

10th Circle Archmage Omega Mane Crown was killed in a war that spanned for ten thousand years against alien invaders. Now he is reborn and reincarnated but not into something you would expect...his soul got embedded in an android body. It is a new world that he/it will live in where magic and technology have flourished and his new vessel is the prototype of the fusion of both. Join Deth in his journey on his brand-new lease on life, will he become an outstanding machine, a "hero" or just a lazy bum? this is a spirity contest entry.

VENATUS · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


The burden of regularly visiting MaxSec (Maximum Security) Prison had become increasingly tedious for Deth Jones, alias Piotr Procter. Despite the significance of his curse, he longed for a more efficient way to ensure the prison's transformation continued. It was time for an upgrade, and Deth knew just what he needed to do.

Sitting in his secluded hideout, Deth began to work on modifying the Inextinguibilis Sui curse. He delved into ancient tomes and grimoires, seeking knowledge of advanced magical practices that would allow him to make the curse contagious.

"Why am I doing this tedious bullshit again!? ...Oh yeah to do the good deed of the day....fucking awesome me, why so brilliant?"

The process was intricate and time-consuming. Deth poured over every detail, ensuring that the curse's infectious nature would function flawlessly. Finally, after weeks of intense research and experimentation, he was ready to test the upgraded spell.

With a deep breath, Deth summoned the magic within him. His hands glowed with a faint blue light as he chanted the incantation, infusing the curse with the power of infection.

In the confines of his hideout, he created a magical construct resembling a prison cell. Imagining an imaginary inmate within, he unleashed the newly enhanced Inextinguibilis Sui curse. To his satisfaction, the construct glowed with a radiant aura, signifying the success of the modification.

The contagious curse was now ready for implementation. Deth's next step was to introduce it into the prison environment, allowing it to spread naturally among the inmates.

"Time to become someone else again, and spread this sucka amongst the animals."

The following day, Deth visited MaxSec under his Piotr Procter guise. Instead of interacting directly with the inmates, he discreetly released the contagious curse into the prison atmosphere. The spell floated like a whisper on the wind, permeating the air.

Unaware of the magical alteration, the inmates went about their daily routines. Little did they know that the curse had found its way into their lives, ready to take root.

Days turned into weeks, and the infectious nature of the curse began to show its effects. New inmates brought into MaxSec soon found themselves inexplicably drawn to the rehabilitative programs within the prison. The once defiant and aggressive newcomers now willingly participated in activities aimed at self-improvement and growth.



Deth observed these developments from a distance, his heart filled with a sense of pride. The transformation within MaxSec was now self-sustaining, and the contagious curse ensured that new arrivals embraced the path of redemption.

News of the prison's miraculous changes still continue to spread like wildfire.

Media outlets and internet forums speculated about the cause behind the newfound positivity. Some attributed it to the innovative leadership of the prison staff, while others believed it was due to a revolutionary rehabilitation program.

"Wow. My good deed is still trending after all this time!"

Deth couldn't help but smile at the world's reactions. The truth behind the transformation remained his well-kept secret, and he was content to let it be.

As weeks turned into months, MaxSec became a symbol of hope and redemption. The success of the prison's rehabilitative programs sparked discussions in political circles, with some advocating for similar reforms in other correctional facilities.

"My baby is still top-notch when it comes to spreading!"

Amidst the fame surrounding MaxSec, Deth continued to monitor the situation from afar. The contagious curse had proven its effectiveness, and he was pleased to see the inmates embracing a path of self-improvement.

However, he couldn't let his guard down just yet. Deth knew that there were those who would seek to exploit the power of the curse for their own malevolent purposes. He remained vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on any suspicious activities.

"What in the--!? Who the hell calls me at my moment of contemplation and self indulgence!?"

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Deth received a mysterious message on his encrypted MagiCrystral smartphone. It was a warning from an anonymous sender, alerting him to the presence of a group of individuals who had discovered the source of MaxSec's transformation.

These individuals, known for their malevolence and greed, had sinister plans in mind. They sought to steal the power of the contagious curse and use it for their own twisted desires.


Deth realized that his actions had inadvertently attracted the attention of those with malicious intent. He knew he had to act swiftly to protect the integrity of the curse.

Under the cover of darkness, Deth infiltrated the group's hideout. He moved silently, using his stealth and mastery of magic to evade detection. His eyes glowed with determination as he prepared to confront the malevolent thieves.

"Oh you gonna get it you fucking fatherfucking asshats of a pimple!"

Within the dimly lit room, the group gathered around a mysterious artifact, believed to hold the secret to MaxSec's transformation. Little did they know that Deth was already among them, his presence cloaked by a powerful illusion.

As they prepared to unleash their wicked plans, Deth revealed himself in his Piotr Procter disguise, standing tall and unyielding. "I suggest you rethink your actions," he warned, his voice tinged with an air of authority.

Startled and taken aback, the thieves hesitated for a moment. Deth, assuming his Piotr Procter persona, and they knew they were facing a force beyond their comprehension....an unknown variable in their evil web of calculations.

With a swift flick of his wrist, Deth conjured a dazzling display of magic. His aura intensified, filling the room with an ethereal glow. The thieves could feel the immense power emanating from him, and fear began to creep into their hearts.

"I won't allow you to taint the curse for your selfish desires," Deth declared. "MaxSec's transformation is a testament to the power of redemption, not a tool for evil."

One by one, the thieves fell to their knees, overwhelmed by the weight of their malevolence. They begged for mercy, realizing that they were no match for Deth's might.

In a moment of compassion, Deth spared them from the full extent of his wrath. Instead, he used his curse magic to find themselves an unknown place where they will die of thirst and starvation, while in the illusion that they had been spared and was "lucky to be alive".

"I feel so merciful when I do this *smh its not like me to be like this...."

As the thieves left the hideout, chastened and remorseful, Deth knew that he had successfully protected the contagious curse from falling into the wrong hands. His vigilance and determination had once again proven crucial in maintaining the delicate balance of power.

From that day on, the secret of the contagious curse remained secure.

MaxSec continued to thrive as a place of hope and redemption, and the world marveled at the miraculous transformation.

The average reporter of some online news paper website or something "Piotr Procter", had used his powers in shaping the lives of those within the prison walls. His magic, a tool of destruction, had become an agent of change, a force for good in the world....but is actually still be able to used as a tool for destruction but he chose not to.

Deth Jones, renowned Steel Ranked adventurer, found himself once again tasked with a mission from the Adventurer Guild. This time, he was to conduct a crash course in combat and fighting techniques for a group of Copper-Ranked adventurers.

The objective was clear: these newcomers needed to learn the standard skills expected of any aspiring adventurer.

In a spacious training ground provided by the Adventurer Guild, Deth stood before the eager recruits. His piercing gaze surveyed the group, assessing their potential and determination. He knew that the next three months would be challenging, but it was his duty to ensure they were adequately prepared for the dangers that lay ahead.

"Listen up, newbies!" Deth's voice rang out, firm and commanding. "You've joined the Adventurer Guild to embark on thrilling quests and face formidable foes. But without the proper combat and fighting techniques, you're no better than helpless sheep awaiting the slaughter."

He could sense some trepidation among the recruits, but that was to be expected. Deth knew that being a little tough was necessary to impart the skills they needed to survive in the adventurous world.

"Today, we begin with the basics. You must learn how to wield your weapons efficiently and with precision," Deth continued, demonstrating the proper stance and grip for each weapon type. "Your life will depend on your ability to strike true, so don't take this lightly."

As the training progressed, Deth pushed the recruits to their limits. He was relentless in his instruction, knowing that their lives could depend on their mastery of these techniques. Each mistake earned a swift correction, and each success was met with praise and encouragement.

"You get no mercy from me and I pity the clown who thinks so!"

The training sessions were intense and physically demanding. Deth made them run countless drills, spar with each other, and face various simulated combat scenarios. He observed their progress carefully, identifying areas where they needed improvement and providing individual guidance.

Days turned into weeks, and the recruits began to show significant improvement. Their movements became more fluid, their strikes more precise, and their confidence grew. But Deth knew there was still much work to be done.

"Well, well, well what do we have 'ere...."

In the midst of training, Deth noticed one particular recruit who struggled to keep up. A young woman named Elara, her determination was evident, but her movements lacked finesse. Deth saw potential in her and decided to dedicate extra time to her training.

After the day's session had ended, Deth approached Elara. "You've got the will, but you're holding back," he said, his tone firm yet encouraging. "Don't be afraid to unleash your true strength. Show me what you're capable of."

Elara nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. With renewed vigor, she threw herself into training, embracing the techniques taught by Deth. With each passing day, her skills improved, and she began to hold her own against her fellow recruits.

"Yes. My little slaves, turn yourselves into weapons of mass destruction for your Daddy Ahjuicy."

As the weeks turned into months, the group's transformation was evident. They had evolved from uncertain novices to confident and competent adventurers. Deth felt a sense of pride knowing he had played a part in their growth.

On the final day of the three-month crash course, the recruits gathered before Deth for their graduation ceremony. The Adventurer Guild representatives and other high-ranking members observed the proceedings, eager to witness the results of Deth's training.

Deth addressed the recruits, a rare smile gracing his features. "You have come a long way since the day you walked into this training ground," he said, his voice filled with pride. "You've shown determination, resilience, and the will to become true adventurers."

He stepped forward, presenting each recruit with a badge symbolizing their completion of the crash course. "Wear this badge with pride, for it signifies that you are now official members of the Adventurer Guild," Deth proclaimed.

The recruits beamed with pride, their eyes shining with gratitude towards their mentor. Deth had been tough on them, but they knew it was for their own good.

As the ceremony concluded, the Adventurer Guild representatives approached Deth. "Your dedication to training these recruits has been commendable, Deth Jones," the guildmaster said, nodding approvingly. "The results speak for themselves, and we are grateful for your contribution."

Deth simply nodded, acknowledging their words. He knew that his role as a mentor and instructor was just as crucial as his adventures in the field. Guiding the next generation of adventurers was a responsibility he took very seriously, as they could become future pawns---it never hurts to have some form of karma or connection.

As he prepared to leave the training ground, Deth caught a glimpse of Elara. She approached him with a look of gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you, Deth," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "You believed in me when I doubted myself. Because of you, I now believe I can face any challenge that comes my way."

Deth smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You were the one who worked hard and never gave up," he replied. "Remember, being an adventurer isn't just about strength and skill. It's about the courage to face your fears and the determination to overcome any obstacle."

With that, Deth bid farewell to the recruits, knowing that they were ready to embark on their own adventures. As he walked away, he felt a sense of fulfillment knowing that he had made a difference in their lives.

Deth was feeling accomplished and was basking in the glow, not just of the success of teaching future high-ranking adventurers, but also because of the guild request rewards.

"I guess I have made another good deed that will last me more than just a day now. Its so hard to be awesome sometimes.....I wonder....if I should implement a more thorough training next time I am tasked of molding future rankers....there is that special magic spell that I haven't tried yet...."