
Episode 010: Am in love!


Episode 010: Am in love!

 Just a few blocks off the apartment building was a beautiful coffee place. With outdoor stands, pastries, puddings and normal bakery. Red in color and glass windows, filled with few persons. The girl who attended to people, dressed in kimono and fluffy slippers. Had just delivered a tray of burger, fries and can of coke. As she smiled and walked away, it was for Lucas, who had outside on a chair with the food dropped on his table.

 He smiled at her as she walked off and the moment she did, she jumped on his food. Not caring that he was in public at all, stuffing his face with fries and burger, before cracking the coke open for a gulp.

"How disgusting! A voice said and the face had the expression of disgusting. The being, who was also a Visionary grabbed the chair opposite him and sat down, signaling the girl for her order.

"Good to see you again, Rika- Chan. He said and cracked up an unsettling smile. He was shocked to see her as he knew for one thing that her squad was sent to Kyoto city. To destroy all the demons in the town and total extermination of every damned soul. They did the job and freed the city of demons, probably back to celebrate.

"Yes honestly, it doesn't feel that good to be back! She muttered as they had to pause the conversation for her to deliver her order of Cold coke and Cheese burger. The waiter girl went in immediately to get the order, as she walked away they began conversing again.

"Why say so? Lucas asked stuffing his a face with more fries. She glanced a look at him and back at the high speed passing cars, listened to the school children playing as they crossed the road and mutter words of advice to one another. She sighed and exhaled as she looked back at the waiting Lucas.

"Do you ever think about quitting the Visionary? She said and his eyes went wide, the fries hanged over his mouth as he was left gaped.

"Quitting? He muttered in a low voice.

"Do you ever think what is like…what life was like before the apocalypse. If this whole shit show hasn't been spilled what would you do? Go to college, be a full time student…have a nice friend, get married someday and-

"Rika chan? I- (stutters as he felt the same way. He too had once thought about it, retiring and getting married to Denzel's secretary or someone else) I understand. Sometimes, I want to run from certain things, wish they never happened or just Die. But someday or all the days, there's something that keeps me going, that talks to me and tell me, that all this (points and glance around to see the happy faces) all this wouldn't be possible if people like me, weren't here". He said and smiled at her.

"True…Even though I went back to college and got a job. I wouldn't be able to settle down and marry.

"Huh? He grasped as he gulped down a huge dip of coke.

"I don't do love! She snapped as her food order arrived.

"Why…? Oh yeah! Denzel isn't it? He said and she groaned.

"that brat…She groaned and at that moment, Lucas's phone ranged and he had to pick it. But on looking at the caller, he hesitated for a while, it was Denzel. Wonder why he called now? He groaned and Rika, signified her hands across her ears and neck to point out that if he tells of her return back here, she will kill him.

"Hello…Denzel! He said plainly as he wiped his mouth.

"Apartment 47 now! Denzel snapped and he rolled his eyes.

"Busy. He snapped back.

"what are you doing?

"eating…am on a recovery break, so I can't do anything for you right now.

"Get me some chips, French fries…oh if you at the store closer to house then just walk down to left of the next street. There's a chicken red dot sales, get that too. Fired chicken, deep fried!

"Denzel...what the –

"Drinks too…get a milkshake, I love milkshake. Denzel said and waited for his response. He exhaled and attempted to hang the phone call up, when a scoff was heard from Rika. Denzel heard it and wanted to know who that was. The mode of gag was familiar as the scoff was.

"whose that-

"good bye Denzel! Lucas snapped the call off and smiled at Rika, implying that he didn't reveal of her arrival back for Kyoto.

"Still bothers you doesn't he? She asked and he threw his brawls up in the air as he offered to leave. The maid girl came to take her money from him for the food, he had just eaten. "For me and Rika". He said and passed down his credit card. Rika-Chan looked at him, surprised by his good manner and action.

"Thanks Lucas. Perhaps some day, you might actually find a good wife and all this would be behind us. She smirked and cracked her coke open.

"Indeed…why exactly do you not want Denzel to know that you are back? Lucas asked.

"Well cause if he finds out…he'd be all up in my business like he is in yours". She said and he scoffed.

"I guess I would be seeing you, later. He said and headed down the road.

"Good bye Lucas! She called and he turned to wave a hand at her. Cross over to the other side of the road to go back to the apartment.

Need to know: Rika-Chan, 21 years of age, smart, kind and pretty. She has one record that no one could ever take and it was her beautiful. She was one of the finest at the bureau. Her sexy figure always made a statement, cute face, sharp poking blue eyes, long pig tail patterned blue hair. She was higher than Lucas, not a knight but a Rook, with her all black collateral suit, golden stitches and red armband to the left of her arm. She avoids Denzel because she has reasons to believe that he is one of them, that is all up in her business. Always disturbing her, as he portrays him as her boyfriend and future husband. Though she has tried to make him stop but he can't to seem to help himself, her fairly skin, red lips and shape, always had him talking.


"finally! You made it! Denzel said as Lucas cracked the door locked. He stumbled to the opposite sofa and sat. Guru was up too, sitting on the rough edges of his king sized bed and staring down on the carpets.

"Yeah! You found him, Thank God. Lucas said and relaxed further into the sofa.

"It was Akaza. Denzel snapped and silence was all that was heard. Lucas eyes went wide open and he couldn't bring himself to say a single word. "some how Akaza got a hold of your blood and transformed to you, while using it. Your blood to him, is nothing but a weapon to use". He snapped and looked back at Lucas.

"my blood…where could he possibly get it? Lucas asked looking at him.

"Amon's puppet! Guru snapped in and looked at them both. "that's one and only way, it's possible".

"That's freaking stupid. I watched you set up in flames". Lucas disagreed.

"Doesn't matter! What matters is that Akaza and Amon would come for Guru. With the Visionaries academy, coming in later this month, Guru…you need to ready. I can't be there all the time". Denzel chipped in and Lucas stuffed his body out a little from his sofa.

"Did he say anything…maybe helpful? Lucas asked looking at Denzel.

"There would be another Apocalypse…Hellheim is closer to earth than heaven. (Looks at him and back at Guru) they would come for you, every single one of them". He said with a cold expression on his face.

"Why? Guru stuttered.

"Because Abyzou…is the demon princess of hell, father is Lucifer, the devil himself and mother is very famous for taking little grumpy boys and girls at birth, Lilith". Lucas snapped in and looked at him, with a feint yet crippling smirk.

"is it true…Denzel? Do I have the princess of hell in my body? He said and not a single response was heard. They both turned to Denzel and saw him texting and smiling widely. He had completely auctioned himself out of the topic. "Denzel! He snapped at him immediately.

"Yeah…sure, of course she loves you". He smirked and went back to his phone. Avoiding the lurking eyes of Lucas at him.

"Denzel…? Guru snapped in a cold yet brave voice.

"Yes! He grumped as though he was being disturbed.

"Whose Akaza? He said and both Lucas and Denzel went eye wide and looked at him. Denzel looked back at Lucas, who avoided his gaze and buried his eyes at the door. Denzel snapped his throat in and attempt to clear it and drew the sofa near.

"Akaza…? Well, you already met him so no need for dress code and color coding (chuckles). Akaza is the one person, that is capable of keeping you up at night but not for long, once a Visionary with great talent until…he was sent out with me to go find Lord Satoru. FYI, I was the only one who came back. Akaza was gone, not dead or anything…he was just lost. I didn't know, if he was alive…all I knew was that he didn't come back with me. Next thing I know is that his here in Japan as a demon".

"Plus, he uses a fighting skill called blood manipulation. It simply allows him to use his own blood as a weapon against his victims. S-S rated and capable of the Godspeed. He uses mostly his speed in his attacks and depends on his quick reflexes for recovery. He is the closest to Lord Satoru and the second dangerous man in his unit". Lucas said and looked up at both of them.

"So whose the first dangerous man in hell? Guru asked and Denzel smiled widely.

"the one who wants to take Abyzou, the most from you. Lord Satoru!

"knock it off…you scaring the poor kid". Lucas snapped his fingers at him and he chuckled.

"I don't care! I don't care, how strong…they are, I would beat them using my power, I would make this power my own and destroy their underworld! Guru snapped and smiled for greater ambitions.

"Baka! Lucas barked killing the uplifting music playing. "Lord Satoru can even kill you with nothing but a gaze. He doesn't necessarily have to be here". He got a pillow to the face by Denzel, who insisted that now his scaring him.

"Hey Lucas!


"the voice on the phone…who was that?

"Cashier. He snapped and went back into his phone.

"No! I don't think so…Denzel muttered as he drew his face closer to his. Smiling widely at him as he claimed that he recognized the giggle and it was that of a familiar voice. "The Rooks returned back from Kyoto and even better, my love is back! He snapped and got up to leave.

"where the hell are you going? We have a meeting here! Lucas snapped at him.

"Oh...(paused at the door) meeting adjourned.


"Come on, Denzel…Guru snapped at him and he reluctantly drew closed to them as though he had a mind change.

"Fine fine…I would have training with Guru tomorrow, Retractor court, 8 am, don't be late! Until then, everyone go to sleep and rest, Lucas…! Where my chicken and stuff? He asked looking straight at him.

"Did you give me any money? Perhaps a card or something. He snapped back looking at him.

"Well played…you dork! He hit his shoulder an ventured out the room as Guru and Lucas chuckled on.

"It will be alright…the devil got no power over us".

 Back in the underworld, Akaza had returned home. The sight of him standing and seeing Amon approach him was in motion. He smiled at Amon, who didn't smile back and was in no mood for his playful attitude.

"Where did you go? Amon asked almost immediately.

"Come on chill…a little. I was only go for about a 5 hours. Not like a die or something. He said in his usual playful attitude and voice.

"Did you get her? He said going straight to the point.

"Well…she did make a really go statement down there". Akaza said and chuckled.

 There was another footstep that was heard and approached them both. It was another demon, a girl and had a even more scary looking appearance that Akaza. "Lord Satoru would like to see you two…Now! She snapped at them both and Akaza's eyes went wide and open.

"Lord Satoru? He stuttered as he couldn't believe that the time he was gone, Lord Satoru made his way inside the palace and now wishing to see them, how…what would say happened to Abyzou now?

"He walked in an hour after you left and he wished to see you but you were away…now! You good as dead.