
The daily life of Origin Being

Synopsis: A Man from a slightly weird world died, And found himself in the void, Boundary or something like that, as there is nothing there, and roamed in that place for an uncountable amount of time, maintaining his sanity was the only thing he could do, while also thinking about his life. After an uncountable amount of time, a flash of light appeared in front of him, and from that, an Old Man(?) came out, and gave him the choice, as to become strong by going to God Realm or to travel Various World. Of Course, the nearly insane man chooses the Second Option and goes on his journey to become, the STRONGEST, while also finding the truth about his own life, and traveling the infinite realms.

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67 Chs


(Grigori, Underworld)

In the meeting room, most of the executives of Grigori were present there, on the leader seat, was Azazel, and on the seats across the table were, Shemhazai, Baraqiel, Penemue, and Tamiel, while Kokabiel was not there, as even Azazel can't contact him.

Azazel sitting on the head seat looked at Penemue and asked in a dire voice,

"Had we gotten any other report from the spy?"

Penemue shook her head, as they can't contact the Fallen Angel, that Azazel and Kokabiel had sent after Anos, and Baraqiel, looking at them sighed and spoke,

"This was bound to happen, why would you even send someone after them?"

Azazel just looked at Baraqiel with a blank look but his eyes were not and replied,

"Because, he was with Gabriel, which means Heaven could possibly make ties with him, which disrupts the whole peace treaty I have been planning."

Before others could speak, a portal appeared in the room and pressure descended on everyone, they all kneel on the floor without exception, Azazel tried to look up to see the intruder, and he saw three faces, which makes him pale, and his whole body got even more pressured and his face slammed to the ground, seeing that, everyone looked at him worriedly, but they can't even move, so they can't help him.

The three intruders are none other than Anos, Ophis, and Grayfia, the moment they appeared here, Anos cut the connection of the whole Grigori with the outside world, and released his Aura a little.

Anos looked at those kneeling in front of him and waved his hand, all of them slammed into the walls, but the walls don't break, as Anos had reinforced it.

Anos then waved his hand and two thrones appeared and all the metal and other material around the room got attached to it, making it look sinister, and Anos and Ophis sat on the Throne, Anos then put his one foot on his knee and looked at all of the others present there, who was looking at him fearful gaze, Anos seeing that asked, but his voice was like a King,

"So, where is Kokabiel?"

Azazel and others now confirmed that the reason for Anos's coming here and Azazel somewhat gather his courage and asked,

"Greetings Anos-sama, Kokabiel is not here at this moment, what can we do to help you?"

Anos looked at him with amusement in his eyes as he could see all the emotions going in Azazel's eyes, like rage, despair, anger, guilt, and many others, but it doesn't matter to him, He simply looked at him and gave a bright smile and said,

"You see, I found a crow roaming around me today, but I ignored it for a while, but that crow doesn't leave, so what should I do with that crow?"

Seeing his smile, everyone felt chills running down their spine, as Anos eyes said different emotions or it could be called as no emotion, as they held no emotions looking at them like he is looking at dead people, and Azazel, on whom, the gaze was focused, felt dying many times in just seconds before he got back his bearing and asked with a forced smile,

"What do you mean by that, Anos-sama?"

Anos looked deep into Azazel eyes and said,

"Oh! right, that crow was also looking at Ophis with eyes, which shouldn't be appropriate, and now that I think about it, that punishment to the crow was less than he should have."

When they heard that, their entire bodies went cold, as the whole supernatural world knows that, Anos's feelings towards Ophis are way more than a normal couple, as they are always together, there are less than 3 to 4 times when Anos is seen without Ophis, and hearing the fallen angel looking at Ophis like that, they knew that Grigori is going to suffer heavily this time or even meet its end.

Azazel looked at Anos with his eyes pleading and directly kneeled and said,

"Anos-sama, it was my decision to let him follow you guys, Grigori had no part in that, please just give me any type of punishment you want, please let them live."

Everyone else also kneeled, as they knew that, today they either live or die, so they decided to bet everything they had to live, while they felt humiliation, which can't be described in words, but they can't do anything about that.

Anos seeing that just smiled a waved his hand and a portal appeared, and from the portal, a sword appeared, seeing that sword, everyone felt chill run down their spine, as the sword itself screamed that it could cut through everything, literally everything, this sword looked like simple katana, having a black blade, but on its hilt, there is a black dragon, and the dragon's eyes are shinning, and there is the mysterious pattern on the blade, but the most fearful thing is the skull on the backside of the hilt, the skull crystal in color, had dark flames in its eyes and blood-red carvings on the head, looking at which made them lose their mind.

The moment the sword appeared, every being, literally every being in the DxD universe felt death, and the powerful beings looked in the direction of Underworld but hadn't found anything weird, until, Anos, sitting on the throne room waved his hand, and a screen appeared all over the world, and the Supernatural beings were the only one who could see that, and the scene was playing of Anos and others in the Grigori, live, seeing that, every faction looked at it attentively.

Done with his preparations, Anos looked at Azazel and spoke in a calm voice, but the voice felt like it came from the darkest being alive,

"And, why do you think that I care for you, a waste of a leader, and your broken faction, you had the guts to send someone after me, when I hadn't even participated in any of the factions, and even if I did, who gave you the right to send someone after me, I had ignored those around the mansion before, but you had crossed the limit this time."

Azazel didn't speak, as he knew that they are in the wrong but he can't let his own fault become the reason for the destruction of his faction, and hurriedly spoke,

"Anos-sama, I am begging you, you could kill me, but please let others live."

Anos looked at him and smiled and asked,

"And, Why?"

Yes, Why?, why would Anos let them live?, he had no benefit in doing that, and this time his anger had become so much that, he let his true sadistic nature take over him, because of which, he is doing that, or else he would have just killed everyone involved, without the unnecessary drama, and Ophis and Grayfia had no problem with that, and Ophis knew that, Anos had stayed for an uncountable amount of time, in the boundary, alone, so if someone could remain completely sane, then it would be a surprise, and Anos only got a little bit of Insanity, and he had control over that, but his anger let that part took over him.

While, everyone in the world felt fear, just looking at the situation but mostly because of the sword, as they could feel that this sword is capable of completely erasing them, The sword is Anos's last creation, he created after becoming a blacksmith, 'Finality', the sword capable of even annihilating even the void itself, this sword was created, using the best metals and other things he could find, but he can't complete the sword yet, as he had to go to the 'Forge of Creation' to have the things from there, to complete the sword.

Anos had even modified Juddeca, giving her the ability to devour other swords, and he is finishing this sword for Juddeca to devour, after which, she could become strong enough to be refined in his Origin Energy.

In the meeting room, Azazel looked at Anos and greeted his teeth, and asked,

"Then what shall we do, Anos-sama?"

Anos started to laugh a little as he said,

"Don't worry Azazel, I am not going to kill you or anyone."

Hearing that, they don't relax but became even more fearful as there are many things, more fearful than death, Azazel looked at Anos and asked, but his whole body was trembling, with fear,

"What do you mean by that, Anos-sama?"

Azazel can't ask any other thing as he himself was filling too much fear, as Anos's eyes right now are blood red, to which, he felt like an open book, which, he himself hates the most.

Anos hearing his question smiled brightly, and answered in an innocent voice,

"I am just going to take the thing you love the most, whether its emotion, thing or passion, anything, I would take it away from all of you present here, and the decision is on my hand, on what to take."

Everyone's body went cold, as this is indeed worse than death, way worse, as they would lose something, for which they are living till now, Azazel hearing that smiled bitterly and asked,

"Why don't you just kill us then, Anos-sama?"

Grayfia immediately shoot him a glare, and Azazel stood in his position, unable to move, as he even felt the space around him freezing, as he can't even move his eyelid, Anos seeing that shook his head and looked over at everyone kneeling there, his eyes then stopped at Penemue and spoke in his calm voice, which in the ears of everyone on the world, felt like Judgement.


Author's Note-

Have some suggestions on what to take from others, but NO NTR, or Taking girl of any other person, but the rest are fine.


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