
The Dangerously Cute Dungeon Diary

Violet was happy, in love, and had a successful career. She was even hoping to start her own family with her beloved husband. However, all of those dreams are crushed when she comes home to find her husband brutally murdered. Things only get worse as the killer has to clean up their mess and can't just leave Violet as a witness to their crime. Things only get crazier as Violet finds herself reincarnated into another world full of monsters and magic. Only, Violet isn't a powerful adventurer or a talented craftsman. Instead, she finds herself in charge of her own dungeon where she must summon monsters and plan traps to bring the adventurers to their knees. Violet just wants to mourn her lost love and enjoy some peaceful scenery. However, cute slimes and playful pixies aren't usually what one would expect when traversing a dungeon full of traps with death waiting around every corner. Can Violet make peace with her bitter end? Can the cute and seemingly harmless monsters that roam her dungeon protect her? Read on to find out! ---------- This is meant to be a companion story to my "The Dangerously Cute Dungeon" series. However, I plan to write it in such a way that it can also be read by itself. The chapters will be very short at ~500 words each and they will only feature Violet's POV written as a diary entry. Please note that while there will be descriptions of the dungeon, there will be no system prompts. The point is to describe the character's feelings and journey as a dungeon master in another world rather than having LitRPG elements.

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Entry One

Dear Diary,

I don't know where I am or how I got here. My memories feel fuzzy and I'm still getting my bearings. I'm not even sure how I came across this journal, but I think it would be good to record what's happening to me. I'm not sure how I'll stay sane otherwise.

First off, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Violet and I'm twenty-six years old this year. Before today, I worked as a graphic designer for an indie video game company. I had been planning to start a family with my husband, Lee, but... I guess that's out of the question now.

It's all slowly coming back to me now. I think I died. I don't know what that makes this. Some sort of afterlife? Maybe some form of reincarnation? The end of my last? life was rather brutal and it is still hard to think about, even as my memory slowly begins to return to me. However, I can't get the images out of my head.

I came home with good news about how I had received a promotion at work and I was going to be able to work from home, as needed, from now on. Since we wanted to start a family, I figured that would help out with that quite a bit. However, I arrived to... God this is so hard even just to write on paper. My husband was laying on the floor in a pool of blood. I don't know what happened, but the next thing I knew, I was taking my last breath.

When I woke up, I was here. I accidentally tripped and ended up touching a strange orb. It had been dark when I first touched it, but now it's like I'm in a well-lit room. There still don't seem to be any light sources, at least, not that I can see.

I got some sort of weird message that appeared before me like a hologram. It said something about being "bonded" to a dungeon core. Then it asked me to choose a theme and starting monster for the dungeon. I was still struggling with coming to terms to whatever had happened to me then. So, I stupidly complained about wanting a cuter theme and ended up being assigned slimes.

I used to enjoy playing video games and reading manga. It's more than obvious to me now just how badly I messed up. More often than not, slimes tend to be considered the weakest of the weak. I don't know what the monsters are used for yet, but I can't imagine having such a weak monster will benefit me in any way.

Well, I suppose I should get going. I've got to figure something out, I can't just keep sitting here moping, no matter how good that sounds right now.


Want more? Check out the main story called "The Dangerously Cute Dungeon" or there's always the Patreon, which is currently on entry thirty-eight. Check it out!


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