
The Daily Life of Sociopath [MOVE]

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kidd17 · LGBT+
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116 Chs

Chapter 13: Restoring The Company and My Heart (Part 2)

I took a deep breath and stared at Wahyu. I moved Knight to the D-5, and checkmate. "So, no rematch." Wahyu leaned his back.

His arms shivering, sweat dripping from his face. "I'm sorry, Ms. Gabriela. I-I don't have a bad intention of you," he said.

"I understand, Mr. Suratno. You have a kid and a wife, but according to the HR…" he kneels in front me and stared at me with his pleased look. How hard is it? I want to restoring this company and start from the beginning. I want to build this company's reputation into an excellent reputation.

"Please… don't fire me. I heard you forgive people easily."

I took a deep breath and looked at Kwang In. "Can you called Hanks? We've got a situation." I pushed him and opened his drawer. This property is mine with furniture inside this company. "Let's see this camera, shall we?" Suddenly Wahyu snatched the camera from me.

I raised my eyebrow to him. Something was off. "You said that you want to change, Mr. Suratno. Why are you looking so suspicious? She hasn't decided yet!" Kwang In stepped in. We observed him.

"Let him, Kwang In. He didn't want his job anymore." I said as I continued to inspect his drawer.

"Shut up! This is my personal…" his face turned pale while I was holding a 3 CDs.

"Novi Anggraini Putri, Sari Saraswati, Andien Yulianti Hartono… and much more." I opened my agenda book to cross-checking those names one by one.

"Who are they, Mr. Santoso?" Kwang In walked towards him to snatch his camera. I raised my hand to Kwang In and stared at Wahyu.

"You have two options here," I wrote as I speak about what I found in my notepad. "One, you get out the door without telling us who the fuck are those girls, and I will fill a lawsuit at you in charge for sexual assault, blackmailing, and extorsion. Two, you tell us you lose your job, but I don't want to sue you."

I gave the evidence to Kwang In. "I want to sweep this company inside out. Am I broke the law of the privacy?" Kwang In shook his head.

"You have rights to do it because you already have a case," he said with a wide smile on his face.

I should put you in action often, Kwang In. I stand up and walk past Wahyu. He keeps standing like a statue in front of his desk.

9 out of 100 tasks already done today. What time is it? I picked my phone and facepalmed. "Okay, let's we continue the hunt tomorrow." I put my phone inside my pocket and loosen my tie. I should fix my tie problem so it will not embarrass me the next day.

"Lobak? Is that you?" I looked back. "Is really you," she said.

She hugged me tightly, and I can feel her tears on my shoulder. Is… that Delinda? "D-Delinda? You're my…" she nodded.

"It's me. Your Lily. How are you?" She inspects me from head to toe and gasps. "Oh, my God. You…" typical Delinda. High pitch gasped. It's her unique characteristic. "I-I thought it was just a rumor! How…" I pulled her arm to side of the corridor.

All the people who walked past me bow their head and walked rashly. "No, it wasn't." Delinda. My real sunshine, and I regret to make big fights before we broke up. Back in 2014. We had a relationship for at least 4 years. Since we broke up, I never contacted her.

"It's been awhile." She's not much change, except for a ring on her right finger, and pregnant.

I only smiled and nodded. "You already married, I guess?" We walked side by side.


No one dare to talk again. We only keep thinking what we were thinking. "Look…" Delinda shook her head and pushed me slowly.

"We can't befriend. I'm sorry…" she took a deep breath. I know where it goes. "Honestly, I still have a feeling for you, Lobak. I don't want…" I pulled her closer and put my arms around her waist. I let her cry on my shoulder until she can relieve her emotion.

Flashback on

Delinda pulled my arm, then slapped my cheek. "Lobak, who the fuck is that girl?!" I stared into her teary eyes and let go of her hand.

"Lobak, is that your girlfriend??" I looked at the Aoi. Aoi is an acquittance. I'm not answering both of my seniors' question. Delinda and Aoi argue about their both whereabouts and my relation to them. I waited for these two grown-ups female calm down while I'm eating a snack.

I took a deep breath and stared at Delinda. She's my girl, and I loved her. She's my Lily and sunshine. A kind-hearted and smart. Who doesn't like her? She's popular, but someone will more deserve her than me.

"I'm in love with her," both Aoi and Delinda widen their eyes and jaw dropped.

"Let's break up."

Delinda widen her eyes, then stared at me. I ignore her, then pulled Aoi to leave her alone there.

Flashback off

I put a cup of coffee in front of her, then took a deep breath. I let her wearing my jacket because of her pregnancy and a woman. We decide to spend our time at a nearby cafe from our office. "Thanks," she said.

I leaned my back. I can hear a thunder and followed by the heavy rain, and wind blows fast. Gladly her husband will late to pick her up.

"Why?" I looked at her. "After these years. Why you showed up?!" I keep staring at her. "I'm not talking to a wall, right?" I keep staring at her and stay silent.

I lean my back and crossed my leg. "You the one who cheated me, right? Why you should be mad?" She furrowed her brow at my questions. I shook my head and sighed. If you want me to talk, then I talked.

"What the-" she rubbed her face roughly.

"I always waited to spending time with you, but you are more likely to spending time with your husband." Delinda remain silent. "I already give you a clue, Linda, but you ignore it." She sighed after I wiped my tears with my thumb.

"You went to college, right? I-I don't…" I shook my head, then passed her a box.

"What's your position at that company?"

Delinda slapped my face. All eyes on us right now. I took a deep breath and stood up. "I'm not bribing you. It's my gift for your marriage. I hope you and your husband become a happy family, long lasting, and love to each other." I glancing at my surrounding. "You can sell that necklace or tossed it. At least, I already fulfill my promise to you."

I kissed her cheek, then get out to where I parked my car.