
The Daily Chronicles Of Mrs. Brown's Multiple Identities

After her flash marriage, Amelia Sanchez now had a kept man, who eventually turned out to be the Brown family's most profligate second son, Albert Brown. The next day, Cloud City's wealthy lady, Mrs. Brown, approached Amelia Sanchez with a stony face. Before she could throw out the cheque, she saw Amelia Sanchez calmly take out a card. "I'll give you 10 million for you to leave your son." Mrs. Brown, "???" After they got married, Amelia Sanchez arranged to meet with an online celebrity who had been her online friend for many years. She sat in the living room, fretting over how to hide this identity of hers and find an excuse to avoid Albert Brown. Meanwhile, Albert Brown, "Amelia, I'm going on a cruise ship with my friends for a few days. I won't be coming back." Amelia Sanchez's eyes lit up and she nodded. "Uh-huh, I'm going on a business trip too." Two days later, Amelia Sanchez and her online buddy agreed to meet up in a private room. The moment she entered, Albert Brown looked up and their eyes met, "..." 'So, my online buddy has always been my husband all this while.' Amelia Sanchez could feel herself getting torn apart in disbelief.

Xi Junjun · Urban
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526 Chs

Chapter 18: The game has exploded

Translator: 549690339

Yves pointed in Angela Brooks' direction and gestured with his jaw to Amelia Sanchez, "Do you know her?"

Amelia Sanchez looked at the camera and shook her head slightly, "I don't know her."

When the cameraman moved the camera away, Yves continued, "Then you better be careful, this kind of villain is the hardest to guard against in this world!"

Amelia Sanchez indeed felt a little uneasy inside.

It was not that she was afraid of Angela Brooks.

But she was afraid that once the photo was uploaded to the internet, Albert Brown would find out.

In front of Albert Brown, she was just a junior employee who needed to pay a monthly rent of 4,000.

"If this game sells well, we'll have to continue with series 2, and we'll need your guidance then!" Yves said to Amelia Sanchez with a smile.

Yves had had this idea for the game in his mind for over three years, but he had never found the right character design.

Until one day, he accidentally saw a funny animation on Facebook, and the protagonist there suddenly matched perfectly with his game character.

The humorous animation was a casual drawing by Amelia Sanchez.

Comics were just Amelia Sanchez's hobby, but after it was discovered by Yves, she tried it out and found it fun, so she began to cooperate with Yves.

However, she always took things seriously, and tried her best in everything she promised to do.

So the results of this work were so remarkable that even Yves, the E-sport Number One, was overwhelmed, and as soon as the pre-release trailer was released, gamers were urging them to release the game quickly.

Yves simply decided to release the game ahead of time at the Comic Convention.

"Although I provided the storyline, the characters and scenes you designed are the key! Based on this, I dare to predict that this game will be a huge hit!" Yves was optimistic about the game.

Amelia Sanchez smiled, "I hope your prediction comes true."

This time, she and Yves made the game, and she got 40% of the shares.

The better the game sold, the more she would earn.

As Yves expected, once the game was online, within only half an hour, over a million registered players had exceeded, and the number was increasing in a straight-line pattern.

Back-end staff were frightened, "Boss, should we prepare the backup server?"

It seemed like it was going to crash!

The backend bossmade a decisive decision with just a second of thought: "Prepare it! Also notify the IT department that they needto prepare two more servers!"

If the server went down at this critical moment, he would definitely have his salary deducted for two months by his boss.

Ever since leaving the Comic Convention, Amelia Sanchez had stopped paying attention to the game-related matters.

However, the WhatsApp work group she had joined when making the game was constantly receiving notifications.

She glanced at it and saw people exclaiming: The game exploded!

Amelia Sanchez was not at all surprised by this. When she started working on the game, she liked the storyline, and after the game was completed, she even asked Yves for a trial account.

It wasnamespace="preserve">'t until she got together with Albert Brown that she put the game aside.'.

As soon as she thought of Albert Brown, his phone call came through.

"Amelia, where are you? I miss you."

Albert Brown's words, transmitted through the phone line in a lazy and affectionate manner, made Amelia Sanchez's ears flush red.

Because every time Albert Brown said he missed her, it usually meant he was up to no good.

Albert Brown looked at the long paragraph Miss Brooks had sent on his phone and was curious.

"Did Angela Brooks give you any trouble?"

"No, I don't know her well. How could she possibly give me trouble!"

Unabashedly, Amelia Sanchez said this through the phone line.

"Where are you, I'll come pick you up. I just wanted to confirm something with you."

Amelia felt even more guilty, "You don't need to pick me up, I'm almost home."

Amelia had no habit of letting troubles pile up and grow bigger, so she faced them head-on.

She kept thinking about what kind of excuse she could use to muddle through.

Meanwhile, Albert Brown looked at Amelia's name on Facebook, hanging high above the game front-end, showing much interest.

After sending the message to Albert, Angela Brooks was imagining the scene of Amelia being abandoned by Albert when her phone rang.

"Ms. Brooks, you should've just settled for being a creator, what trouble are you stirring up now!"

This was the call from the staff member who took Angela's money and gave her the opportunity to be on-site.

"What do you mean! What do you mean I just settled as a creator! I am clearly one of the creators!"

"Alright, alright! Ms. Brooks, you're not wrong if you say that, but you went to the site and let the cameraman take a photo of you, then it was posted on the official website, and everyone recognized you. But how could you point fingers at the game's main planner!"

"I didn't point fingers at Yves Sanders; I was talking about Amelia Sanchez. She clearly just spent money to get in, and people like her are the scum of our industry!"

"Please, Ms. Brooks, open your eyes before you speak! Our game has been planned by Miss Sanchez from the beginning, and all the game graphics and character designs were handled by Amelia Sanchez herself... "

Angela could not hear the rest of the staff member's words.

Angela slammed her phone, "Impossible! Amelia is just a straw bag! She only married Albert for the money..."

What she couldn't accept the most was that she spent money to get her painting chosen as the background.

But Amelia not only turned out to be the overall planner of the game, but she also designed all the game's scenes and characters!

This made Angela feel like she was instantly pushed into mud, and it was Amelia, whom she looked down on, who pushed her in.

"Sister, why did you come back so late? Could it be that a junior employee like you has to work overtime?"

Amelia, who had just got off the car, heard Tania Lincoln's hypocritical voice.

Paulo Johnson took the opportunity to step on her, "Amelia, although we could not be together due to fate, you can't just discard yourself!"

Amelia: If she could spit on these two people without breaking the law!

"None of your damn business! Get lost!"

Paulo looked around and did not see Albert Brown. Gathering courage, he stretched out his claws, "I heard that the programmer bought a house in Rose Garden? Amelia, considering our long relationship, my sister and I are getting married. The wedding room is being renovated; you can lend us your house!"

Amelia sneered, "Paulo, you really have a thick face!"

"Yeah, sister, we've been sisters for more than a decade; you won't be stingy enough to refuse to help your little sister, right?"

"Lending it to you makes me seem stingy, so how about I give it to you?" Amelia mocked.

Both Tania and Paulo saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Sister, you're the best! You really are my elder sister!"

Tania came over to hold Amelia's arm, but she dodged it.

Tania didn't care; she still wore a delighted expression, "Sister, it just so happens that I have my ID and household registration with me. Why don't we transfer the house to me first!"

Amelia laughed angrily and took out her phone to dial, "Hello, is this 110? This is building 1 of Rose Garden; there are two fraudsters here currently committing fraud..."


Tania screamed and tried to snatch Amelia's phone, but was pulled back by Paulo, "Why are you grabbing the phone! Hurry up and let's go, the police station is only five minutes away from here!"

Before running off, Paulo threatened Amelia, "Amelia! Good job! You just wait!"