
The Cutey I Admire

Zoey Gillbert is a local farm girl from Texas who joins a prestigious school FIA college in new york to study. There she meets a rich troubled billionaire play boy Nate Lee Liu who supposedly causes trouble for her. She tries to avoid him but can't stay out of his orbit and soon they connect . The journey these two have is wild but does it bring them closer together or it only tears them apars

Lyne_Adassah · Teen
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8 Chs

7. The list

''Do you think it's a great idea?'' Bee retorted. she shot me a bitter glare and I saw her solicitude towards me.

''fine'' I huffed. '' I understand your care but I just want to have fun. I just want to mess with River, then I will stop this charade. That's all. Now let's go".

When I informed Bee of my plan, she didn't seem to agree to it. she tried to convince me otherwise, making me feel guilty about this but I stood my foot firm with this operation. I planned to teach River and her crew some manners with respect for others through a list I scribbled down. The list consists of 10 aims to liberate other students from terrors the so- called "FIAERS" crew did whilst breaking up River from them.

It consisted of 8 members, each from an established families and famev.They have got money, wealth, power, status and can buy anything in the world however they bully others from their insecurities. I researched them after the cafetorium incident on the college website and I didn't like what I found. What hurts me the most is how River is part of this group due to her popularity and love life. I can not watch her jeopardize her future for a low-life jerk. It's just a simple and easy plan. What could go wrong?

we arrived in the common area to see River by a table with her friends ,caressing a guy's hair. I exchanged glances with Bee and we sauntered to their table. Natalie glared at me nasty although I didn't care at all. it was time to introduce the first point on the list/ The analytic images/.

I expressed my poker face and addressed the elephant in the room.

''Hey River, I arrived'' I blissed. she stood up and hauled us to sit down next to her on the spacious seats.

'' Glad you could make it'' she looked thrilled . I wonder how long she can keep up this petence of hers. I held Bee's hand to calm her down and gazed at Arthur scrolling through his cellphone. River introduced everyone to us and that is when I learnt that her boyfriend was a football captain named Colt.

Great. Everyone on this table is ignorant and snobbish . It's either they were on their cell phone or gave endless bragging. Fortunately Bee was there to keep me company as we snickered and talked the whole time. Nate kept on sneaking peeks on me and all the attention soon was on us. We suddenly stopped when a blondie girl with ponytails mumbled something rude.

''how uncivilised-..''

''Excuse me?'' I questioned'' would miss fake barbie doll like ro repeat that'' I gently smiled.

she gasped.'' how dare you, who do you think you are?''. I was going to answer back when I instantly remembered I had to act kind to these people for my plan to work, arguing with her won't make me fit in the crowd. I picked my bag and humblingly scooted off to class.

Bee gazed at me open-mouthed when we departed. I chuckled on the astonishment on her face. Recess was over and lessons proceeded.

During a study period, I got a text from Zake. we messaged each other and joked a lot, after that he decided to call. I excused myself and went to answer him from outside.

I toured around while i on the phone call then simultaneously I got a whammy.

'' Sign up for judo'' I read out loud. I was in the lobby. Wait judo, as in martial arts judo. I love Judo. I can not believe FIA college has Judo classes, I guess it is a prestigious school.

Before Mom left she signed me up for Judo by the countryside. I do not know why, but i fell in love with it. it's the only thing connecting me to her and it was devastating for me to think of stopping when she left. I stared at the application form and placed the paper in my blazer for consideration. I breathed in. Unexpectedly I smelt a familiar aura behind me.

'' So, you are a confident baddie?'' a sexy gravelly voice asked. Its Nate. I was caught by surprise that I swung around to face him swiftly but stepped on my foot accidentally and almost fell. Although In just a nick of time he had caught me in his big broad muscular arms. I felt bubbly, like on cloud nine. I removed myself from his arms and adjusted myself to look stern, however my attempt failed when I glanced at his sculptured greek god body confined in his uniform.

This guy must be abnormal. I was deep in thought when I clutched myself and responded to him before he classified me as a weird person ( even if i was).

'' Thanks for that. Please Define baddie'' I giggled. He grinned then gave me the most heart melting smile. I blushed as I felt a knot in my stomach. He studied me deeply then spoke.

'' where you heading, I will accompany you there''

'' to Fearless Standard 9'' I coyly said.

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Publishing for another chapter is in 2 days. Dealing with a issue but thanks for your love and support

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