
Secrets run free

I guess Ted had a reason to say that I should stay at least ten feet away from the door. because that's how far away that the sick ones , or the ones who are as Athen calls them, "Zombies". Can smell a living organism.

I was helping Mrs, Gerda make some lunch.

"So, how long have you been dating Athen?" Golda asked.

"About six months, I'm sure you can see my current state"

Mrs. Gerda looked at me, and she smiled. "I guess you two decided to start a family, Sure picked a helluva time to do it." She patted me on the stomach.

"Me and Carl wanted kids, but he was killed at work. I dunno, I never really liked kids." She caught my eye for a second"I love them really, but I'm not sure how I feel about raising one, but.. I guess this old hen is done for. I guess you were in town when the whole damn town threw me a birthday party. I was turning 52 that day."

I grinned, "To be real. I thought you were in your 40s."

Mrs. Gerda smiled. "I can see why Athen loves you. You're so nice." She said before she walked out of the kitchen, saying she wanted to get somnething from her old house.

I decided to turn on the radio, because somebody had made a homemade radio station, that wasn't military warnings or political bullshit. Politics made me get rid of Abby, I refused to kill another.

It was playing the Izabu's cover of Pain by three Days Grace. Athen said I sang like the woman. I guess maybe it was true, I had a bit of a growl.

I waited, then I heard a little girls voice call from in the living room, just one word.


I grabbed the closest thing to defend my self with, An army knife Ted gave me for a "Welcome to the group" present

I walked into the living room, and I heard banging coming from the basement door. I remembered Ted's warning, but I had heard the rumors about him being a kidnapper, before the mess happened.

I managed to get the basement door open, and I walked down a set of stairs, into a dark rotten basement. There were random human bones around. But I did find a kid, even though it wasn't human. It was infected.. And he or she, or it.. Looked hungry.

"What the-" Was all I had time to say before the infected child jumped at me, screeching like a wild animal. When it jumped at me. It tried to bite me, but it bit into my winter coat. And It tore my sleeve off. I managed to get it off of me, but it was now on a rampage. Until I heard the earsplitting CRACK! of Ted's Taurus Judge revolver.

"What did I tell you?" Ted bellowed as He pointed the gun at me. He was enraged.

"You came in here to do drugs weren't ya?" He pointed to my track marks.

I started tearing up. And I could feel the need to puke come over me..


Athen was behind Ted, and he looked like he had seen something.

"There's a horde.... something lured them here. We need to get out of here. But Quentin had managed to find a working tour bus."