
Bloodmoon 5

It is finally afternoon, Candy and Minnie are still outside. They will soon run out of strenght . for an ordinary human they would die of such pain and hunger. She felt sad for her friends. All that is happening is waking her up, it is now or never, whether she will die a coward or die fighting. Out of nowhere she had finally found the strenght and motivation to think of possible ways to escape. She suddenly stopped when she saw some commotion outside. It was the Mother luna; Arvin's Mother and Luke.

Jisoo wondered what drives them.

"She is my mate!" Luke screamed. The guards finally openned the door to her room.

"What is happening?" Jisoo asked them.

"We had to save you from Arvin before he could do something regretful" Luke said.

Jisoo was shocked. Probably, luke already know about their secret and Arvins mother surely told him. Luke is the kind to always offer help especially inside the pack. How lucky is the one destined for him.

"But he will kill you" She was worried that she will only cause him a big problem.

"Dont worry we planned all this Jisoo, trust us". He replied.

She was teary eyed.

The fresh winds are blowing her hair as they walked outside. Luna the parasite is just staring at them in her terrace sipping her tea with an idiot smirk in her face.

Anyway they left the place.

Jisoo was itching to ask what was on their mind, what was their plan?

Besides of knowing that Arvin won't stop until the bond of mating he will someday be free.

They Reached Jisoo's area of Residence, Several new houses seemed to be his Neighboor. Two elders Welcomed her it was the pack doctor and his wife. Both are the elders of the council. They helped Arvin and his mother to Sustain and survive as his father died. Arvin clearly have big respect to them. With them around; Jisoo felt safe.

In her house she prepared them some coffee.

" the couple are aware of the situation". Annie said.

More and more people learn about them. It makes Jisoo anxious.

" this is the plan Jisoo, Pretend that you will believe luke's Claim, dont worry about candy she knows about it"

"Until when? Did you know that Arvin is planning to kill me when the blood moon appear as sacrifice to his wish, to erase the soulmate bond of the entire theriantrope?"

They where shocked by Jisoo's revelation.

" Arvin has been so deep since Alfonso died, he has been so serious about politics but I never though he would despise love like this". Annie grieved. " If its not because of soulmates, tyrants would be tyrants".

"And that's Alpha wanted to be". Luke added, he stood. "I wanted to do what is right as the Charlie even if it will go against Our Alpha's bond, we will protect you and won't let him kill you as a sacrifice so that the wish may be void" luke was in extreme motivation.

"Yes you can withstood his authority as long as in your heart, the wolf is still loyal to Alpha". Said annie. A white revel indeed.

"By the way how was Minnie and Candy?" Jisoo suddenly remembered them.

"They where healing, but they're okay".

Luke laughed. Jisoo cant distinguish whether it is sad or sarcastic.

"Candy". He paused. " that vulnerable girl, I though she will not endure but, ahh---- she had finally grown up".

Jisoo remembered the flexing and hard execised they've been together since day one and she thinks it woke Candy's stamina and reflexes.

She and Anna gave him a weird look. He knew it and said something more.

" We just broke, she discovered that I am not her mate".

"How could that happen?" Jisoo was puzzled. "Was that even possible?"

Annie interrupted.

"In such cases, Maybe she smelled her mate nearby but she had not seen him yet"

Jisoo wanted to see her friends(Candy and Minnie) her farm and her animals.

"By the way, it is a part of the plan to guard the boundaries Can we cultivate one of your vacant shelter in the middle of the farm near here to be me and my squad's station?"

"Off course why would you still ask?"

"Lol Im not a tresspaser". He said.

"You can still take care of your Farm and crops on the process while we still look for a possible solution" Annie said.

"Thanks annie".

"And we do our best to protect you" luke added.

"Thank you both of you, I never know what to do if its not because of you and my friends". Jisoo mumbled.

" Anyway, Mr and Mrs. Alegre your new neighboors wanted to be a part of your farm business it is better if you meet them early" Annie informed.

Jisoo blushed in hapiness.

"Really, wait wait! Im gonna take a brief get up stay there".

She left them. She was secured for now which maked her slow down. She breathed and get herself ready to fight her fears instead. This is a great oppurtunity and let tomorrow take charge of itself, the God of the Universe will take care of her like he did for the rest of her life. She might find difficulty and lost then retrieve everything still she had make it till today. Present is a gift, that is why it is called present.

" she is really something Mother luna, we thought she'll be an averager forever, a lowrank poor but then she patiently multitasked and tended the packs livestock till she get her share compared to minnnie who only wanted a salary, always wanted some extra income and now we never realize how she grew her equity this big" luke declared.

Annie pinched luke in the face.

"While you boys studied and trained, she grinded restlessly day and night, such mind will make our pack overwealth another packs especially the one nearby which is the riches in all of their commodities, rather the bitch of Arvin, Jisoo is the perfect luna, she will bring changes". She sipped her coffee. "Let us bring them together".Luke agreed.