
The Daig'digaia Saga: Fifty Adventurers Come Together!

Experience a classic JRPG-style adventure like no other, 20 years in the making! Benoit Valmonte, a young Seattleite hoping to make it big in the game industry, purchases a game he has never seen nor heard of before. And once he plays “The Legend of Daig'digaia”, the game in question, he is sucked into another world – specifically, the world of the game itself. His mission is simple: Find fifty adventurers who are coincidentally his classmates, and fight the ultimate threat alongside them. And thus, he can go home safely. But there's more to this mission that he must find out for himself... [Note] If you want to support the author, please buy him a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/moonlightbomber

MoonlightBomber · Games
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240 Chs

S2E10: Just Deserts

[First Group's Perspective]

Ugh... now where are we?

One thing's for sure... our hands and feet are bound to individual beds, like we're some kind of detainees in a mental institution; and we're surrounded by various medieval devices such as iron maidens, racks, thumb screws, and breaking wheels.

This sure ain't a fun place to be.

And I'm sure The Movement is behind all this!

Now how can we all break free in the first place?

We're definitely not princesses waiting to be rescued by knights in shining armor!

We need to do something, and fast!

Oh. There are some laser devices on this room's ceiling.

If only there's a way to move them via telekinesis so that the lasers will burn off the shackles that bind us all...

The bed I'm lying in is situated next to the bed where CJ lies, so I immediately ask her...

"Hey! Does your ring have... you know... telekinesis powers?"

Christian, who is next to CJ, answers on her behalf, "Yes, indeed. I once bore witness to its power that once saved my life."

I react appropriately, "Alright! Now go manipulate those lasers and burn those shackles!"

CJ herself, in a faint voice, replies with a "Yes".

She starts to channel her ring's powers and directs those powers to the laser devices.

Indeed, with telekinesis, she focuses the lasers' aims at the shackles, burning them slowly but surely, until all 24 of them are no more.

Alright! We're all free!

But we can't celebrate just yet.

From what we can see through the windows, it seems this is a place where politicians gather to determine policies... while sometimes getting into fistfights.

But with monsters proliferating the main hall of whatever this place is, the situation here seems a lot worse than several legislative fistfights in Taiwan, Turkey, or the Ukraine combined.

Alright, we can spot some air vents we can all sneak into!

This way, we can navigate this monster-infested place without being bothered by frequent random encounters.

From the network of air vents, we can sense what lies within this building besides the main hall – two storage rooms at the northwest and northeast ends, hallways on the southwest and southeast ends, a central chamber where the presumed leader holds office and has a robotic opening and closing mechanism that is voluntarily activated before and after a session, and an ancient transportation device that is best left untouched for now.

Via the network of vents, we are able to crawl our way towards the main hall, which is filled with monsters and people who are caught in the crossfire.

And in the central chamber, we can spot someone suspicious.

I say "suspicious" because of his evil, demented laugh that creepily resonates with the roars of the monsters and the cries of the helpless.

He is wearing a uniform that belongs to the... Ishi-shiro?!

Of course, Christian has every right to call out that fishy guy.

"Lieutenant Senior Grade Antoninus Treillane! What are you doing here?!"

He just faces us all, knowing that a fellow officer is pointing his finger at him.

"Ah! Those are the same exact words your Supreme Loser belted out when he busted my cover. But no matter. What I did to him and his motley crew of fellow losers will be done to you puny civilians who couldn't even wield weapons right!"

He then snaps his finger; and out of the seats here in the main hall, around 220 Ishi-shiro conscripts emerge, their automatic rifles all aimed at us.

"Now don't do anything funny," Lt. Treillane taunts us, "if you don't want to become pin cushions, or more appropriately... bullet cushions! AHAHAHAHA!!!"

His more demented laugh definitely makes Christian's blood boil.

"I know all of your vile schemes ever since that televised speech days ago, which you declared in the papers as a 'valuable ad'. But we sane people know that ad and yourself are anything but. You're just a stooge of The Movement, plain and simple!"

"Aww... how extremely heartwarming your speech is... so idiotic and dumb! AHAHAHAHA!!!"

We just wait for the inevitable, and...


[Second Group's Perspective]

We are now at the lobby, the main entrance of the Theresentien House of Politics.

Robinson easily took care of the seal binding the main gate beforehand with the Scroll of Secure Sealing.

Just now, we can hear the massive clacking of guns from the north – the session hall.

It can only mean one thing – that rogue officer, Treillane, is planning something brutal, using the soldiers loyal to him as his accessories.

To prevent that from happening, we quickly kick the door leading to the hall.

And I am proven to be right.

"Oh ho ho! Another wave of party-crashing dimwits! But to be honest, Porcarelli, you had the balls to survive another day. BUT NOT THIS DAY! AHAHAHAHA!!!"

We can spot 220 Ishi-shiro soldiers who turned rogue alongside him, all aiming their rifles at not just us...

...but also Valmonte and company!

13 vs. 221 – good odds for any soldier!

The next five minutes turn into a shower of bullets.

But in the midst of the shower, we also keep in mind the innocents that are caught in the crossfire; so the sensible thing to do is to use the monsters as cannon fodder while we all quickly dispatch the stragglers and protect the innocents.

And the two notorious-looking monsters – who are really the two candidates, Shimokawa and Mitsumaruyama – must be diverted towards areas with little resistance.

In just five minutes and one second, all 220 rogue soldiers and approximately 100 monsters are made unconscious, with only us 13, the two mutated candidates, around 50 innocents, and Treillane himself all still standing.

Due to the turnout, the leader of the rogue soldiers lets out a temper tantrum like an immature child.

"How dare you spoil my wonderful plans for Shurilesia?! No matter... I WILL TAKE YOU ALL DOWN MYSELF!"


[First Group's Perspective]

Good thing Edilbert and his crew are here to save our skin.

And I recognize the sage who's tagging along with them.

He's Robinson Rutherford.

Hey, man! Nostalgia can come later!

I suggest to Edilbert, "Hey, can my group take on that big cheese himself?"

He just smiles as he accepts my proposal, "Sure, go ahead! We are originally here to rescue you and secure this entire hall, and let the televised debates continue without the threat of the dancespores – but it seems there is a slight change of plans. You have bested me, anyway; so I trust you to best him!"


We six all charge towards the rogue officer himself, who still emanates his cackling laugh as he prepares himself for the upcoming battle.


[Boss Battle: Antoninus Treillane]

A high-ranked officer of the Ishi-shiro, who has sinister plans he keeps close to his heart.

Level 26 | HP: 5999 | MP: 599

Party: Benoit, Christian, Gershwin, Nolan, Jurina, CJ

Benoit chooses to use a Blink Stone on all allies.

Christian chooses to use a Resistance Stone on all allies.

Gershwin chooses to use a Sharp Stone on all allies.

Nolan chooses to use a Barrier Stone on all allies.

Jurina chooses to cast her Innate Skill spell, Kidlatwa, on Antoninus Treillane.

CJ chooses to summon Tarabusaw as her Innate Skill on all targets.

"Feel the full force of the Magudaro Revolution!"

Antoninus Treillane performs Rocket Launcher of Misery on all targets.

All targets suffer an average of 243 damage.

Benoit uses a Blink Stone on all allies.

All allies' speed and evasion increased.

Christian uses a Resistance Stone on all allies.

All allies' magic and magic defense increased.

Gershwin uses a Sharp Stone on all allies.

All allies' attack increased.

Jurina casts her Innate Skill spell, Kidlatwa, on Antoninus Treillane, dealing him 1772 damage.

Nolan uses a Barrier Stone on all allies.

All allies' physical defense increased.

CJ summons Tarabusaw.

"O scion of the earth, tremble with the rumblings of justice! Underground Voice!"

Her Innate Skill deals an average of 780 damage on all targets.

Benoit chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Chuk Chak Tienes, on Antoninus Treillane.

Christian chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Darkside Earth, on Antoninus Treillane.

Gershwin chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Mariah Interference, on Antoninus Treillane.

Nolan chooses to perform his Innate Skill, Diamond Light, on Antoninus Treillane.

Jurina chooses to defend.

CJ chooses to perform her Innate Skill, Pray and Wish, on all allies.

"You are like that midget, all completely useless!"

Antoninus Treillane performs Rebellious Grudge on Christian, dealing him 420 damage.

Benoit performs his Innate Skill, Chuk Chak Tienes, on Antoninus Treillane, dealing him 3 hits for a total of 893 damage.

Antoninus Treillane's PDEF is decreased.

Christian performs his Innate Skill, Darkside Earth, on Antoninus Treillane, dealing him 0 damage.

Christian loses 0 HP.

Gershwin performs his Innate Skill, Mariah Interference, on Antoninus Treillane, dealing him 993 damage.

Nolan performs his Innate Skill, Diamond Light, on Antoninus Treillane, dealing him 784 damage.

CJ performs her Innate Skill, Pray and Wish, on all allies, with an average of 777 HP restored.

Benoit chooses to defend.

Christian chooses to defend.

Gershwin chooses to defend.

Nolan chooses to defend.

Jurina chooses to cast her Innate Skill spell, Yelowa, on Antoninus Treillane.

CJ chooses to defend.

"Time for your viscera to see the light of day!"

Antoninus Treillane performs Walong-Demonyo Rune on all targets.

"Walong-Demonyo Rune!"

All targets suffer an average of 520 damage.

Jurina casts her Innate Skill spell, Kidlatwa, on Antoninus Treillane, dealing him 1076 damage.

Antoninus Treillane is knocked out.

The counter-terrorists win! That's us.

6699 EXP and 5566 Double Pesos acquired.

Ishi-shiro Officer's Uniform acquired.

Benoit leveled up, from Level 32 to Level 33!

Christian leveled up, from Level 32 to Level 33!

Gershwin leveled up, from Level 32 to Level 33!

Nolan leveled up, from Level 32 to Level 33!

Jurina leveled up, from Level 32 to Level 33!

CJ leveled up, from Level 32 to Level 33!


Lieutenant Senior Grade Antoninus Treillane just collapses on the ground, his planned hostile takeover abruptly ended.

Seconds later, our thirteen individual weapons glow, and they perform the expected effect of expelling the dancespores from the entire building, eradicating the monsters and reverting two notorious ones into two middle-aged suited humans – who are most likely the politicians gunning for the highest position in this land.

The dust has finally settled.

Moments later, other Ishi-shiro soldiers who were commanded by Edilbert himself arrive at the scene and perform some clean-up work, namely arresting the now-disgraced Lt. Treillane and his minions, resuscitating unconscious innocents, and nursing the two candidates to consciousness.

Suddenly, the head honcho himself receives a call.

Once he ends it a minute later, he tells the rest of us...

"According to a reconnaissance team I've dispatched, the invisible barrier surrounding Maryam Quintana's Castle is now gone. Most likely, Treillane's defeat caused the deactivation. Now then, if we are all ready, we will raid the castle post-haste."

The rest of us raise our fists in agreement.


Now that the crisis surrounding this building, which I've just learned to have the official name of the Theresentien House of Politics, is over, I can now recall the memories I have with another classmate joining our adventurer ranks.


Robinson Rutherford. Age: 17.

He's known in our class as the exemplary pet lover, even though Dillington High forbids bringing of pets inside the school premises.

To legally get around that restriction, he just invites us all to Westlake Park on weekends, where he brings his beloved pets – a Shiba Inu dog named Gorou and a calico cat named Diona.

We all just frolic alongside the two – even though it's known that cats and dogs are antagonistic to each other.

One time, I attended one of his usual weekend pet shows.

Gorou and Diona are getting along very well despite their statuses as dog and cat.

It seems he trained them well.

He then told me something out of the blue.

"You know what, Benoit, if you plan on getting a pet someday, heed my words of advice."

"OK, I'm all ears."

"It's inevitable that we humans get to outlive our pets. This may be heartbreaking to some; but all the same, we must give them the same proper care and attention as long as they live, for they will carry on those memories no matter where they go."

"Yeah, like raising a child, right?"

"Right. Our children will someday outlive us, and their future children will outlive them. It's harsh, alright; but that's just nature at work. What's important is that we, human or animal, leave behind evidence that we once lived. After all, to be forgotten is worse than death."

I understand his words.

Being a pet owner somehow gave him a unique view of mortality and immortality.


And regarding the mystery about the contents of the dancespores themselves, Edilbert happily fills in the long-hanging gap – by giving me further notes.


Methamphetamine hydrochloride

Toadstool spores

Cannaweed extract

Methyl alcohol

Genetically-modified mongo beans

Ionized water


Diffusing agents

"Herdplague" virus DNA

So there's the missing piece. It's no surprise that The Movement is settling for bio-terrorism on a grand scale.

But wait, there's more!


Methamphetamine hydrochloride

Toadstool spores

Cannaweed extract

Methyl alcohol

Genetically-modified mongo beans

Ionized water


Diffusing agents

"Herdplague" virus DNA

Coping-type opium

Loqaqola seeds

Myam soybeans