
The Dark Cravings of Alfie

The Dark Cravings of Alfie. Alfie a man in his early childhood days suffered through a condition which he never knew what the cause was, he found out his senses where heightened as he always crave for things sane persons will never ask for, when he turned eighteen the condition grew worst that his parents weren’t aware of what was going on with him, this condition led him to killing the love his life which was his girlfriend Emily, he did this without knowing why. He grew up to find out that his presence around humans was a threat to them, his mum Chloe who knew what was the cause made a trip to New Orleans only to confirm his son who was born out of magic was a beast which is about to kill her husband Louis Crossword, before she could come back to prevent that from happening she found her husband dead. Poor Louis wasn’t aware as his wife kept it a secret from him that his son Alfie was not truly his but that of a demon which will end up killing him. .

John_Victor_9574 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The pattern


"Doctor I thought you left, is anything the problem" Lydia asked as she laid weak in bed only for her to wake up to see someone backing her and it turns out to be a Doctor but she don't know which Doctor it was so she asked again it was 12:45 AM and all nurses have retired to their post;

"Sir you are scaring me, how did you get in here, I thought the door was locked" Lydia uttered but still the Doctor got scared she tried screaming until she remembered her ward is a sound proof Area, no matter how she screamed nobody will hear her voice, she started seeing the doctor cloths getting torn after a while like he was shape shifting into something she don't know, she felt terrified when finally the man turned as a ugly looking beast was looking at her she never knew when the beast bounced on her and started eating her up from where the doctors carried their surgery on, she saw herself loosing energy as she died due to shock.

Emma and her family are having dinner as it have been two months since they lost her elder sister. Lydia who according to Doctors died due to blood poisoning which she believed her sister was killed so she secretly had an agreement with the FBI to help expose the real cause of death of her sister and some other patient in the hospital as it has gotten to their notice that these death are beyond coincidence but it now have a pattern which they are yet to track the pattern to it source so indirectly Emma is working as an undercover agent for the FBI;

"Emma you know me and your dad are not stopping you from chasing your dreams but why Deaton Hospital they are other better hospitals you can get posted to but you chose Deaton the hospital your sister died in" Mrs. Rosetta narrated as she wanted her daughter safe since she is the only child remaining.

"Mum nothing will happen to me before I graduated from college as a certified nurse Deaton have been my dream and now I have the opportunity to actualize that" Emma responded as she have already made up her mind to work there.

Mr. Jonah who saw how sad his wife was contributed;

"Emma I have no intention of stopping you from achieving your dreams, why not look at the angle your mum is coming from, she is trying to protect you from danger who knows what killed your sister in that hospital might come hunting for you" Jonah uttered.

Emma was getting furious over everything as her mum and dad where trying to stop her from achieving her aim in life;

"I think I have lost my appetite, good night mum, good night dad" Emma said this as she left to her room.

The mum saw this and tried following her just to be stopped by her husband;

"Let her be darling she is an adult now she can make her own decision all we need to do for her is pray". Jonah concluded as he continued eating his meal.

Rosetta cried inside as she felt her daughter was getting into danger.

It was 7:00 AM Emma was preparing for her first day at work when she heard a knock on her door;

"Who is that? Come in". Emma responded to the knock, her mum who was the one knocking came in;

"Emma I brought something for you, I have been keeping it safe for you since you turned twelve and decided to be a nurse when you grow up" Rosetta said as she brought a key to her bike she stopped riding ever since the doctor advices;

"Ah mum you don't have to do that, I thought it is yours". Emma responded as her eyes were slowly clouding with tears.

"Yes it was mine and now it yours please don't reject it as it is my little way of showing support for my daughter". She smiled with tears in her eyes as she gave the keys to her daughter. Out of joy that her mum is finally in support with her decision collected the key.

That day she drove to work happy as her dad and mum wave at her as if she was never coming back. She reached the hospital at exactly 8:00 AM, she was wowed with the atheistic of the hospital everything was well organized she kept admiring the hospital until someone approached her;

"Hello miss. What is your mission here?" Olivia asked.

"I am the new nurse" Emma responded happily as she was loving it already.

"Wow so you are the Emma everyone have been talking about the Emma that that rescued a drowning man even before you got certified as a nurse" Olivia said with a smile as she was happy to see her idol, Emma who was surprised about that little stunt she pulled that year is still paving way for her responded;

"Yea it's me" Emma replied.

"Alright come let me take you to your duty post since today is your first day at work permit me to be the one to show you round" Olivia requested.

"Yea sure you can, when I am done with my authentication process" Emma uttered as she followed Olivia to know her duty post.

Olivia and Emma arrived at her duty post when the Mata engaged with her;

"Miss Emma you are welcome these are some few documents for you to sign" Mata gave Emma some documents to sign as she continued talking;

"I know you are not a novice to this field of work but a novice to our operation here if you abide to all protocols you won't have a problem with the management hope you understood all what I just said" Mrs. Mata uttered.

"Yes I do, so what is my duty for today" Emma asked

"Yes that is what I was about saying, today you don't have much to do all you do is watch but first, you have to take this document and give it to Doctor Fred in his office" She said, Emma notice the change in countenance when the Doctors name was mention so she pretend not to notice.

Olivia kept to her promise as she was with her everywhere she went to show her the way;

"So what is it with Doctor Fred?" Emma asked as she was eager to know

"Why do you ask?" Olivia replied.

"I saw your faces, you guys were not happy when Mata mention his name, so tell me who this, Doctor Strange is" Emma asked again.

"Shhh he might hear you, we all frowned because out of all the male doctors we have he is the weirdest he hardly communicate with people, though he is the best surgeon we have in this hospital" Olivia said.

"Oh is that so, then I think I will change that" Emma joked as they both laugh.

When they got to Doctor Fred office they knock before entering, as they entered Emma was wowed at the looks of the Doctor "nobody said he is this handsome she said to herself";

"Sir I came to" Olivia tried saying only to be interrupted by the Doctor.

"Yea I know why you are here so this is the new nurse in Deaton right" Fred asked.

"Yes I am, Emma is my name" Emma replied

"I never asked for your name wonder woman" Fred uttered as he gestured for the documents Emma was holding.

"Oh I forgot I am supposed to give you this" Emma stretched her hands to give him the documents.

"Why won't you forget when you have the plan of changing the way things work" He reacted, as Emma and Olivia almost laughed as they both remembered she said it as they were coming, the most craziest part is, how he heard their conversation Emma kept wondering.

"Hello Emma it have gotten to my notice you have started working at Deaton as planned". Hansel said on the phone.

"So quick I thought I will be giving like two weeks to understand the hospital first before starting the investigation" Emma replied

"Yes you can, but the things is we have a pattern which we need to trace, we have notice this incidents always happen on a full moon day, so I will love you to observe closely" Hansel narrated.

"You didn't tell me about the full moon stuff so what am I to do" Emma was on the phone when he saw Doctor Fred leaving the hospital in his car.

"You are to tell me if you notice any of the workers there looking weird or you have any bad feeling about them especially the security personnels" Hansel concluded.

"Ok for now I haven't notice" Emma replied as someone tapped on her shoulder.

"Your shift is not yet over and you have already started taking a break" Mata said

"Oh sorry madam, it was an emergency" Emma pleaded as she retired back to her duty post.

It was almost 12 noon for Emma to go home but she never wanted to as she want to stay till night time;

"Olivia how can I extend my shift? You know I didn't engage in anything just observing I want to stay till night time so I can do something" Emma uttered though, Olivia saw it as first timer cravings so she laughed.

"Why are you laughing did I say anything funny" Emma asked again.

"No you didn't you made me remember my first day at work, I felt like not going to but look at me I can't even bear a staying for a shift of course you can all you do is sign out your shift and enter another at the help desk" Olivia replied with a smile, Emma not wasting any more time went to do it immediately.

Emma watched Olivia leave as she waved at her "see you tomorrow" Olivia said as she left the hospital premises.

Mata have never respected her shift as she love working overtime, she is still single and still not ready to settle down with any man as she sees all men as been arrogant. Work at the hospital was moving smoothly when a cry came in seeking for medical attention a man have just been shot serveral times, some got his stomach while some his arms and legs, they took him to the ward for immediate medical attention, surgery is to be performed on the man, since Doctor Fred was out of duty, they called another doctor, Emma was present as she was asked to tend to the bruises with the other nurses thereby preparing him for surgery;

"Please hold him down and put on the air condition we are about to carry out the most delicate surgical process ever" Doctor Anderson who was in charge ordered;

"Sir I think we should administer anesthetic to him he might give up before the process is done, he did bleed a lot" Emma suggested as she was scared as she have never seen that much blood before;

"Yea that is right" Anderson concurred as he gave him a dose of it which made the man to sleep of.

Then the process began the doctor slowly and carefully removed the bullets from the man when he was done he stitch him up as he asked all the nurses there to leave which he followed suit after the whole process. Emma went straight to the female rest room to wash up herself coming back she saw Mata the matron discussing with Doctor Anderson about the man condition so she eavesdrop on their conversation;

"The man have seventy percent survival rate and he was lucky no bullet came in contact with any major artery of his body" Anderson explained to Mata.

"So sir what are we to do to keep him alive" Mata asked.

"You are to make sure he is been watched 24hrs, no unnecessary touch or entrance into the ward to prevent his injury from getting infected, that's why I am assigning you to do the job yourself as it is something serious" Anderson concluded.

"Ok sir, noted" Mata responded as the Doctor tapped on her shoulder with a smile and he left, Emma who saw and heard everything came in;

"So madam I will like to help, I am experienced with this kind of Job". Emma uttered, Mata was surprised about Emma who just started today requesting to be added on a watchman list.

"No you can't, but with time you shall as for today you have to sign out your parents will like to see you" Mata said as she motioned to her wrist watch. Emma felt sad as she would have love to stay and watch even though she is working for the FBI she would want to make sure the man survived, so she left.

Doctor Fred was at home feeling disturbed as his package have not been delivered yet;

"Where is my package for three hours I have been waiting and still no sign of it, I thought I paid full for this" Fred said it as he was having his usual urge

"Sir I don't know what happened, my boys got caught in the process and some of them where shot" The unknown caller narrated as he was sounding scared, this made Fred furious.

"So you mean to tell me I won't get my package this night" Fred hung up as he started throwing things in his house to express his anger then his eyes came in contact with the clock it was 10:59Pm already, the pains where slowly setting in, his eyes where turning red, his rage increased, Fred had no option than to go ahead with his secret plan B.

"Hansel I am on my way home" Emma updated Hansel as she drove home on her bike.

"Why? I thought you will stay till next morning" Hansel asked.

"I am sorry I couldn't" Emma apologized.

"You don't have to is just that is full moon and I wanted to make sure the pattern doesn't repeat itself again" Hansel explained in a disappointed tone.

"Don't worry I promise you to help the team fish out the murderer". Emma assured as she was talking, Doctor Fred Drove pass her towards the hospital direction as their eyes locked briefly though at first she didn't know it was him as she was still on call.

Hansel drove close to the hospital as he keep watching the hospital for any suspicious move. At 12:00 AM Mata had a feeling to check up on the patient who was brought few hour hours ago, as some of the nurse were focused on some part of the ward so Mata moved when she reach the patient ward she notice the lights where switch off so she open the door only to find out it wasn't locked "I thought I locked this door" she said to herself when she switched on the light she was dead shocked to see someone she knows looking like a beast so scary that she screamed and her voice wasn't heard.

"Please don't hurt me" Mata pleaded as she painfully watched this blood sucking beast approached her and injected her with something she didn't know, slowly she saw herself feeling a strong pain in her chest as she fell and laid down lifeless on the floor. Hansel who was outside heard screams from one of the nurses as he alight from his car and rush into the hospital only to see his pattern repeating again, Hansel was surprised to see what he saw like he couldn't believe his eyes it was 2:00AM already and he didn't know what to do as he looked round to see if he can find the perpetrator but to no avail, the weird thing is the perpetrator left no proof, two persons laying dead without reason for the death, Hansel notice something about the man injury;

" I am from the FBI please I need you to answer some few questions". Hansel said showing his ID card.

"Ok" Lili was crying as she asked Hansel to go ahead;

" Did the man had a gun shot on this part of the body" Hansel asked.

" I can't remember though Doctor Anderson have his scan reports" Lili replied she watched Mata been covered and transfered to the waiting mortuary.. Hanself request for an autopsy to be carried out on the man who died the request was declined as they asked him to come when the other Doctors are around.

Emma as usual came in the next day with a smile and with hope to see her crush, only to witness a scene she wasn't expecting that soon, Mata who she just spoke with yesterday is among the dead bodies leaving the hospital, She was surprised to see the hospital rowdy like what actually happened, she kept asking.