
The Daily Life of Sociopath [MOVE]

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kidd17 · LGBT+
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116 Chs

Chapter 30: Happy Ending? (Part 2)

I took a deep breath as I saw myself in the mirror, "now, who will get married?" I know that's a familiar voice. "Rin?" I was looking at my back, and I saw nobody there. I sighed in disappointment. "Sup," I looked at the door and smiled.

"Kev, sup." I'm walking to approach them. "Can you guys waiting at outside?" I asked. I heard her voice, for real. Rin? Is that you? I hear a knocking door. "Wait a minute." I opened the door, and I saw Rin's mother, standing. She was smiling at me.

I kissed her hand and gave her a proper greeting. "So, the rumor is true." I smiled. "Not all of that, true. Mrs. Yuliani." She patted my shoulder. "How many times I told you, don't be too formal with me!" I responded with a smile. "Umm... it's like you want to go somewhere?" She did not answer my question.

"You haven't visited her graveyard?" I shook my head. "I can't because I feel guilty." She responds with a nod. "There is something I need you to have," she gave me a letter. "This, for you." I confused. What is it!? Is it a bill? Or a prank letter?

"This letter was from Rin before she died." I looked at her, "wait, my friend said..." She responds with chuckles. "Why do you trust your friend!? Don't tell me your friend did not tell you to come!?" It's true. "I only know they, that they did not tell me to go. I thoughts it was the doctor's fault. I will sue them if I want to," she slapped my head as a response.

"I want you to read it," I nod, "and... we will move. I want you to take care of Rin's graveyard." I stunned. "Wh-why me?" She's not joking. She did not answer my question, "c-can I ask you a question?" I'm observing the letter.

"I want to know, why were you passing this job to me?" She did not answer, "you should read the letter, kid." I sighed, "right now?" She responds, "next year!" She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Lobak, it's time." I nodded, "you want to come?" She did not answer my questions as she lifted her suitcase. "Don't give up! Rin believes in you, don't disappoint her." Remember, a fruit fall did not far from the tree. I'm like my dad, but we have differences.

"It's been difficult years for us," I shook my head, "it stills like yesterday," I respond with a nod, "so... you will not come back?" She responds with a smile. "I hope you get blessed by her. She can be mad there because you did not visit her." I was laughing while I wiped my tears.

"She adores you, Lobak. You look like her little sis" I did not respond, "I am. Once she asked..." I'm clearing my throat. "She said... we can switch roles for three days, and..." I sighed. "The last day, I..." she rubs my shoulder. "I mess up," She smiled and hugged me.

"It's fine, Lobak, it's fine..." I'm crying loud. "It's not your fault. she's doing it on purpose." I can't stop sobbing, "you about to get married," she wipes my tears. "Please, be my guest. My parents won't come." She sighed.

"Okay," I'm smiling, "Lobak!? Are you- oh, ma'am?" Kevin kissed her hand. "How are you?" I wipe the remaining tears with a tissue. "She becomes her guest, for Rin." I nodded.

"Let me wash my face." I walked rashly to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I splashed the mirror with water and smiled. "You sad?" I questioned myself. I took a deep breath. I know you here, Rin. I will keep my word, I promise.

"Lobak? Are you alright?" Rose? What she's doing here? I thought she was waiting there. I shook my head and opened the door. "Are you okay?" I smiled and nodded. "I'm fine," Rose touched my flower, "it's beautiful. I like it," I respond with a smile. "You want to wear the flower?" She nods, "here," Rose giggling. "You like a rose, Lobak?" She asked.

I respond with a nod, "black rose and orchid," she looks into my eyes. "Let's go, everyone waiting for us," I respond with a smile.







Everyone gathers at the table as I sit on the corner of this hospital cafeteria. My wound opened up, "Lobak?" Call Mrs. Mary, and she sits next to me.

"I heard your family don't want to come," I nodded, "it's fine, ma'am. I get used to it." She did not respond, "I know, I forgot that you are my mother-in-law now." I wipe my tears with my thumb.

"If you wanted to talk about something, you can talk to her. She's your wife now, Lobak. She will support you no matter what," I'm smiling, "I only wanted to say don't hurt her, I heard your ex at this town, she was here?" I shook my head.

"I'm trying to protect your daughter, ma'am. Even I gave her my life." I said. She looks into me and asks, "you look sad. What's wrong?" I give her a letter. "It's from my best friend, and her name is Rin. She's the good person I've ever met. She's the only person who approaches me and asks me. Whenever I was down, sad, or happy, she was there. I feel blessed to have her as my friend." I wipe my tears.

"She was sick, her lungs..." I tried to hold my tears, "she can't attend the gym class, but I can. One day, she introduced me to her mom, and we were close friends." I looked at my Mrs. Mother-In-Law's eyes.

"And her mom told everything, but somehow it's a leak. I did not want this to happen but, one of my friends leaked the classified information. And it wasn't my fault. She's mad at me, and..." She responds with a nod. "And you lost her contact?" I nodded.

"She blocked me until she realized. She told her friend, and she was the one who leaked it. At first, I was mad and blamed her. I cut the contact. When my birthday came, she gave me a present. I thought it was a money clip or something. But it's a black book" I laughed.

"We went to a different school. I'm at Al-Irsyad, and she was schooling nearby her residence. She came to my school to give me the book and said sorry to me, in person" Mrs. Mary patted my shoulder and response.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Lobak," I respond with a nod. "Hey, you said you want to sing for me!" I wiped my tears and responded to her, "okay," I'm clearing my throat.

Rose helps me walk to the stage, thanks to Kenzies and Jack. They help me to arrange this, "so..." I looked at her, "have a seat." Hand clapping echoes in this cafeteria. "We miss you sing, Lobak!" I chuckled, "you guys can't hear it private anymore because I'm hers." I heard Kevin and Jack booing at me. That two men. I will kick their ass later.

I was clearing my throat, and I looked at Rose. "This song is for you, Mrs. Aryanti," I said. I tuned the guitar. "Okay," I took a deep breath. Rin, I hope you watched me.

Some people spend most of their lives

Looking for someone to lean on

I have had dreams once or twice

Always with no one to dream on

My world's just had to find my line of reason

Oh mother, free them

Because life is a ball of twine

To be rolled up and weaved on

So I hold on tight, keep hoping things will turn around

I'm excited now that I finally found a love I can lean on

Finally found the truth to believe on

Finally found this dream I can dream on with you

Now some folks, they'll criticize you!

Because everyone's got a different height they see from

They sympathize, and they compromise, yeah

They look around, and you'll come to find your dream's gone

But I want my life design to be all mine. I need them

All times and seasons

And one thing I know for sure

That'll gold mine and all pure

So I hold on tight, keep hoping things will turn around

I'm excited now that I finally found a love I can lean on

Finally found the truth to believe on

Finally found this dream I can dream on with you

I stopped playing and picked the mic. All the audience include Rose, looked at me confusedly, "I wanted to say something before I continued the song." I'm clearing my throat. "You see in every person that you meet. There's this little piece of God, you know," and I heard the band play.

So I dream on, I'm not dramatizing this,

(Dream on) because everyone's got a different light to lead on

(Dream on), I will handle mine and

(Dream on), try to find me a better way, and it's on

Because life is a mound of clay

To be rolled up and in shape, sometimes things break

But I'm not defined to

So the rest of it's on you

I'm looking at Rose, she responds with a smile.

So I hold on tight, keep hoping things will turn around

I'm excited now that I finally found a love I can lean on

Finally found the truth to believe on

Finally found this dream I can dream on with you (Dream On with You (OST. Empire) - Terrance Howard)

All the audience gave me claps, "thank you," I heard the door open rashly, all of the guests stood up. "Jane? How!?" She pointed a gun at her head, "this is for you," Jane shot herself on her head. Kevin and Jack bring Rose and me to the evacuated point.

"Lobak!?" No, Why? Why would this happen? Why!? "Hey, stay with me," Rose said as she held my hand. Cold sweat dripping from palm, "can you hear me?" I respond with a nod. My head felt dizzy, and I saw Jane's dead body on the floor. Dear God, what happened next?


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