
The Daily Life of Sociopath [MOVE]

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kidd17 · LGBT+
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116 Chs

Chapter 27: The Revenge (Part 2)

I opened my eyes, and I saw Rose hugging me. We still on our clothes last night, "morning," I'm smiling, "thank God it's normal 'morning' words." Rose laughs, We sit, and I looked at the candle, "someone blows the fire," I nodded.

"So, what do you want to eat?" I'm scratching my cheek, "I want to eat pancake," she nods, "We should get going!" She helps me to stands up, but I pull her into my embrace. "Don't need to rush, my favorite employee," she looks at me in the eye. "you have meetings before the weekend," I nodded.

"How much? Can we meeting through Zoom?" She looks at me, "why? We should order a ring!" I nodded. "I forgot, you still have my gun?" She nods, "I keep it for you. I'm Lara Croft now," okay, this is bad.

"Let's we..." I piggyback her, "yeah, let's go we take a bath, Ms. Croft. You should go to the Croft's Mansion," she hugs my neck, "what about you? Will you stay to accompany me, Ms. Hyde," I raised my eyebrow, "how do you know?" She chuckles.

"You bit mature. It's Hyde." Well, she's right, "You haven't answered my question!" I chuckle. "Yeah, because I'm your father's butler and a loyal friend," we get into the bathroom.







I'm wearing my Rolex, and I opened my tie drawer, "hey," I looked at Rose. "I want you to change your dress," she looks at me confusedly, "why?" I walked to my drawer, and I gave her a present, "I bought them for you, Mrs. Gabriela. Please, wear them," she looks at me.

"I want you to dress properly," she grabbed the present, "I don't need you..." I'm smiling "you will like it." I picked Oxford and wear my black socks. "Oh my God!" I looked at her, "it's a..." I'm smiling, "I have a friend at KBS, and he told me where to buy the Hotel Del Luna's outfit," she hugs me.

"Thank you," I'm wearing my glasses, "you ready?" She looks at me, "you can't use your old dress at the Grand Opening party and meeting today. I want to introduce the future, Mrs. Aryanti, to them," she hugs me. "Thank you." I'm smiling.

"What happened next. You have my words, Rose. You have my words. I will protect you till the day I die," she nods. "You should change your clothes," she nods. "I'm waiting for you in the car. We will use my Porche," she nods. "And don't forget to wear this," I gave her Bvlgari brand box. "It's a ring? When you buy it!?" She opens it.

"Honestly, I bought that for my future wife," I put the ring on her right finger. "Don't lose it! I made this ring for you," she looks at me. "Thank you," I'm smiling and nodded. I'm walking outside and walk to the standing mirror.

"You look gorgeous, Lobak. Don't let her down. You deserve her," I looked behind me, "Delinda?" She walks approached me as I'm trying to wearing a tie.

"I want to give you this," I picked the invitation, "what is this!? This is yours, not mine," she shook her head. "I decided to give you this, as my present for your wedding," it's revenge, "it's because I'm not coming to your wedding?" She nods as she laughs.

"You were right, today Angga and I will go back to our home, and thank you to talked to him," I'm smiling, "both of you will become our friends," I nodded. "You still want to tell us to your babies?" She nods, "no matter what happened, don't leave her. She loves you." I sighed. "I will," she hugs me. "Hey, let's we have a double date, sometimes. Yesterday was a mess," she smiles at me, "okay," she took a deep breath.

"You still suck with tie!?" I'm laughing, "I'm not me," she nods, "so, meet you there! Do you have a meeting with all of your investors?" I nodded, "and the night, all the executives there too, you come?" She nods. "See you later," I nodded. She closed the door as Rose gets out of my closet.

"The real closure was done?" I looked at her, "I don't know, but I can feel she accept the fate," she hums, "oh, Lobak, you can wearing a tie!?" I shook my head, "I'm schooling at Al-Irsyad. You know that, right? They using unforms, but never wear a tie." She hums.

"Done!" I'm looking at myself in the mirror, "you look handsome with that suit, you know fashion too?" I nodded. "Yeah, but man fashion. A lot of girls in this world will go crazy if I'm swapping my face with Swap Face App," she punched my head. "I'm not allowing that!" I kissed her lips. "You look beautiful," I'm spraying my perfume, Axe.

"Do I look like Chaeyoung Park?" I shook my head. "No, you don't," she groans. "Let's go! I'm starving," I offer her my arm. "You such as a gentlewoman, Lobak." I sighed. She likes to mock me, but weirdly I never get mad.

"I am," I looked at her neck, "It's neckless that your mom gives it to you?" She nods. "it's a family heritage from my grandmother," I nodded. "So, which cars do you want me to drive?" She looks at me, "Porche," I nodded. I picked my key, and I unlocked the car.

"Hanks," Hanks approach me, "you should come early at 6 PM sharp! I need you." He nods, "thank you," I opened the door for Rose, "ladies first," she smiles at me. I help her get in the car, the dress not too tight, but as a woman who wears a suit? It's another different level.

"Buckle up," I turned on the engine. "You ready?" She nods, "I'm ready" we wearing our masks.







I sit on my chair and clearing my throat, "so, gentleman, I guess you are happy with my achievement to return all of your money," I stand up, "today, I want to renew our contracts, as all of you can see. You can choose to continue investing in this company or leave. You can choose whatever you want," I saw five people walked out of this conference room, and I saw ten people remaining.

"Any questions about the new contract?" I choose Mr. Tanaka, "can you explain to us what do you mean on page 2, point 5?" I opened the contract, I took a deep breath, "if you sign this contract, you agree not to 'disturb' my personal life with business. So, that means we only have a relationship as business partners," Mr. Tanaka and three other people in this room stand up. Huh, one step closer to the truth.

"Any questions?" all of them signing the contract, and now! I should find more investors. "Thank you for your attending today, gentleman. Don't forget to come at 8 PM. I have a private party," I shake all of their hand and taking pictures. "You did a great job, kid! Your father will be proud of you," I'm smiling, "thank you, sir" I'm shaking Mr. Chang's hand.

"Rose came here!" I sighed, "so this is your wife?" I nodded. "she is my fiance," he nods. "We are happy for you. Keep the good work, kid! You deserve that!" he pats my back, and I'm smiling. "8 PM?" I nodded. "8 PM." I looked at Rose as all of them get out of the conference room

"You did it," Rose hugs me tight, "I want an ice cream," I nodded. "Okay. Godiva or Dapur Cokelat?" She looks at me, "Dapur Coklat or Igor's?" She punched my shoulder.

"You 5 centimeters shorter than me, you should drink a medicine," she's right. With that heels, she was tallest than me.