

[MATURE CONTENT] She's the key. That's what everyone says. She's the key to freedom. She's the only who can save them as she was born in the day of the Red Moon. Born on the day of Red Moon, she was named Moon and was betrothed to the cursed Prince. A prince with high fetish. A prince that could be her ruin. To save their lives, she was given to him. Who ever wanted to be the wife of Prince Harvey? Everyone wanted to be but they did certainly brace their mind as he wasn't going to be a one woman's Man. He certainly was cursed. The hell could he even be One woman's Man? [Excerpt] "Lord, He's cursed with a very high fetish, nonsense", spoke Moon. "He's a man whore. No one should cover up for his bad deeds. A scandalous prince, humph" ===== "Look here, Prince Harvey, as far as I am your wife, I expect you to keep that thing in your pant in always. I don't want you chasing women's skirt here and there. Have something they called dignity. And I don't believe the shitty rumor of you been cursed", said Moon as she tilted her head looking at him "It's Impossible but I will try my best. I did surely chase after your skirt only, Madam Moon, The Saviour" "What?" screamed Moon, the ever calm but sharp mouthed Lady. ======== "What do you want?" asked Moon "You",replied Harvey with a grin ******** "You all think I am your saviour? you are mistaken. I was born on the day of Red Moon doesn't mean I will save you all", shouted Moon as she sat on her horse, wearing armor let's read the story of the Cursed Prince and His Moon. Do read my other book too - Transmigration; He's a Demon? COVER PHOTO NOT MINE, FOUND IT ON PINTEREST. CREDITS TO THE OWNER. DM ME ON IG TO TAKE IT DOWN

Moonlight_senora · History
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20 Chs

It hurts

"It's Impossible but I will try my best. I did surely chase after your skirt only, Madam Moon, The Saviour"

"What?" screamed Moon, the ever-calm but sharp-mouthed Lady.


"You don't want that too?" asked Harvey. Lord knows how much he loves teasing her. He certainly was aware that they can't be the way they were. But, he doesn't care, he'd make sure to have her as a friend again.

"Avoid me, I do not want to speak, nor sight you," uttered Moon as she went under her duvet.

"I can't but for now, I will," Harvey said with a smile before leaving the room.

He left for his study room and came across Otis, who was looking into space.

"Otis?" Harvey called, but Otis' mind was far from him.

Harvey narrowed his eyes before he tapped Otis on the shoulder.

"Your highness," uttered Otis, surprisingly.

"What were you thinking of? You were lost in thoughts," mumbled Prince Harvey.

"Nothing much, Your highness." Lord Damascus uttered before the both of them walked to Harvey's study room.

"It is serious. You were lost in thoughts and didn't hear my calling," muttered Prince Harvey.

"It's nothing," Otis said again

"If you say so," said Harvey before entering his study room with Otis.

"Have you heard anything from Aurelian and Eleazar?" asked Harvey as he took his seat.

"Nothing at all, but, Lady Sandra sent a letter," mumbled Otis. His duty was to advise the Prince on political affairs and he also assisted him.

"What was written in it?" inquired Harvey

"She stated that King Rathford is seeking an alliance with the Kingdom of Rellic and will be waging war against us sooner or later," explained Otis

"Waging war against us soon? I dare them to," mumbled Prince Harvey. "The Kingdom of Rellic will be strong if they join forces with King Rathford's Kingdom, but it still doesn't mean, they stand a chance against Ashbourne."

"Still, we will need to strengthen our Kingdom with a strong alliance," uttered Otis. It wasn't easy for him, standing right in front of the person who was going to have the person he loves. All he wanted to do at that moment was to leave instantly, he couldn't.

He had to perform his duty before anything else.

"I know... Aurelian and Eleazar are working on that and you know. We should send a letter to them," said Harvey.

"Yes, I will do that," mumbled Otis

"You should go. You don't look fine at all. Go home and take a rest," said Harvey.

Otis bowed his head before leaving. He stopped himself from walking to Moon's chamber at the far end, where Harvey's chamber was too.

He was glad that the Prince didn't ask what he was doing at his residence. He surely wouldn't know what to say.

He walked out of the palace to his carriage and requested for the coachman to take him to the south of Ashbourne.

He needed someone to talk to at the moment, and the person was Aurora. It took quite some time before he reached there. It was noon already, and Aurora was still at the council office. He went there and waited for her till she was done with work and started heading home.

He could have gone into her office, but he decided against that.

"Otis?" called Aurora as she sighted him on the bench in the waiting area.

"Lady Davison," he uttered before bowing slightly.

Aurora narrowed her eyes at him. He looked dull and she knew Otis was always happy, but, right now, he wasn't happy

"Are you fine?" she asked taking his left hand and moving out of the council building.

"No, I am not," said Otis, shakingly. They both got into Aurora's carriage and headed for her home.

"What's wrong with you?" inquired Aurora, and Otis burst into tears.


"It hurts, it hurts so badly, Rora," mumbled Otis as she placed his hand on his chest, and crumbled his wear.

Aurora didn't know what was wrong, but she pulled him into her and patted his back. She hadn't seen him ever break down like this. Whenever he had problems, they'd both solve them together, and surely, whatever was going on with him at the moment, she'd hoped they will solve it together.

"M...Moon," he called out.

"Moon? Did she reject you? I'm so sorry," said Aurora when she heard him call Moon.

"No," he muttered before pulling away from her. "She's the Prince's betrothed," said Otis, and Aurora's eyes widen. She had thought he was rejected but it seemed like he found out about the betrothal.

"I'm so hurt. I will have to see her every day being the Prince' Wife," he said dejectedly.

"We've arrived," spoke the coachman before he pulled the door open for Aurora.

They both of them got into the house, and everywhere was dark. Aurora had to pull the curtains away before she went into the kitchen to fetch Otis a glass of water.

"What should I do, Rora? I love her so much," said Otis while sitting on the floor.

"I don't know, Otis. She's for the Prince and you know that," said Aurora. She had dropped her stuff on the sofa.

This was her personal space. She stays alone here and only Otis was allowed to enter.

"I know. I know that, and it's hard. It's hard to accept reality. How could she even be given to the Prince?" he spoke with hostility.

"Have you forgotten that the Prince is your friend? Our friend, Otis." Aurora said

"I know."

"You can steal her," said Aurora as she shrugged her shoulders.

"You have gone mad, Aurora," said Otis as she ran his fingers in his hair. He cleaned the tears on his face before drinking the water Aurora gave to him earlier.

"When you know that, why do you still keep asking what you should do? No one steals from the Prince," Aurora said.

"I know," said Otis

"You know, then you know that it's impossible to get Moon back. Moon doesn't know about your feelings for her, so keep it in and destroy it," mumbled Aurora

"You are speaking as if it's easy," said Otis

"It's not, but you don't want to face Prince Harvey's wrath," muttered Aurora.

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