
The Dark Desire

The lives of a father and his daughters are about to change when the consequences of the father's crimes come knocking. Both father and daughters are subject to inhumane treatment from the Hayes family. Fueled with revenge, Tyler assaults Hazel severally. Matheo becomes a sense of comfort and peace for Hazel. Soon, the Hayes brothers fall helplessly in love with Hazel and each of them will do whatever it takes to win her heart.

Stephanie_Ezike · Urban
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3 Chs

Oh, what a blur!

A young woman walked in. She had dull, light brown hair. It was long and wavy. Her eyes were brown and dreamy. She was tall and confident.She stopped in front of Tyler. "And who are you?" He asked. "I almost thought you knew everything, but I was wrong. I'm Harley, Hazel's sister", she said, with a mischievous smile on her face. Hazel looked at Harley in shock, not knowing if she should hug her or not. "You have a sister?"Hazel nodded and turned to her father, who had turned away in shame. He was the reason his family was in this mess."Did you think that this little stunt you pulled would make me change my mind on anything?" Tyler stared at his gun admirably. "In a few days, if your father doesn't give me my money, I'll kill Hazel and then him and possibly you too.""I know you weren't loved as a kid. Your mom was killed by your father; that's messed up. Although that doesn't give you a reason to ruin our family, It's not our fault you have mommy issues", Hazel said.In less than a second, Tyler raced towards Harley and pushed her against the wall. His hand held her neck so tight that she couldn't breathe."Stop". Tears rolled down Hazel's cheeks. She realized that she was weak and couldn't even protect her family. She knew her mom would be disappointed wherever she was.Tyler reluctantly stepped away from Harley and dragged Hazel out the door."Are you just going to go with him? You're so pathetic, Hazel", Harley yelled.When they got to the exit, Tyler let go of Hazel's hand and made his way back to his car, where Pete was standing, waiting."I'm driving", Tyler said, getting into the car. He tapped on his steering wheel and snapped his seat belt. She knew that he was about to do something crazy.Tyler drove at a very high speed. He didn't care about anything.When they got back to the mansion, Matheo and Lily were sitting in the living room, waiting for them.As soon as Tyler walked in, Matheo went up to him and held him by his shirt. "What did you do?". Hazel went to her room immediately; she wanted to be alone."Take your hands off". "Why would you do that? You're dating Andrea. Mr. Baker won't like the idea, even if it's a pretense. I should've done it instead. I mean, the public won't suspect a thing". Tyler muttered something under his breath."What did you say?" Matheo asked.Lily knew that this wouldn't end well. "Guys, I think we should just forget this; it's not important". "Tyler, what did you say?""Do you ever wonder why Dad put me in charge of the company?"Matheo had no idea what he was driving at. "You're his first son.""No, it's because you are incompetent. You can't get anything done."'Matheo's face became stern, and he took a step back from Tyler."I know Mom's death hurt you and made you become this monster that you are, but it hurt me too, and it hurt Lily too. You're trying to ruin Hazel's life. Her father made a mistake, and we both know that he's going to pay the money back. All these things you're doing aren't necessary. And if you end up killing anyone, there's no going back from that", Matheo buttoned his suit and went upstairs.Lily was disappointed. How could Tyler say that to Matheo? Matheo had a good heart, and that was it. He wasn't weak.Hazel sat on her bed; tears rolled down her cheek. She wondered if her mother was disappointed. She had always been a weak one and there was nothing she could do to change that. Harley was the opposite, she was fearleuss and she didn't care what anyone thought of her.The door creaked open."Hey", Hazel had a little smile on her face. "Hi Hazel. I was going to see you later"."Is there a problem?""No. There's this club tonight; Tyler's going there for some business deal or something. Would you want to go?" "No, I'm good. Even if I wanted to, I don't have a dress", she told him."Lily could borrow you one". Matheo's eyes were filled with excitement. She couldn't say no to him."Fine", she agreed. She wondered what the party would be like.A few hours before leaving, Lily had already dropped off a gown and a pair of heels on Hazel's bed. A black, shiny gown lay on her bed. Hazel picked up the gown and took a critical look at it. It was a strapless, short gown with a deep sweetheart neck.She wore the gown and stood in front of the mirror, accessing her look. She knew she looked beautiful. She let her hair down and began to do a little makeup.Hazel stayed in her room till Matheo knocked on her door. "Hey, we're leaving". Hazel opened the door and walked out of the room.Matheo was grinning. "You look beautiful" Of course, she knew she did. He walked her downstairs into the living room.Tyler stood there, waiting for them. He had worn a black Stuart Hughes suit. His hair was neatly styled.As Hazel walked the stairs, he couldn't stop staring at her. She looked really beautiful."You look stunning", Lily complimented. Lily had worn a short red gown, and her hair was styled into a ponytail."One more thing". Lily opened her purse and took out her makeup sponge. She put some neutralizing concealer on it and used it on Hazel's bruise. "There, now you look perfect"."Thank you", Hazel said. She looked confident on the outside, but deep down, she was nervous—very nervous."Okay, let's get going", Matheo said as he walked to Hazel and took her hand."I'm taking Hazel to the party", Tyler said. "Don't you wanna go with Andrea?" Matheo asked. "The paparazzi and the tabloid photographers will be there". Pete and the other bodyguards were dressed in black suits. Tyler and Hazel took the limo while Matheo and Lily took the white Mercedes Benz.Hazel hated the limo, it reminded her that the public thought that she was dating Tyler. She couldn't date such a cold-hearted human.Inside the limo was spacious. Tyler sat beside Hazel, she could hear him breathe.After the clumsiness on the day she apologized to him, she tried not to talk to him again but, it was inevitable. Tyler took off his cufflinks and adjusted his shirt. He pulled out a bottle of Maculan wine. The limo bar was dimly lit up with purple lights. Tyler picked up a champagne flute and poured some wine into it. "Here", he raised the glass to her. She didn't protest, she was to know how the Maculan wine tasted. The aroma of cedar and dried nuts overwhelmed her. The syrupy flavors of the wine gave way to a bright, lemon, and saline finish that lasted for minutes. This was the best wine she had ever had. Tyler drank straight from the bottle and stopped to watch Hazel down the content of her champagne flute in seconds. Tyler took the champagne flute from her and put it back in the limo bar, alongside the wine. When they arrived at the club, Pete opened the door of the limo. The paparazzi and tabloid photographers were already there. The flash from the camera filled Hazel with a wave of nausea. She couldn't leave the limo. "Come on", Tyler's held out his hand. Why was he being so nice all of a sudden? She wondered what he wanted.Tyler held Hazel's waist as they walked into the club. The club was everything she thought it would be. Tyler stopped in front of an entry where two huge bodyguards stood, it was obviously where Tyler needed to be. Her expression was filled with disgust. "What's wrong? You don't like the place?" Tyler asked. Tyler was so tall, that Hazel looked up, into his eyes and immediately looked away. "No. I was wondering why you didn't tell me about the club yourself"."Oh, right. I knew you wouldn't want to go if I had told you myself". Tyler took a step closer to Hazel and bent over. "Smile, you look confused", he whispered. She watched as his hand went to her face and caressed her cheek. He had a look of admiration on his face. Hazel turned away to hide her flushed cheeks. Why would he touch her like that? and why was she blushing? Her heart skipped a beat when he tucked her hair behind her ear. This wasn't part of the public act, this was real. He caressed her cheeks. Tyler's hand dropped from her face and he looked away, "Andrea?" Without stopping to think, Tyler walked over to where Andrea sat, talking to a guy at the bar. Hazel stood where she was, embarrassed. She had let him touch her face. She almost fell for his tricks. Tyler dragged Andrea into the room where the bodyguards stood in front of them. Coming to the club was a bad idea. Hazel went to the bar and requested wine. Hazel lost count of how many glasses of wine she had.She swayed her hips and danced to the music as she held her glass in the air. Drinking made her forget a lot of things, it made her feel optimistic about everything.She went to the bar again and dropped her glass for a refill. "I'm sorry, I can't give you any more drinks", the bartender said. "Why not?" " I was asked not to". "Okay that is ridiculous. Just give me another drink".The bartender ignored her. "Who told you not to give me any more drinks?", She asked. The bartender pointed at Tyler, who was laughing about something with Andrea."That's impossible, he doesn't care if I drink or die. I mean, he would probably kill me when the weekends". Hazel sat at the bar."Hey Hazel". She turned around. Matheo stood in front of her with a glass of wine. "You brought me a drink", she tried taking the glass out of his hand and almost fell. Matheo caught her, "Jesus, you're drunk. Come on, let's leave". Matheo led her close to the exit. "Wait, I don't want to leave". "I know but, you're drinking, so we have to leave". Outside, the paparazzi had gone. Matheo took her to where where he had parked the Mercedes Benz. "Get in Hazel" "No, I want you to kiss me". Matheo laughed, "What?" Hazel said nothing. She just stared at him. "Are you serious?" Theo asked. "I'll just go ask Tyler to" Matheo dragged her back. "Hazel, you're drunk and probably tired. Let's just go home". At the mansion, Matheo took Hazel to her room. Hazel lay on her bed with a throbbing headache. Matheo sat beside her till she slept off. "Goodnight Hazel", he said and then he kissed her forehead and left the roomAfter a few hours, Hazel went to the kitchen to get an ice pack. Her headache hadn't stopped. Getting drunk was not always a good idea, especially for her. She held the icepack to her head, groaning. She hadn't taken off Lily's gown. She loved it.Outside the mansion, the breeze was cool against her skin. Hazel stopped at the pool and took off her gown. She dived into the pool, wearing her underwear. Swimming made her feel better. Hazel didn't notice when Tyler got into the pool. She saw his legs underwater "Hey", he said.Hazel ignored him and was about to step out of the pool when he pulled her back. "Hazel, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for being an asshole".Was this a joke? He was sorry?Hazel ignored him and took a step further.Tyler pulled her back and this time he pulled her to his chest."Get your hands off me",she said while struggling to get out of his grip.She looked at him. His eyes were filled with passion.Tyler leaned in. Hazel stared at his lips and then his face.He pulled her closer to him.Their lips pressed together. She could taste theirshared breath, feel the thud of their combined heartbeat.Hazel moved back in disbelief. Her lips found it's way back to his. Her lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside. She could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath her nose, his fingers carding through her hair as they breathed each other in. His fingers explored her body. Tyler Hayes kissed Hazel Green? She still couldn't believe that she was living in the moment.