
The Daily Life of Spirit Hall Prince

harukazuchi · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

8. Sweeter than Sweets

Xue Li has been sleeping with Ye Lan and Xiao Ke these days. In these 4 days, he always woke up early with a swollen cheek.

Xue Li: "My cheeks were swollen and wet again when I woke up this morning. So, who bit my cheeks? *stare at Xiao Ke*"

Xiao Ke: "It-it must be a mosquito! It's not Xiao Ke lips! *sweating*"

Ye Lan, XIao Yi: "(This dumb girl / foolish sister!!)"

Xue Li: "Hmph! Don't you think that you can deceive this princess again! Xiao Ke, I won't let you come near me again from today!"

Xiao Ke: "No, please don't do that! *crying* Xiao Ke just bit the left cheek! Ye Lan was the one who bit the right cheek three days ago and two days ago. While Xiao Yi was the one who bit the right cheek yesterday!"

Ye Lan, XIao Yi: "*surprised* (This dumb girl / foolish sister, you sold me!!)"

Xue Li: "I see.. *stare at Ye Lan and Xiao Yi*"

Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "*kneel down* Please forgive this foolish servant, Your Highness! Please don't banish us! *crying*"

Xue Li: "*sigh* Fine, don't cry anymore. It's noisy."

Hu Liena: "Good morning, my cute little brother! *happy*"

Xue Li: "Nana-jie, you came early today."

Hu Liena: "Fufu! Your sister didn't have any class today, so she can play with you from morning until night! By the way, it's rare to see you hearing a sad story. *looking at maids*"

Hu Liena, who arrived in the morning, thought that the maids were playing a sad story for Xue LI because they were kneeling down and wiping their tears. But she was surprised when Xiao Ke explained the swelling cheek incident.

Hu Liena: "*irritate* (I thought that they were docile! But I was wrong! They are wolves in sheep's clothing! If the teacher here she would- Wait, teacher is not here today! It means that I can.. Fufu!) Xue-er, let's play a queen game! *smile*"

Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "*alert* (This girl is planning something fishy!)"

Xue Li: "Queen game? *sparkling eyes*"

Hu Liena: "(Fufu! I caught you.. *happy*)"

Hu Liena knew that Xue Li liked a 'Witch Queen' series so she bait him with queen game which was originally known as king game. She even altered the rule as she wanted.

Xue Li heard Hu Liena explain the game rules and become more excited. Ye Lan and Xiao Yi who understand Hu Liena's scheme want to stop Hu Liena but when Xue Li asks them to join, they change their mind.

Hu Liena: "Okay, I already prepared 5 sticks here. The one who pulls out the stick with the queen word will become the queen!"

Xue Li: "I will pull out the stick first!"

Hu Liena: "Sure, you can pull out first! *smile*"

Xue Li and Xiao Ke don't know that Hu Liena, Ye Lan, and Xiao Yi already made a secret agreement. They will pull out the queen stick once before letting Xue Li pull out the queen stick. Hu Liena also put out a little crack on the queen stick to let them recognize it.

After Xue Li pulls out a blank stick, Hu Liena pulls out the queen stick and lets the other pull out the blank stick.

Hu Liena: "Fufu! I am a queen now!"

Xue Li: "*pout* I will pull out the stick first next round!"

Hu Liena: "Sure, my little brother! *smile* Now, I will give Xue-er an order to kiss me!"

Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "(How bold!! As expected from Your Majesty's first disciple!)"

Xiao Ke: "Miss Nana is bold! *surprised*"

Xue Li: "Kiss? What is a kiss? *confuse*"

Hu Liena: "... (Why do I feel very guilty now? It's better to change my order. *guilty*)"

Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "... (Too bright! Your Highness is pure! How could we defile Your Highness! I need to stop this game now! *guilty*)"

Xiao Ke: "Eh, Your Highness still doesn't know about 'kiss'? *proud smile*"

Xue Li: "(Why did I lose to Xiao Ke!) Hmph!"

Xiao Ke: "Fufu! It's okay, because Xiao Ke will explain it! *proud smile* 'Kiss' is a symbol of love between two people! 'Kiss' is also sweeter than any sweets!"

Hu Liena, Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "(This girl is genius when it comes to something like this!)"

Xue Li: "I see! (So, it's sweets!) *happy* Nana-jie, give me your sweet kiss first! (I will ask Ye Lan to buy a mooncake for Nana-jie later) *happy*"

Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "(I see! So Your Highness though that kiss is sweets!)"

Hu Liena: "*surprised* *red face* (I think Xue-er missundertand Xiao Ke's explanation! What do I have to do now?! Is it okay to deceive my 4 years old brother?!)"

Xue Li: "*sad* You don't want to give it first?"

Hu Liena: "(How could I make my little brother sad!)"

Hu Liena kissed Xue Li's cheek with a red face. She felt happy and nervous at the same time because it was her first time kissing someone other than her own family. Her heart was beating fast and she could even hear her own heart beating.

Ye Lan and Xiao Yi could only see Hu Liena's action in surprise while Xiao Ke closed her eyes with her hand.

Xue Li: "Hmm.. What are you doing? *confuse*"

Hu Liena: "It-it's a kiss! *embarrassing*"

Xue Li: "Eh, kiss isn't a sweets? I don't feel something sweet! *disappointed*"

Hu Liena: "(Why do you look disappointed?! That's my first kiss!) Yo-you can taste it with your mouth! You need to feel it with your heart!"

Xue Li: "Hmm.. But I don't feel anything. *confuse*"

Xiao Ke: "Ah, Xiao Ke knows! Your Highness, kiss is a symbol of love! So maybe Your Highness doesn't love Miss Nana!"

Hu Liena: "*stab* Ugh!! (This dumb girl!!)"

Xue Li: "But I love her."

Hu Liena: "*ba-dump* Xue-er!! I love you too! *kiss once again*"

Xue Li: "Hmm.. I see.. So, it's like that. *smile*"

Xue Li can feel something when Hu Liena said she loves him and kisses him. He couldn't describe it well but he felt happy.

Xue Li: "So, I can ask someone to kiss me if they love me. *smile* Ye Lan, Xiao Yi, Xiao Ke, do you love me?"

Ye Lan, Xiao Yi, Xiao Ke: "Of course, we love you, Your Highness!!"

Xue Li: "Good! Then give me your kiss!"

Xue Li, who misunderstands the kiss concept, demands everyone's kiss. In his mind, he need to ask his teacher kiss when she come back. He also need to call the elders to demand their kiss.

Everyone was immersed in their 'sweet dream' after they kissed Xue Li. Unfortunately, they didn't know that Bibi Dong was watching them secretly.

Bibi Dong went to the market to buy some sweets for Xue Li as an apology. After buying some sweets, she came to the garden secretly to surprise her lovely disciple. But when she arrived she saw Hu Liena kiss Xue Li. After that Xue Li also demanded her maids kiss. Bibi Dong was shocked and could only see everything without blinking her eyes.

Bibi Dong: "Xu-xue-er! What are you doing just now?!"

Xue Li: "Teacher! Finally, you came back! *happy* Teacher, you love me, right?! Give me a kiss! *sweet smile*"

Bibi Dong: "*ba-dump* Of course, I love you! *kiss*"

Bibi Dong who heard Xue Li plead and sweet smile kiss Xue Li without thinking. After she kissed him, she realized her action and became embarrassed.

Bibi Dong calms her heart and finally realizes something 'weird' with Xue Li demand. She looks back at Hu Liena and her maids and wakes them up from their 'dream' with a painful 'head-knock'.

Hu Liena and the others saw Bibi Dong's cold face and kneel down quickly. They explain everything to Bibi Dong with fear. Bibi Dong wants to hit them but fortunately Xue Li's action stops her.

Xue Li: "Oh, I forgot to give back a kiss! *smile*"

Xue Li stood up from her chair and asked his teacher to kneel down. Then kiss Bibi Dong without hesitation. After kissing Bibi Dong, Xue Li kisses Hu Liena and the others too. Xue Li also didn't forget to say 'I love you' before kissing them.

Bibi Dong feels very happy like never before. It was her first time to kiss and kiss back someone she loved. She feels that her heart is burst. Bibi Dong forgot everything and put Xue Li in her lap. She even hummed in happiness like a small girl. Bibi Dong looks very beautiful with her smile.

Hu Liena and the others also feel happy like Bibi Dong. Today, the Supreme Pontiff palace is full of love and smiles like always.

Gui Mei: "(How frightening! Yue Guan, please come back and switch to me quickly! I don't want to be near Your Majesty anymore! *tears*)"