
The Cursed Trickster

It’s been 120 years since the world of Aegis became a reality to its players. The trickster, Morgana, spent a century of that time locked in The Underworld after sacrificing herself to save Aegis from her nemesis. Now, she has been brought back into the world that had forsaken her once, and while Aegis is back to its incessant cycle of chaos, all Morgana wants to do is go back to The Underworld and play board games. Forging new alliances, adopting a child, toppling empires, rebuilding kingdoms, confronting new and old adversaries, and uncovering the mysteries of the past century she spent away. Morgana might need to stay and end the cycle of chaos once and for all… --------------------------------------------- [The first chapter is the longest. Other chapters go from 1k - 1.5k words] [3rd person narration] If you want to see artwork of the novel, check out: caracasm.carrd.co

CaracasM · Fantasy
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109 Chs

City of Liebel

A few hours after being on the road, the party made it to the gates of the city of Liebel. It was located right in the middle of the expansive field, surrounded by farms and small villages.

The city had clean, white marble streets, and the buildings seemed much more sturdy and pretty than the ones in Scar Town.

At the end of the main road, a massive building stood apart from the others, with a large platform visible at the top with airships standing by.

The teenagers were in awe of the city, taking in all of the different sights as they walked closely to Morgana, who walked confidently toward the airship's building with a smile.

'It's good to see this place hasn't changed much…' The trickster thought as she scanned her surroundings.

Once they arrived, they opened the doors and found themselves in an expansive lounge with a long counter at the end, dozens of workers behind, and a long queue of people lined up to see them.

It took them a few minutes, but eventually, they reached the counter and bought the airship tickets that would take them to the city of Kartan. However, there were no more flights scheduled for that day, so the party had to spend the night at the closest inn.

As the party walked to the inn, Morgana noticed a tall, blonde man staring at her. Although his expression didn't show any threat toward her, she still felt somewhat uncomfortable.

The trickster had a passive skill called "Omni Sense," which allowed her to feel if anybody around tried using an ability on her. It was a skill considered useless when everything felt like a game, but in the real Aegis, it wasn't so bad as it allowed the user to see if someone was spying on them.

She thought the man had tried using "Appraisal" on her, which could potentially turn into a mess if they found out a trickster was walking among them nonchalantly. But to her surprise, she didn't feel anything from her passive ability.

The man walked closer to the group without taking his eyes off Morgana, making the teenagers step back cautiously while the trickster stood unfazed by his approach.

"Excuse me, beautiful lady. But I saw you from afar and couldn't take my eyes away from you…" he said, making the teenagers freeze with shocked expressions.

The man continued. "I had never seen a neonite in my entire life. But now that I did, I cannot imagine not seeing your beauty every day…"

The teenagers, still in a state of shock, realized the man was interested in their big sister's body. The boys seemed irritated, and the girls were annoyed at the man's shameless advance.

However, Morgana stayed unfazed during the whole confession.

Gracefully placing her hand on the man's shoulder, she got closer to him, making him blush and flinch simultaneously as Morgana's piercing eyes were both captivating and terrifying.

"You are very handsome yourself, buddy. But, you are not really my type…" she said, moving her hand from his shoulder to his chin in a teasing manner.

"Tell that to the woman you truly love, and I'm sure you will succeed," Morgana said, letting her hand go from the man's chin as she turned around and kept making her way to the inn with her party.

As they walked, the teenagers turned to look at the man again, but he just stood there with his cheeks blushing, looking into the distance like he had just seen an angel.

For a quick moment back there, Angie thought that her big sister would react differently to the man's advances, maybe even hurt him. However, she would have never expected her to handle it so gracefully.

"So, what was that about?" asked Conrad.

Morgana shrugged. "I was wary at first because I thought he recognized me, but it turned out he was just attracted to me," she said before laughing.

"He said 'neonite'… Are you really a neonite, sis?" asked Kaede as she remembered the man's words.

"I am, yes."

"But, how is that even possible?" Kaede asked again.

Neonites were a race of humans that were supposed to be extinct from the world of Aegis. However, when players created their characters back in the day, they were able to choose this race for their characters.

When everything felt like a game, nobody paid attention to which race other people played, and plenty of people had chosen to be neonites, so it wasn't rare to see them.

After the Red Calamity, their lore became a reality, as all neonites in the world were past players that were now stuck there, and after 120 years, neonites truly became a rare sight for people.

The only reason Morgana was a Neonite was because she chose to be one. She liked their silver hair and red eyes and didn't care much about the race's lore. However, she couldn't find a way to tell that to the teenagers.

"Hmm, I guess you could say I became a neonite when I arrived in Aegis…" she said, but the teenagers didn't understand what she meant.

Conrad remembered the time she saved them in the forest. She mentioned "people born in this world," which at the time confused him. But now, he suspected Morgana wasn't originally born in their world.

When they finally reached the inn, they changed into their home clothes and sat on their beds while Morgana crashed on the couch and fell asleep almost instantly.

The teenagers kept talking as the trickster slumbered on the side.

"I… still can't believe we saw big sis killing Terrador by herself…" said Ray, staring at the ceiling.

"Right? She was so cool!" exclaimed Angie as she sat up on her bed to look at Ray.

"Maybe one day we can challenge it too…" said Kaede, reflecting on the fight she witnessed.

"Also, what was the deal with that man trying to get close to sis, huh?" said Ray with a tinge of annoyance that was shared with the rest of the party.

"We can't let any more dirty-minded people talk to her. Our sis is too pretty for her own good…" said Angie.

"Yeah, anyone that wants to get close to sis has to go through us first!" exclaimed Ray as he pointed at his chest with his thumb.

The teenagers nodded in agreement and laid back down on their pillows. Not knowing Morgana had been awake the entire time listening, she blushed and smiled slightly at her little sibling's remarks.

Hey there!

The release rate might be a little slower for about a month, but that's because I'm stocking up on LOTS of chapters!

Let me know your thoughts on the story as of now! :DD

CaracasMcreators' thoughts