
The Dangerously Cute Dungeon [A Dungeon Core LitRPG]

Violet was happy, in love, and had a successful career. She was even hoping to start her own family with her beloved husband. However, all of those dreams are crushed when she comes home to find her husband brutally murdered. Things only get worse as the killer has to clean up their mess and can't just leave Violet as a witness to their crime. Things only get crazier as Violet finds herself reincarnated into another world full of monsters and magic. Only, Violet isn't a powerful adventurer or a talented craftsman. Instead, she finds herself in charge of her own dungeon where she must summon monsters and plan traps to bring the adventurers to their knees. Violet just wants to mourn her lost love and enjoy some peaceful scenery. However, cute slimes and playful pixies aren't usually what one would expect when traversing a dungeon full of traps with death waiting around every corner. Can Violet make peace with her bitter end? Can the cute and seemingly harmless monsters that roam her dungeon protect her? Read on to find out! ---------- What to Expect: -Cute monsters & scenery -Deadly traps & fun puzzles -A hopeful yet heartbroken female lead -No harems, no new love interests -Minor graphic violence -Minor mental health struggles -Mostly lighthearted w/ darkness around every corner Updates on Fridays Cover by Sleds

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Completing Missions

Violet decided to dismiss the matter of naming her [Monsters], for now. It might be more worthwhile to name a boss monster or even a more intelligent monster that might stand a chance at communicating with her. However, it just seemed like a waste to name a normal monster that would be likely to die so often that it would eventually end up unable to even respawn.

Of course, Violet didn't feel entirely unfeeling towards her poor unnamed kodama. She would do her best to treat all of her [Monsters] with as much love and attention as she could. Violet just didn't see the point in coming up with names for every last summon and contracted monster. It wasn't like she was especially skilled at naming things either.

As a child, Violet had named her favorite stuffed animal, a stuffed puppy, 'puppy'. It was hardly a very original name and Violet had doubts that she would do much better trying to name things now. At least, if it was a monster that could communicate with her, they would be able to decline any names that were too horrendous.

Instead, Violet decided to move on to a different matter entirely. If she could unlock [Critters] by completing [Missions], then it was time for her to finally explore that portion of her menu. She had been avoiding it thus far so that she could avoid overwhelming herself. It was already a lot to adjust to suddenly being a dungeon master of a dungeon in another world. The last thing Violet needed was to become overwhelmed by all the features she had to play around with. From the sounds of it, she'd have all of eternity to figure things out anyway.

"Please show me the missions I currently have available."


Origin: System

Status: Incomplete

Info: Complete first room

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option

Origin: System

Status: Incomplete

Info: Place first trap

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option

Origin: System

Status: Complete

Info: Set up first spawner

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option

Origin: System

Status: Incomplete

Info: Set up first challenge

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option

Origin: System

Status: Incomplete

Info: Complete a boss room

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option

Origin: System

Status: Incomplete

Info: Earn the favor of a patron god or goddess

Reward: Unlock new schematic]

Violet looked over the six missions currently available and was a little surprised to see that she already had one of the options completed. She quickly asked

"How do I collect the reward for this mission?"

[Would you like to receive the reward now?

Yes or No?]

Violet pressed [Yes] and was met with a new prompt.

[Please select one of the following phylum options to be randomly awarded a [Critter] from:


-Chordata - Mammalia


Violet groaned as she read her options. It had been quite a while since she had attended any sort of science class. Her previous job working with computers didn't exactly require her to study ecosystems, so most of these classifications might as well have been her looking at something in a foreign language. Why a system would classify things into their phyla and classes was something Violet certainly wouldn't have been able to figure out, even if she tried.

Violet could hazard a guess as to what some of the options meant. Mollusca likely was referring to mollusks like clams and mussels. Mammalia probably had something to do with mammals like wolves or bears. That just left one last mystery grouping, which made Violet feel uneasy.

"Are there any limitations to what I can receive in these categories?"

[Available [Critters] have been automatically limited to what is appropriate for the current dungeon level as well as to take into account the dungeon master's desire for a 'cute' dungeon.]

So that would eliminate snakes and spiders as an option then. Violet wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing, though. A venomous snake would be able to increase her dungeon's threat level, at least. However, Violet couldn't say that she'd honestly want to live with such creepy crawlies, even for safety's sake.

Violet still wasn't sure what option to go with. The current quests all seemed simple enough that Violet felt it was likely she would get a few chances to get new [Critters] over the next few days. So, she decided that knowledge was the most important. With that in mind, she decided to choose an option she was completely clueless about.

"I'll go with the arthropoda option then."

[Randomizing options...]

[New [Critter] option unlocked!

-Queen Bumblebee (10MP)

Behaves the same as a normal queen bee. Capable of laying eggs and starting a new hive. Incapable of engaging in combat.

-Normal Bumblebee (1MP)

Behaves the same as a normal worker bee. Low chances of male bees being summoned. Very poor combat abilities.]

Violet looked thoughtful at this new information. Obtaining bees wasn't a bad option considering the room she currently had. A wildflower meadow with a single oak tree would be a good home for bees. There wasn't enough mana to summon anything right now, but Violet decided she would have to save some room in the spawner for a queen bee alongside the new slime she was planning to summon the next day.

Violet didn't know much about bees, but she had to assume there was a reason why she'd be allowed to summon both types of bumblebee. Perhaps the male bees were necessary for the queen bee to be able to produce new bees? If nothing else, it was likely that some extra bees would help the queen bee to set up the new bee hive. Violet doubted it would be necessary to set all of the bees to be able to respawn, so the other bees would likely just be a temporary measure.

The strange feeling of crawling across Violet's foot made her freak out, but she soon calmed down as she saw it was just her kodama. It looked up at her and Violet tilted her head wondering what it could need. The only thing she could come up with was that she had yet to give it any orders for the day.

"I've added you to the new spawner. You should be able to go out exploring without worrying. Don't overwork yourself, but feel free to go out and forage for things as often as you want. If any more people come, just hide until they leave. Just because you can revive doesn't mean you need to die more than necessary."

The kodama continued to stare up at Violet and turned its head, causing a small rattling sound. Violet smiled at the small kodama and reassured it

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. You can't engage in combat anyhow. I'll make sure to summon a new slime friend for us tomorrow."

The kodama seemed to understand and soon left. It took quite a while for it to leave the room, but Violet left it to its own devices, reassured now that it wasn't likely to permanently die any time soon.

Taking another look at her available missions, she couldn't help but furrow her brows in confusion.

"How do I complete a room?"

[Would you like to set the theme for this room? This will cost 100DP. You will no longer be able to change the room's theme and all [Items] added to it in the future must match the set theme, but unlocks upgrades for the room.

Yes or No?]

Violet selected the [Yes] option and was met with another notification.

[Is the current theme correct?

Theme: Wildflower Meadow

Yes or No?]

Violet was relieved to see she could confirm the theme was correct before being stuck with a set theme. She easily selected the [Yes] option, eager to see what new options would be available for her to play around with. The cost of 100DP was a bit steep, but it wasn't like Violet had any better ideas than a wildflower meadow for her first room anyhow. It was better to keep things simple and she had already applied several wildflower upgrades to the room anyway. So, it was rather fitting at this point.

After setting the room, Violet was pleased to see that the quest for completing her first room was now marked complete. She quickly accepted the reward, but was immediately surprised when the options were different this time.

[Please select one of the following options to be randomly awarded a [Critter] from:


-Chordata - Amphibia

-Chordata - Other]

Violet looked the options over and once more felt a bit helpless as she found she could only make heads or tails of one of the options. Amphibia looked a lot like amphibians, so that would mean she was likely to get something like a frog or lizard. The first option was completely foreign while the last was just too vague to even hazard a guess about. Deciding to once more try to learn more information for the future, Violet made her choice.

"I'll go with the Chordata - other option this time."

[Randomizing options...]

[New [Critter] option unlocked!

-Koi Fish (2MP)

Behaves the same as a normal koi fish. Colors are randomized. Incapable of engaging in combat. Safe for consumption.]

Violet was a little disappointed to receive a fish since she didn't have any use for it right now. However, it was still good to receive more information and it wasn't like she couldn't ever see herself setting up some sort of fishing pond. She did have access to water as a [Base Resource] now, after all.


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A special thanks to the following Patreon subscribers:

Cute Slimes: Tom P., throwaway493,

Precious Pixies: Andalumeni, Abborre, Mudcrab with a knife, enleed, Shinae, Azgaroth, Bryan W., Gabriel B., That Guy, Noel S., Xalibur, Vetii, J3_Haustkottr, Abraham H., CHoobler, ShadeByTheSea, pandagirl62, Davvy C., edgedancer, Sup3r J4k3, Call0013, Zane, Tomas K., David M., Some BS Deity, BeeRusty, Salix, LifeOfConfusion, jaskjj, angie b., Faler, Devin C., Nathanial F., jebus 145, Uber Pop, Nini, Marshall C., Lemongrass Gogulope, Dyna J., Daniel, Sejer S., Zachary P., Athena A., EMthe4th, Roy K., Roethan, Emma B., Isaac B., Kelly, Nowwho, VoidWorldGaming 1116, Red, BTBurns, KramZe, deus vault, Tiff L., Dustin C., Tiffany B., niko n., Joe, Phantom,

Lovely Beasts: David Z., Doc., ScorpioPerk, Steven B., Dagoon320, Killer king.04,

Patreon Link: patreon.com/AutumnPlunkett


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