
Running through the rain

I was at a military airlift station in the football field of Raven Brook High community college. I was arguing with a soldier about my girlfriend, Saki. she was pregnant, and I wanted her to be airlifted first. But the soldier was constantly making suggestive looks at Saki. And I decided that I had enough.

"HEY MOTHERFUCKER I TOLD YOU SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND! GET HER OUT OF HERE, OR GET US A DAMN TRUCK TO GET US OUT!" I yelled pulling out my M1911 pistol, and I pointed it at the Soldier's head.

The soldier laughed and he shot Saki in the arm."Now, let us take her, and you might be able to walk to Boston." He laughed.

I growled and I pistol whipped him in the mouth.


And the soldier shot Saki right above where her stomach was swelling. Then I shot the Soldier. And I took his M16 rifle. And I went to check on Saki.

She was in shock, and she had fallen onto the ground..She was sobbing, and I could see that blood was coming out faster and faster.

"Hold on Baby, I'm not gonna let you die." I said fighting back my curses at the Soldiers who were surrounding me. But they weren't alive. They were Walkers.

I shot the walkers.As they shambled towards Saki, they seemed like they wanted her. She was easier prey.

I Picked Saki up and I carried her to the 2022 Jaguar F-Type that My dad had given me for my 21st birthday. I could hear soldiers, not walkers, but living soldiers yelling at me to return to them.

I opened the passenger side door. And I put Saki in the seat. Then I threw a combination bomb. A smoke bomb, a Flashbang, and a Frag Grenade mixed together. I pulled the ripcord, and I tossed it at soldier who was standing by when his friend shot Saki.

I climbed into the driver's side door. And I stomped on the gas pedal. I tore out of there like a bat out of hell.

In the chaos of the Night I was Driving blind. I was Checking my rear view mirrors, and there were cars wrecked in the road. I was trying to sound calm, I literally put on the CD with my chiptune songs that I had made for Saki. She must have passed out from blood loss.

I almost wrecked a few times. Then I heard gun fire, and helicopters over my head. I must've been driving faster than the posted speed limit. (Not like Chief Neilson was keeping an eye on anyone. He was dead, or undead, whatever)

The People in the helicopters had grown tired of chasing my sorry ass. So they started shooting at the car. I stomped on the gas pedal and Oddly my hand slipped and I turned on the local rock station, which oddly still worked. It was playing Pornstar Dancing by My Darkest Days.

I thought I had escaped, then I heard two loud bangs and Pops and I was Swerving all over the road. Not my best Idea, but I stuck my head out the window and yelled.


I yelled before the car fell over headfirst over the highway barrier, I managed to put something under Saki's stomach, something that would cushion the impact. And I held on for dear life. Then we hit the ground.

(30 minutes later.)

I was alive, And so was Saki. I groaned and coughed.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked Saki.

Saki coughed and nodded.

I kicked the car door and it logically came free from the hinges. I looked around, no walkers. Thank god. But Saki would die if She didn't get help. So I had to get her out of the car, so I opened up the passenger side door, and I picked her up, and I handed her my pistol.

"You shoot, I'll drive, try not to shoot any Guests. I don't want anything else to happen."

Saki laughed and she winced for a second. Then I started walking down the empty streets. By empty I mean without any human life, living, dead, walkerized, what have ya.

I walked through the empty streets, I could hear the neighborhood cats mewling and stalking mice and crows through the streets. I could hear the sound of paws scratching against Asphalt. And it was Samantha. A stray Wolf German Shepard hybrid. She was technically Mr Otto's Dog, but Samantha had a mind of her own. So she came into people's homes. (She came into my home once when she was a puppy, My dog was not happy.)

"Hey Sammy. How are you old girl?" I asked opening up my back pocket and I threw Samantha a Vienna Sausage.

Samantha caught the sausage and she ate it. And she rubbed against me. (My mom would joke that Samantha was raised by the mountain lions, because she would act more like a cat than a dog.)

I kept walking, and she followed me. The streets were abandoned. There were some cars parked in the driveway. I passed my family's house. The lights were on, but I heard earlier that my mom and my siblings had gotten to another Evac zone. Maybe they were In Boston or Baltimore. Probably sitting on the beach, watching the waves. or they were settled down in the Aquarium. Scared for themselves, or for me. I couldn't think negatively. I couldn't do that. They wouldn't want me to worry about them.

I could hear the Wheezing groan of a walker. I turned around and I saw my Dad. He was mangled. His arm was dangling from a loose connective tissue. His glasses were broken. And His eyes looked more like a predatory animal than a gentle giant. They betrayed no Humor or kindness Just a look of hate and hunger.

"no..no..no..no..please tell me that this guy is just his evil twin brother." I muttered.

Saki shot the Walker. and she told me to sit her down on the curb. She told me to say my goodbyes.

I did what she said. And I went over to the Walker.

I found his wallet, and It had the Steeler's Logo on it. I held my breath. and I opened it up. And My dad's ID card and drivers license were there.

I screamed, and I yelled at any walker who came near me. They oddly avoided me. And Saki. and Samantha.

I walked over to Saki, and I collapsed on top of her. I sobbed, and some sort of thought washed over me.

"He wouldn't want this. He wouldn't want you to cry."

I picked Saki back up and I started walking again.

I passed by Beatrix's house. She was sitting on her porch, reading a book on basic traps. She saw Saki and she offered something to ease her suffering. not a bullet. But a bottle of painkillers.

"Thanks Ma'am. I saw several old EMT vehicles. Maybe they have bandages and stitches."

Beatrix shook her head.

"That's a no on that front, Mr Peterson has picked those clean. He might be alive. this whole mess happened weeks ago, and the dead might have gotten him." She said in her french accent.

"Okay...if the phones work I'll give you a call. If the old buzzard is still alive." I joked. It was a common joke that Mr. Peterson had a pet Buzzard.

I kept walking down the road. Maybe Mr. Peterson was still alive. I hoped to god he was alive. I could see his house... I started picking up my speed. And I Ran up to the front door. And I pounded on it.

"Mr Peterson, open up, please my girlfriend has been shot...OPEN THE DOOR!" I said before the door opened. And Mr Peterson was behind it. Armed with a crowbar.

"Get in. Keep at least ten feet away from the basement door. Other than that, come in."

I walked in to the house. And there were a few survivors. I saw Mrs Gerda, sharpening a hog splitter. And Quentin was there. Watching Tv. Or an old DVD.

"Is Aaron still here?" I asked.

Mr Peterson was watching outside, as a walker roamed on the lawn. He was saying something to himself. It sounded like he was trying to intimidate the Walker.

"Come on over here Otto... I want you to know I have them, they are far less human than you are. Even in your current state. Come on over here and I'll break your skull just like them. They were whisp-"

"Mr. Peterson, do you have any meds for Saki?" I asked looking out of the window.

Mr. Peterson turned to look at me.

"Keep your head away from the window. They can see you. And Call me Theodore, Or Ted, or just call me Sir. I don't care. And Yes I do have meds for her, sit her down on the couch, I might be able to fix her, but your child, I'm not so positive about."

I nodded as I walked into the living room, and I placed Saki down on the couch.

"Gerda, if Ted does anything weird. Yell for me. I need to fall asleep."

She nodded and I asked Ted if there was a place to sleep around the house.

"This isn't a hotel, find yourself a room in the house. There is no shortage of them here."

I nodded and I walked into a hallway and I found an unoccupied room. And I lay my head down somewhere, and I fell asleep.