

[MATURE CONTENT] She's the key. That's what everyone says. She's the key to freedom. She's the only who can save them as she was born in the day of the Red Moon. Born on the day of Red Moon, she was named Moon and was betrothed to the cursed Prince. A prince with high fetish. A prince that could be her ruin. To save their lives, she was given to him. Who ever wanted to be the wife of Prince Harvey? Everyone wanted to be but they did certainly brace their mind as he wasn't going to be a one woman's Man. He certainly was cursed. The hell could he even be One woman's Man? [Excerpt] "Lord, He's cursed with a very high fetish, nonsense", spoke Moon. "He's a man whore. No one should cover up for his bad deeds. A scandalous prince, humph" ===== "Look here, Prince Harvey, as far as I am your wife, I expect you to keep that thing in your pant in always. I don't want you chasing women's skirt here and there. Have something they called dignity. And I don't believe the shitty rumor of you been cursed", said Moon as she tilted her head looking at him "It's Impossible but I will try my best. I did surely chase after your skirt only, Madam Moon, The Saviour" "What?" screamed Moon, the ever calm but sharp mouthed Lady. ======== "What do you want?" asked Moon "You",replied Harvey with a grin ******** "You all think I am your saviour? you are mistaken. I was born on the day of Red Moon doesn't mean I will save you all", shouted Moon as she sat on her horse, wearing armor let's read the story of the Cursed Prince and His Moon. Do read my other book too - Transmigration; He's a Demon? COVER PHOTO NOT MINE, FOUND IT ON PINTEREST. CREDITS TO THE OWNER. DM ME ON IG TO TAKE IT DOWN

Moonlight_senora · History
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20 Chs

The Palace

"I can't, but I will after the date of the wedding has been fixed," said Clovis as she smiled at her daughter.

"I understand," mumbled Moon as she pulled her mother into her arms for a hug.

"I hope you understand all that I explained?" asked Clovis

"I do, Mama. I'm aware of all that you told me," said Moon as she patted her Mother's back.

"You do but you say, you can't possibly get naked in your husband's presence?" mumbled Clovis with a raised brow as she pulled away from the hug.

"Mama, I can't," Moon muttered as she shook her head with pouted lips.

"You will, let's sleep early so you could get up early to prepare," said Clovis before she called in a maid. "Prepare a bath." She said.

"Yes, My Lady," muttered the maid before leaving.

"Come Mama will bath you," said Clovis with a smile, but Moon frowned.

"No. No," Moon muttered

"Are you shy?" teased Clovis

"It's not appropriate for you to bath me," said Moon

"What? I'm your Mama," said Clovis with a grin

"Doesn't mean you should bath adult me..." uttered Moon

"I bathed you when you were growing. Even when you clocked 14, I did. I stopped then," muttered Clovis with folded arms.

"That was back then, Mama. I'm 19 already and soon to be wife," uttered Moon before she walked away to the closet with her chin raised high.

Clovis chuckled and left the room to meet her husband, she met them at the drawing room having late-night snacks and discussing trivial things... to her though.

The CASKETS and Neil were discussing essential matters. But to Clovis, it was all trivial.

"Are you done prepping your daughter?" asked Lady Bytheseashore with a raised brow. It was certainly obvious with the way she was acting that she hated the Dandelions family.

They had a history a long time ago. Something insignificant to the couple but Lady Bytheseashore, took it quite badly and hatred skyrocketed. She was happy and she thought there were the sins the couple was receiving for what they had done to her before she became a Casket.

Yes, and she's very ready," uttered Clovis before sitting on the chair arm of the chair her husband sat on. She held his hand and gave a very oblivious smirk at Lady Bytheseashore

Lady Berryscloth sipped her tea as they all discussed, she hadn't said a word since they arrived and if an outsider saw her, they'd think she was a quiet person.

She didn't utter a word and just heard them all talk. She looked at the action Clovis for and she scoffed loudly, catching the attention of everyone.

"Lady Fernsby, it seems you haven't let go of your insecurities," uttered Lady Berryscloth.

"It seems so too," said Lady Bytheseashore.

"Excuse you?" inquired Clovis after hearing what the Caskets uttered.

"I'm lost, you say I haven't rid of my insecurities? What insecurities?" inquired Clovis.

"It's been years Clovis, why to react like this?" asked Lady Berryscloth. "Are you trying to make Lady Bytheseashore jealous?" she asked as she eyed the hand of Clovis on Neil's.

Clovis gave a small laugh before eyeing the Ladies and giving a hiss. "It's been years and you both are still close," said Clovis. "I love your friendship," cooed Clovis before she felt a pitch on her hand.

Neil had pinched her.

"Let's call it a night," said Neil as he stood to his feet with his wife. He didn't want her to say more before a fight breaks out. And if it does, the three other Caskets will look only and wouldn't intervene, and it was sure that Clovis would beat the shit out of them.

Clovis calmed herself before she let loose from the beast that she had caged in years ago. She left the drawing room to her room.

"Cassie and Herbert would lead you to your rooms," said Neil

"Make sure your daughter is ready before the sun rises, we are leaving early," said Lord Temples and Neil nodded his head before he left for his room.

He met his wife and daughter on the bed, conversing.

"Is our dearest sleeping here?" asked Neil

"I am, so I won't miss you both," said Moon.

"You will still miss us after sleeping here," said Neil while chuckling before he went into the shower.

"You are meant to wake up early, Moon. You are leaving before sunrise or minutes after," spoke Neil as he came out with a towel in his hand, cleaning his head.

"Oh lord," groaned Moon and Clovis laughed.


Early next morning, by the first cock crow, Moon was woken by Clovis, ushering her to get ready.

She took Moon to her room and waited for her to bathe. She had instructed the maids to prepare food for her daughter and also snacks that she will take along to the palace.

Clovis dressed her in a dress she made by herself. A yellow-colored gown with an awesome design.

Moon looked gorgeous in it. The food was served in Moon's Room and Neil who entered smiled broadly when he saw his daughter.

"You looking gorgeous, Milady," he said as he bowed. Moon laughed at his exaggerated actions.

As she was about to say something, a maid got in and said, "The Caskets are asking for Lady Moon."

"Ok," Neil replied

They walked to the drawing room to see the Caskets ready for the journey.

"She hasn't eaten, can you give her five minutes to do that?" asked Clovis but her request was declined. She packed the food into a plastic plate and asked Moon to eat in the carriage.

Clovis had tears in her eyes as she saw he daughter off. She just couldn't take it, she ran off into her room to cry her eyes out.


The carriage stopped at the Palace and Moon got out with the Caskets. The palace maids were all lined up and bowed their heads as the Caskets and Moon passed.

Moon was led into the throne room and when the Queen of Ashbourne sighted her, she smiled widely and spoke, "Is this her?"