
The dark assassin

Fair warning there is mature content. This is my first time writing a book so any comments and feedback will be much appreciated but I don't care if you drop the book or hate it or whatever. Also I'm not rereading so however it comes out it comes out. The MC is a OC and a few others will be OC but this is a fanfic so many won't be OC meaning those characters don't belong to me and belong to there respective owners. So please don't sue me. {synopsis}we will be following our MC (John) who was sold and made to become a assassin he was the best well until he died to a true gods mistake. Him being a assassin made a deal with them to make up for their mistakes.thats the deal? Well read and find out;). Worlds I’m thinking about doing. Solo leveling, dxd, Hxh, overlord, marvel, DC, cyberpunk edgerunners, how to train your dragon, Kim possible, darling in the franxx, Ben 10, puss and boots, Big hero 6, (some of my own worlds), and many others The picture is from Pinterest If the owner wants it down I’ll happily do it

Unknown757 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Ch 7 it’s back!

It's been a week since my mother's death.in that week I've just stayed home and had a little chat with my mother's shadow after that chat I decided to let the dead be dead at least concerning my mother.

[flash back]

"I guess this is it" I said to my mother's shadow.

"Aye you well be great my child" she said

As soon as she said that I hugged her. I know it's not mother. But one last hug isn't too much to ask for. I stayed hugging her tightly for a bit till she said.

"It's time " mother said.

"I guess it is. Love you mom." I say

"As do I my boy"she says.

"Sigh* cancel summon"…

"Cancel extraction…. Good bye mom"I say.

the shadow starts to disappear and the last thing I see I my mothers smile.

"Good bye son"she says.

[flash back end]

Now I'm just laying in my bed. Doing absolutely nothing.


I sit up quickly hearing the systems ding something I haven't heard in a long time. And say in my head ' system are you there?'


{yes host how my I help}

I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"What happened to you. And why did you take so long?" I ask curiously and a bit annoyed.

{well the building took a matter of seconds to make but to make simple life and to spread that to a near infinite dimension took time.}

I think for a bit and say to myself makes sense.

" I guess seven years is rather quick for a near infinite dimension" I say to myself and the system.

{correction it took 681,824,016,924,982 years to complete. I automatically adjusted the time difference to help the host.}

I sit there looking dumbfounded for a solid minute. I sure am lucky that the system adjusted it for. Then it hits me all my maids a gone.

"Are all the maids and butler gone" i quickly asked thinking they probably are.

{all of them are fine host would you like to go as see?}

As soon as I hear that I relax damn that was close.I then think of being in my dimension. And bam I'm there.

"Welcome back master" they all say in unison as they kneel.

"Rise" I say and they all obey.

"It's a pleasure to have you back master it has been many years without you here" Sebas Tian says.

" it's good to be back. Tell me everything i missed and when you say all years are you saying that you have been alive all that time???" I ask curiously. While we walk to the mansion in front of me.

"Nothing has changed much and yes my lord we have been alive all those years" Sebas Tian says.

"Ahh and you have some guests waiting for you inside" he says remembering while a maid opens the door for me and everyone else that's following.

" what kind of guests and where are they?" I ask.

" hello my lord, I'm Pestonya Shortcake Wanko the head maid" says Pestonya with a bow.

"Ah yes Pestonya I didn't see you out there." I say with a look saying 'why weren't you with the rest'

"Yes my lord I was attending the guests. Please forgive me for my disrespect I'll gladly take any punishment " Pestonya says while bowing lower then she already is.

"Rise, We shall talk about that later for now who are these guests that are being attended to that you didn't go with the others to greet me" I say. It's quite fun acting like an arrogant young master. But I'm also interested why she didn't come and a bit annoyed.

" they are the queen fairies and with their attendance also fairies. Two for each queen fairy" she says with a good amount of detail.

'Hey system why are their fairies?' I ask because I didn't expect magical creatures to appear in my dimension.

{ they were born while I was making the world tree although your dimension doesn't need one but it's one of the perk for buying the slowest option} the system says.

I then freeze and and ask the system 'explain the slowest option' I say shocked.

{well there was a matter of time before you asked for some life in your dimension so I preset some options for the host. But the cheapest one and the best was the one you bought. Also the other cost trillions up to sextillion SP they just shorten the process time but will have less benefit." The system explains.

I'm a bit shocked but I'm glad I went with that option although I do have a small regret for that if I didn't do it I could have saved mother. Well I guess the past is the past. After all I settled everything with mother and we ended off on a ok note. So I guess no regrets.

" are you ok my lord" asks Pestonya

I then realized I'm still standing still and everyone is looking confused with a hint of worry.

I smile as I see them all worried for me.

" I'm fine I just thought of something also how many fairies are waiting?" I ask

" there are 7 fairy queens and two accompanying them" says Pestonya

"Tell me a bit about them" I say

"As you wish my lord. As I said there are 7 fairy queens. The fire fairy, the earth/nature fairy, the water fairy, the air/wind fairy, the light fairy, the dark fairy, and last the mind fairy. They all came into life about 109,639,793,937 years ago. The queen fairies are about a foot tall each and the rest of their kind are around 6 inches. Each fairy looks like their respective nature/affinity." Pestonya says detailed

"Ok, I understand the water, fair, air, earth fairies but explain the dark, light and the mind ones also do they have any names?" I asked Pestonya.

"No my lord they don't have names they decided to wait till you name them so be prepared if they are a little too excited today. As for they fairs the dark has control of well the dark same as for the light. As for the mind she's a bit special she has access and control over thoughts, memories, dreams and emotions of other people." Pestonya says again very detailed.

" I see.." I say

Then one of the maids opens the door for us and I see all the fairies and pretty much how Pestonya explained them from there size to there looks.

"Come here Pestonya" I say

" Yes my lord?" She comes obediently

"Good girl" I say as I head pat her.i then see her her maid dress start to wiggle on the back. I chuckle seeing this I guess she's wagging her tail she is part dog.

"All of y'all good job.you have waited long enough." I say they were all looking at Pestonya with envy and jealousy and after I said that they all had a proud look.

"But Pestonya you will still be punished and same for you fairies"she looks a bit down and all the fairies look a bit down as well.

'Hey system I own everything in my dimension right?' I ask the system.

{yes host owns everything from the ants to the maids} answers the system

'Ok thanks' I say

"I believe you know why Pestonya" I ask

"Yes my lord" Pestonya says

"And do you know why fairies?" I ask them and they all shake their heads no.

"Thats because none of y'all came to greet me" I say.

"So as for the fairies no names for any of y'all" I say. And they all look dumbfounded at each other and they all start begging for forgiveness and what not.

"No means no"I say. And they all stop knowing if they continue it might be worse.

"Now sense thats all done with is everyone here?" I ask.

"Yes my lord" says Sebas

"Good" I say.

' hey system can I give out void contracts to everyone at once in my dimension at least everyone with intelligence.' I ask the system

{yes host can give It out all at once and everyone with a good amount of intelligence is present in the room and the other fairy kind outside} says system

'How do I activate it for multiple targets' I ask the system in my mind.

{all host has to do is think about it like when he thinks about being in his personal dimension but be careful of what you put in their as contracts are unbreakable and permanent} the system warns

'Ok I want you to always check for any loopholes someone my use against me and if a contract will harm me and let me know ok' I say to the system

{as you wish host}

Then I think of a contract I think of its conditions and it going to everyone.

Then a black paper with gold writing starts to appear as I think if the conditions the words being to appear. I had simple conditions for everyone.

'Serve me with all you have' it was a simple condition that had no time limit or anything like that. and all you have can mean body, mind, and soul I wasn't specific. They will give their everything and i'll have their everything.

Then all the contracts appear in front of everyone. They are all a bit startled.

"These are void contract they are permanent and unbreakable. So only agree if you are 100% sure and for those who don't wanna accept you are free to go" I say while I point to the door.

I had to say it's a contract and what not mostly just that it's a contract because for the contract to be made three conditions must be met. One say it's a contract, two give and take Meaning they give and I take or Vice versa.And three they must do it on their own free will.

"How do we sign" asked the fire fairy

"Again only if you are sure there will be no consequences if you don't agree" I say to make sure.

"I know" says the fiery fairy.

"Ok, if you're sure just think of a needle and then just drop a drop of blood." I say to her but I know everyone heard

"Watch" I say as I think of a needle a black needle with gold highlights comes out of the paper and pokes my finger than a drop falls on the paper.

After a bit they all followed what I did and they all officially serve me now at least in my eyes.' Hey system why didn't I have to do this with the TRUE GOD' I ask.

{that would be because you and the TRUE GOD had no body so instead of blood you both poured your essence into it. Both work the same and both have the same strength …UNBREAKABLE}

'Ok good to know' I say in my mind. I then her giggles?

"What's funny?" I ask the giggling fairies.

"Well we have been saving ourselves fo make a soul bond with master but with this void contract we don't need to and it's much stronger then some soul bond" says the light fairy.

"So what can you do with a soul bond and what does it change with the contract" I ask.

"Well we would be connected to your soul and live there we will be at your call at a moments notice also we would share power and our emotions and location with master but now with the contract its the same but just much stronger" says a giggling wind fairy.

"I see" I say

"Go on and stay in my soul till I call you guys" I say after thinking for a minute I did feel me getting stronger and now I can instinctively use all their powers.

"Ok Sebas what did you guys do on all those years and how are you guys still alive" I ask

" we trained and kept the place clean and ready for your arrival. And for how we are alive will drink this" as he says while giving me a glass that a maid brought on a trey.

I drink it without hesitation and bam I feel different. So I call out status



Lv:15 (693/800)











(AN: how's the status screen? First one I've made so not to sure if this works. Also base status for Viking would be 100 expansion is luck there pretty low for Vikings)

And bam I'm dumbfounded again. This is happening a bit too much.

"How?" Was all I said

" the world tree makes a cup every single 10,000 years it's one of the things we have gathered and as you can imagine we have quite a bit of it" says Sebas

{host can think of it like the one ban got from the seven deadly sins though this one is a bit more powerful}

If I have that as a starting point this is pretty OP and I bet they gathered a shit ton. I say to myself

"I'm guessing from all that training you all are quite powerful" I ask.

" yes we are I'd say 10 times more powerful when we came we trained in the dungeons and many other environments to be able to serve anywhere and at anytime" says Sebas

"Good job I'm sure none will disappoint. And I assume everyone drank it?"I say.

' hey system why is Tuareninya Veyron here?' I ask the system.

{she has the same back story on how she was brought in. But it was when she was still a 'game'} the system says

'Ahh I see thanks' I say

{my pleasure}

" yes my lord everyone has drank it." Says Sebas

"Say Sebas after you found Tuareninya Veyron you started to fall in love with her and i assume you are in love with her at the moment?" I ask him

"* small blush* ahem yes my lord I have fallen in love with Tuareninya …but in no way will she effect how I serve you" says Sebas

"Hmmm and you Tuareninya do you love him?" I ask her. Then she turns bright red

"Y-yes my lord I do love him. And as he said in no way well my love for him effect how I serve the lord" says Tuareninya

"I see. And if I wanted to bed her would that be a problem Sebas" I ask him. He looks a bit shocked but gathers himself quickly.

" she is yours my lord and I am yours as well do as you please" says Sebas obviously avoiding.

"Don't avoid and answer Sebas" I say to him.

"Forgive me my lord… it would bother me but not much as I've said she is yours and so am i" says Sebas

"I see" I say

" and you Tuareninya if I wanted to bed you would that be a problem" I ask her

"N-not really my lord as Sebas said we are yours to do as you please with and it would be an honor if you do decided to bed me my lord"

" I see" I say

"Sebas have you seen her naked or had sex with her?" I ask him

" yes my lord I have had sex with her and seen her naked" Sebas answers

" has anyone else had sex?" I ask the other maids

"No my lord" they all answer in unison

"Okay" I say the. I look at Tuareninya

"Tuareninya" I say

"Yes my lord" she says

"Strip" I say with a smile

"…As you order" she was shocked a bit but then obediently did as asked

"Good girl"I say as I see the now naked Tuareninya. She has nice modest size tits and ass with a nice curvy look to her.

"Come here." I tell her

"Yes my lord" she obediently comes

"You have chosen a good one Sebas" I say while I grope her tits and ass she has nice smooth skin and her tits and ass aren't to stiff but nice and plump to play with.

"Ahh" she starts to moan as i grope her tits and pinch her nipples

"You have gotten quite wet" I say while rubbing my fingers on her pussy.

"Yes my lord ahh" she says while moaning.

" her you go Sebas. She is yours go and have some fun. But no promises I won't fuck her later" I say with a grin and slap her ass indicating to go to Sebas.

"Yes my lord. We are at your service" he says whit a bow.

"The rest of you guys take me to my room" I say to the other maids.

(AN: sorry for the late chap. But what do y'all think of this one. Do leave some comments and review you ungrateful readers. Just joking you guys know I love y'all.

Anyway another long chap 2955 words fucking crazy!! What do you think or my little scene at the end. And check out chapter one I added a few things and I'll add the maids and fairies pics later. If you have any good pics I might just use them so do help me out.

And maybe a mansion pic.

Also go to chapter 1 it has some new info. And I'll put the fairies pics and the maids pics there later. Any name suggestions or pics for some maids and fairies would be helpful.
