
"We have another problem"

Stefan held my hand, which was resting on his cheek, and carefully lowered it. He took a step forward, closing the distance between us, then he moved his face closer to mine. I closed my eyes because his face was too closed that I could even hear him breathing.

After a few seconds, nothing happened. I thought he was going to bring back my memories.

"You're wrong because I'm a monster"

When I opened my eyes, he is already gone and I’m all alone in this forest.


At least it's confirmed that he did erase my memory. Since Stefan’s not here anymore, I decided to go home because I just sneaked out and when Faira finds out, I’ll be in big trouble.

Suddenly my phone rang and that’s my cue.

[ Where the hell are you, Celestine ]

I can totally feel her annoyance from here.

"I’m on my way back, I just grab some snacks”

I replied, then hung up the phone; I just hope Clark doesn't get mad at me if he finds out I also stole his car. When I arrived at the house, I was welcomed by Faira's irritated expression.

"Great! so where the hell has you been??"

I’m really unlucky these days, I mean out of all the people why does she have to be in front of the door as I walk in. Clark and Herone got up as soon as they heard my voice.

"Where’s the snacks?”, she asked while her arms are folded across her chest, and I swallowed hard as I tried to come up with another excuse but I couldn’t think of any!

“Seriously Celine. You do know that there are a lot of people who wanted you dead and yet you have the nerve to go out like nothing is happening?"

"I’m sorry”, said, staring at the floor because I couldn't bear looking into her eyes.

"Just like that? You're being careless, what if something happens to you ?!"

Okay, clearly Faira is furious as hell.

"Faira stop"

Clark and Herone approached us which made me relieved. I don’t know why Faira is overacting but something must be up, that is why she is this agitated.

"Herone, take my sister upstairs. She needs to rest"

Herone nodded and was about to reach for Faira’s hand but she dodged his hand, instead, she walked towards me.

"I suggest you behave or I will be left with no choice but to lock you up because you being in danger is the least of my concern right now."

After that, she left. Well, that doesn’t sound like a suggestion but more likely a threat.

"I'm sorry about that"

I glanced at Clark who looks problematic.

"Did something happen while I’m away?"

He tried to smile but I know it's fake.

"She's just pressured about the whole coven thing"


Clark sighed and looked at me perplexed.

"Spill it, Clark, I need to know what's going on here so I can figure out what to do."

He looked convinced with what I’d said.

"Before mother left, she told Faira to get ready because she will now enter the coven since they need re-enforcement because there’s been trouble between the witches. The problem is Faira never wanted to be a part of the Coven that’s why she doesn’t do magic to show our parents that she has no interest in it. If I could just take her place, I would do that”

I can see pain and sadness all over his face. I can understand his feelings clearly, because if that happened to me and Jensen, one of us would volunteer to cover each other’s ass.

“Then why didn’t you tell Tita Anna? I’m sure she’ll understand besides, you’re good they’ll probably consider you”

He shook his head and his eyes is telling me that there is more to it.

"No, Celine, you don't understand. The coven's families were chosen by the ancestors themselves, who believed they possessed exceptional power, and these ancestors established a rule that only the firstborn of those families could join the coven. Once the firstborn turned 22, he or she will now be a member of the coven."

And Faira turned 22 last month.

"The firstborn can only be replaced if that person is dead or became vampire"

I don’t see a way out in this situation as well. It’s her fate and it's really hard to contradict your fate. I guess sometimes being the elder sucks, so many responsibilities and all.

"I'm sorry, I'm no use. I can’t suggest or help with anything."

Now I understand why she is furious, it's because she is under stress.

"It's okay Celine, as long you're safe we're good."

He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a comforting smile.

"So now my dearest cousin, care to tell me the truth of your whereabouts?"

I smirk, he does really know me well. Before I continued, we went to the kitchen to grab some water and food.

"I went to see Stefan because I've discovered that he compelled me"

I started as we sat down; I was expecting some reactions from Clark but he seems not surprised at all.

"You don't seem surprised?"

"In my 19 years of existence, I've seen what vampires can do and compulsion is just a normal thing to them. They use you and then compel you to forget it"

But I don’t think Stefan just used me because I think I’m the one using him, making him save my ass for few times.

"You shouldn't trust that vampire"

I looked him in the eye.

I'm actually done begging, whether he is a friend or a foe I don't care I need to know first why I feel somehow connected to him and I also need to know what secrets we had shared together.

"I need you to help me. Can you break this compulsion?"

"Celine what you're asking is not that easy---"

I cut him off.

"Can you break it or not?"

He took a deep breath

"I can but it will torment you"

"I don't care just do it"

I'm a bit relieved knowing that there is a way to break the compulsion. After we finished talking, I went to my room to rest, but when I got there, my drawer was open. I dashed over to check the black box and as I opened it, the brooch is missing.


I shouted and in just a second Clark arrived at my room.

"Why? What happened?”

I turned to him and his eyes shifted to the box that I was holding.

"We have another problem"
