

  "So you told her off like that?" Simon asked with a questioning look.

  "I didn't tell her off. She asked me a question and I gave her my honest reply. I cannot keep lying to her and most especially myself and so I did what was best." Tristan replied.

  "And what were her questions and what were you replying to? I just feel you weren't nice when you gave her your reply." Simon said.

  Tristan facepalmed himself. "So you think I would say words to her that could kill her?" He clicked his tongue.

  He walked closer to Simon. "She asked me to tell her that I didn't want her and she would leave and I told her if that would make her happy then she shouldn't be restricted from doing what would make her happy and I wished her no bad or harm." Tristan answered.

  Simon scrutinized Tristan. "That was it?" He asked.