
The little Rose Shielder dreams


Let's proceed our little Maple more and I would maybe take a break of this chapter for a bit since I basically have one other new works I need to write. If everything is equal to the prolog arc I will write forward to the next arc and I hope this didn't bother you guys at all.

Alright enough of me enjoy this chapter dear readers!


"Hurry and paint the roses red. If we don't hurry, the flowers will wilt!"Said the Card Guards.

"Hurry, hurry! There are still some that aren't painted!" Said the ace of the club guard.

'Painting... the roses? This looks fun!' thought Maple when she saw a girl with medium length blonde hair. Her hair held back by a black ribbon tied in a bow.

She wore a knee-length dress, with a white pinafore apron on top. Underneath her dress, she wears a white petticoat, white stockings, She also sports black strapped Mary Jane shoes.

"Why are you painting the white roses red?" The girl asked the two guards.

"Huh?" They said.

As the two of clubs responded, "Why, you ask? Well, to tell you the truth, we made a mistake and accidentally planted white roses."

"The Queen loves red, so if she sees white, then it's off with our heads!" Added the Ace of clubs.

The little girl walked up to the next guard wearing the three of clubs outfit. "Is that so?" She questioned.

The guard nodded to her with a smile, "Yes, it is. That's exactly why we're painting them red." He replied.

With that the scenery came to a close and brought her back into the darkness.


The shielder slowly opened her eyes and sat up on her bed. 'I wonder why I was dreaming about Alice in Wonderland in disney version... Looking at the guards and the outfits they wore are really cute.' Snapping the girl from her thoughts she heard knocking from the front door.

"Hey, Maple... Someone is at the door..." Grim sleep talked while turning his body on the bed and fell as hits the ground that him back making him wake up but still groggy. Glaring back at the fox he saw the human girl's face.

"What? Is it the Ghosts? They sure don't know when to give up, yanno..." He muttered out.

"I don't think so. We're friends, remember? And they wouldn't do it anyways." Maple said cheerful while getting out of bed. Grim jumped onto the girl left shoulder and walking out the door then down the stairs in the foyer.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"It's me, Ace... Can you let me in for a bit?" The dark orange haired boy responded. As the girl opened the door letting him in surprised to see the exact same collar Grim had on when he caused trouble during the ceremony.

While Ace's cheeks turned bright pink seeing Maple with her white cat themed pyjama and cat head slippers. 'Why is she so cute?!... Nope stop it brain!' He thought while shaking his head making Maple titled her heac in confuse at his actions.

"Ace? Why is he here at this hour...?" He grumbled then when he looked at him. "Geh! What's with the collar?!?!" The cat questioned as he was now wide awake.

The boy stepped inside with an upset expression on his face, "Geez! I'm never returning to Heartslabyul. I'm gonna be a member of this dorm from here on!" He declared.

"WHAT!?!?" Grim shouted as he along with the Maple looked at him shocked.


Moving away from the foyer they all sat in the lounge area to continue the conversation. Grim crossed his arms.

"That collar's the same kind as the one that the red-haired upperclassman put on me during the opening ceremony. Why're you wearin' that?" The grey feline asked Ace.

"I ate a tart." The dark orange haired boy replied, crossing his arms.

Maple blinked, "That's it?"

Ace nodded and began to explain what happened, "Exactly! Only that! I got hungry, so I went to the dorm's kitchen. The tart was just sittin' right there inside the fridge. And like, three whole ones! That's why..."

Ace sighed walking into the Heartslabyul dorm's kitchen, "It's only the first day and I'm so tired~ I missed dinner, so I'm very hungry." He said while his stomach grumbled.

Opening the fridge seeing beautifully decorated tarts ranging from fruits to chocolate.

"Wonder if there's anything in the fridge... Oh, found a tart! Looks delish~! There's a lot, so I'm not sure if I can finish it all ♪" He said to himself then hummed while taking one of the tarts out of the fridge, grabbing a plate, fork and knife then cut a slice and place it on his plate.

He grinned, "Thanks for the food~ Whoa, what the heck?! It's so good!"

Ace exclaimed happily from taking a bite from the tart.

Meanwhile a brownish red haired boy wearing a small crown leaning on the right side of his head. His outfit consists of a white and red coat dress with the bottom being lined with a gold-colored fabric. The inside of the coat dress is entirely red and has a pattern consisting of tiny hearts, spades, diamonds, clovers, and crowns. As well as wearing white trousers. He crossed his arms and said, "Of course, it would be delicious. After all, anything that Trey makes is bound to be exquisite.2

"Nah, man, this is something else! It's better than the ones at the shops...Wha– Prefect?!" Ace shouted, turning around choked seeing Riddle Rosehearts, Heartslabyul's dorm leader behind him.

Then Riddle recited, "Quite the boldness you have there for touching something that belongs to me. Queen of Hearts Rule #89: 'You shall not eat tarts prepared for the Queen ahead of her.' Larceny of the Queen's tarts is a capital crime! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" He exclaimed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Ace screamed as a collar appeared around his neck.

Concluding his story, "And that's what happened..." The messy haired boy said.

Grim placed his arms on his waist, "You've only got yourself to blame." He stated and the Maple nodded in agreement.

"But ain't it overreacting to seal my magic just because I ate his tart?! It's practically the same as tying my hands and my feet! Plus, there were three whole ones! He can't possibly finish all of those! There's a limit to how heartless he can be!" The collared boy argued.

Maple hummed in thought, "I agree, binding your magic may have been a bit overboard."

"Right?!" Ace exclaimed.

Grim eyes widened, "Ah! Wait a second... If there were three whole tarts, they might have been prepared for the party, yanno? Like for someone's birthday? Man, I'm such a great detective, huh!" He praised himself earning a head scratch from the shielder.

"Birthday?" Ace questioned.

Maple starred at him in thought that made Ace a bit nervous, "So did you at least apologize for it though?" She asked.

Ace sighed, "Uh... I came here thinking that you'd agree with me about the Prefect being a little tyrant..." He replied.

"Eating someone else's food without asking is not good, you know?" Maple told him.

Grim nodded in agree and said, "You're also at fault for eating his food."

"Let's go and apologize to him tomorrow, okay? I can go with you If you want." Maple said with a smile.

"Grudges over food are scary." Grim shivered while the the black haired girl nodded.

The dark orange haired boy sighed, "I get it. I just have to apologize, right? You suggested it, so you better come with me, Maple... and thanks for come with me to for tomorrow."

Ace paused.

"In the meantime, where can I sleep?" The boy asked while crossing his arms.

Grim doing the same and frowned, "You're serious about stayin' the night? You better pay up then." He said.

"Eh!? I'm not doing that." The boy glaring at the cat who curled on Maple's lap.

Then looked up at the shielder user with a grin taking her hands. "Ne, Prefect let me stay in your room ~ I'm a pretty handy guy so I won't take up much room! Please~?" He cooed.


At a another world that Kaede's brother took a wrong one.

Kazuma cursed again as he got attacked by another female person who calmed herself a goddess and said to him that she hated mortals Blahblahblah then sent him in her world.

Thankfully he got his ability that the woman never sealed it and landed in some medivial city that called Mondstadt or something like that,

Then a man with dark blue hair and eyepatche aproached him as Kazuma wanted to kill someone. "Stranger are you okay?"

Asked with his hotest voice at him and Kazuma turned his head at with his deadpanned expression.

"Does it looks like I am fine? And I just want to find my adorable sister that she was somehow vanished. Now I am here and sensed someone needs a kick in his balls who wanted sleep with her."

Kaede's brother looked at him with dead eyes that made the man nervous somehow yet he stayed calm and collected.

"Oh? Someone I know also needs to find their sibling and I didn't take this protectiveness to another level. Mind if I listen your story where you came from." He asked but Kazuma was already gone left him gobsmacked.


"Definitely not! We already preoccupied the room!" Grim shouted with a reason. For Grim he didn't want that boy in the room with him because he wants Maple all of himself.

"Boo, stingy. Fine then. I'll sleep all by myself on the lounge's sofa." Ace said.

Maple looked at him, "Eh? You don't have to I thought I—"

The messy dark orange haired boy cuts her off, "No no it's okay Prefect! I see where I'm not wanted. Good night!" He told her.

The shield user nodded, placing Grim on the couch for a bit.

"Maple?" Grim asked, seeing her walk into the hall and opening the door to the storage room. Stepping in, she pulled the plastic box from the shelf. Lifting the lid off, she took out a black blanket. Placing the lid back on and back on the shelf. She walks out the room closing the door behind her. Then returns back to the lounge area and hands the blanket.

"Stay warm and good night." Maple told him with her bright smile. Then she picked Grim in her arms as the trio headed back to sleep.

Meanwhile Ace's heart skipped a beat with rosy cheeks. Shaking off the feeling he laid on the clean couch and drapes the blanket over his body and drifts off to sleep.


Very early in the morning, Maple woke up and did her morning routine.

She smiled at herself in the mirror and went to the kitchen. To make the breakfast and lunch for the day.

Meanwhile our cute shielder was busy preparing the meals.

Ace was awakened by the harsh banging from the front door.

He frowns that his sleep was disrupted, "What the, who the hell's pounding on the door so early in the morning? Got it, got it! I'll open the door, so don't break it!" He shouted then walking over to the foyer and opened the door to see Deuce standing outside the dorm.

"I knew I'd find you here." The dark blue hair boy said.

Ace muttered out, "D-Deuce..."

"I heard about the situation from our dormmates. You ate the Prefect's tart, so now you've got that collar on, haven't you? You're an outright idiot." Deuce insulted the boy.

The orange haired boy narrowed his eyes at dark blue haired boy, "Shut it! I don't wanna hear that from you! So... Is the Prefect still mad at me...?" He asked.

"Not completely. He is in an irritated mood and about three people who didn't follow the waking up routine suffered the same fate as you." Replied the spade mark boy with his hand placed on his chin.

"'Not completely,' my ass! He's totally mad!" Exclaimed Ace.

Deuce sighed, "In any case we should go." He said.

"Ah let's go wake Prefect up then. She promised to come with me to apologize to the Dorm Leader." Ace told the boy. Deuce nodded and entered the foyer while Ace closed the door.

Until their noses caught a delicious aroma as they followed the smell through the hallway. They stood in front of the middle door and opened it to see the newly remodeled kitchen. Maple placed foods on her own boxed lunch also one for Maru-kun as thanks since Grim wanted to eat the cafeteria food today. They also noticed the four egg rice bowls with sausages and veggies on the side of the egg.

"Woah!" They shouted, surprised catching the shielder's attention.

"Morning Ace. Oh Deuce is here. Morning to you too." Maple greets them with her usual sunny smile. While she closed the lids of the boxes and placed it inside her inventory.

"This place looks so different!" Deuce said with Ace nodded in agreement.

The black haired girl smiled at them cheerful, "Of course it does. Headmaster Crowley had revonated few month ago as a kind man he is."

"Oh right..." They muttered as the girl took off the white apron and hung it on the side of the wall near the door.

Then Ace realized, "Wait so I could've been sleeping in one of the rooms instead of the couch in the lounge area!?" He exclaimed while Deuce sighed in relief that the idiot didn't slept in the same bed with the girl.

"Yup." Maple replied simply.

Ace's face scrunched up, "Why didn't you tell me!?" He asked.

Maple blinked then hit lightly at her head and smiled, "I did you just didn't let me finish what I was going to say last night and I forgot it just right now. Tehe."

The dark orange haired male recalled the memory and his eyes widened that she was right. He slapped himself on the forehead. Maple looked at Deuce and asked, "Deuce have you eaten?"

The boy shook his head, "No." He replied.

"Ah just take mine then I'll just eat the leftover onigiri. Can you guys wake Grim—"


Hearing steps coming into the kitchen to see Grim run in and jump into Maples's arms.

"Maple save me!" Grim screamed with his teary eyes.

As ghost appeared and left with a thumps up at them that also scared the boys to but Maple remained calm and said, "Thanks for waking up Grim Mordred-san."

They starred at her in disbelief at her how she wasn't a bit scared and thought she was really something.

"Ace, Deuce go eat we have to go to your dorm to apologize to your dorm leader." The shield user told them which they complied and started to eat.

While the girl opened the fridge and took the four leftover onigiris in the fridge. Unwrapping them from the plastic wrap and the dry seaweed paper. She ate the seaweed paper, then turned on the stove placing a frying pan on it.

Place a little bit of oil on the pan and use a paper towel to wipe the excess off. Then put the batter on the pan to make pancakes again. Seeing the bubbles on it she took them off and transferred it on a plate then repeat it when If some batter there then washing the pan and putting it away.

Maple made her way to the table seeing the happy faces on everyone. She smiled and ate her breakfast.

After finishing their breakfast they helped clean their bowls and utensils then they all headed out.