
The daily life of monsters

"I'm sure we can all get along. We're not that much different, once you get past the tentacles and flames." Nem, a human cursed with immortality, flees from human society into the forest of the dammed to escape capture. Unfortunately for him, he runs into the 'flacara', a monstrous species which feed exclusively on human flesh. Longing for death, he chases down the tribe of monsters each time he returns to the world of the living, being consumed over and over without reaching his desired result. After hundreds of years, the immortal forgotten by time has managed to brute force his way into learning to communicate with the flacara. Now he has a new goal; bring the humans and the creatures of the forest together for an era of peace and understanding.

ThePinkOtter · Fantasy
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40 Chs

L-1: Diary

*Chapter L-1: Diary*

*76th of Fall, Domni 29*

*Jur Knelmin was found on the edge of the forest of the dammed two days after his disappearance with his clothes stolen, his feet blistered and with blood on the side of his stomach. His motivations for entering the forest currently seem tied to peer pressure, with the subject's parents suspicious that their son was being bullied by other children. As for what occurred in the forest, it's impossible to tell; the child seems to be spouting an impossible story of undead humans living in the forest and monsters living in tree houses, but it is still currently under investigation. Fascinatingly, despite being stripped for his clothing when we discovered him, he was found clutching a diary of remarkably high quality. Approximately the first forty pages are missing, ripped out cleanly by hand, with only the first remaining page having any writing on it. The ink has been confirmed to be blood and the writing is barely legible, almost as if it had been written by a child who had picked up a pencil for the first time.*

Nice to meet you. My name is Mic! I am excited to have a human friend. I am twenty seven years old and I like to play with animals. The rabbit is my favourite, but they don't seem to like me. Lizards seem to like me though, which is nice. Do you like to play with animals? I also like to forage in the woods with my parents and uncle. My uncle teaches me lots of things like how to tie ribbons and make weapons. When enemies come near our camp, I like to use the spears I make to shoo them away. Uncle is really good at making slings and sometimes he uses them to swing around like a monkey. Do you like weapons? Also, what's your favourite color? Mine's pink.

Looking forward to writing to more!

*Jur claims that this diary was given to him, but based on the circumstances, it is thought to simply be a result of some sort of prank. The suspected bullies, however, claim to have no idea about the diary.*

*Either way, the strange incidents around the forest are definitely irregular. I'll be reporting back soon, probably after I cover all of this up. You owe me for this.*

If anyone is curious on what the letters on the auxillary chapters are, they're basically indicators for what type of chapter they are.

There are four types, with three attached to side characters. Anything with an L is skippable, but it's a little bit of world building that I wanted to throw in.

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