A shock and astonishment were seen on the faces of the trio; Leo, Lilly, and Bo.

Thank you for the support

The release date of the novel is

Saturday - Monday - Wednesday

Its an original English Light novel. so thats already considered a fast rate. maybe later on when the novel reach certain views I can assign an editor. and Aim for much higher release rate.

Talalcreators' thoughts