
the gost hunter

my name is Andrew and I am a gost hunter/specialist I was about to close my shop when I heard a knock I opened the door and saw a man crying he didn't even have a umbrella the man said: you are Andrew right please help me I let him in I gave him some tea and asked what happened he said his ex wife is trying to get revenge and told me she possessed his oldest son I asked if he had some kind of yokai object but he obviously didn't what I meant then I asked if he had some kind of object that belongs to her he said yes he said her favourite flower pot that her mother gave I asked if could see it he said it broke yesterday then I asked if I could go to his house he said yes when we arrived I saw that he lives in a town called Mary I heard of this town this town has a lot of yokai object sellers [yokai object a object which had or has a yokai in it some yokai objects have a yokai that protects the person it belongs to while others yokai objects have a evil yokai in it that's why the sellers need to be careful of what they sell they also need to be treated properly if not it will cause harm to the owner 9f the object evil yokai objects can turn in to friendly yokai object but a lot of sellers don't do it since it can get dangerous but thay sure do make a lot of money I wish this business was real oops sorry back to the novle/story] the yokai object sellers here treat yokai objects very badly that's why this town is known for having ghosts and evil yokai the man finally introduced himself he said his name is Alex I went inside his house then asked were his ex wife flower pot was Alex: it was here but I didn't bring it here Andrew: I see so it randomly appeared he said he still had the broken pieces of the flower pot he kept it in a box he didn't want the glass to rip the bag I took a look at it then suddenly Alex screamed I asked what happened he said I-I saw her I saw my ex wife in the mirror Andrew: I stood up and said what do you want from your ex husband? then a I saw a lipstick floating it went to the mirror then it started to write this is what it said: I want revenge then I said who do you want to take revenge on? then it started writing again it said josh i ask Alex if he knew who the guy named josh was Alex said: I do he is the one who used to sexuly harass my wife I thought she cheated on me because of that josh is also the one who drugged her and took advantage of her Andrew: I think she is saying to get revenge on josh the reason why she seemed a little mad when she possessed your son is because she was regretting hiding things form you should file a police report Alex: okay I will do that thanks after that I filed a police report and josh got arrested after that Andrew told me about yokai objects sellers etc i know I might sound weird but I thought why not we work together asked if he did want to work with me he said yes