
Secrets Of The Unknown

Hunter's P.O.V

How long have I been asleep Alicia is awful quiet she is gone I better find out what she is up to "oh Mrs Olivia have you seen Alicia"

"Hunter you are finally up I saw Alicia heading towards the underground jail"

"Thanks" What is she going to do oh right the man we took prisoner is she going to kill him I hope she doesn't because we need to interrogate him and gain information on the pack that attacked us.

I walked into the dungeon and see Alicia walk out of a seemingly nice dungeon cell " Hey, Alicia is the prisoner all right"

"Wow, you are not bothered about me, if you feel like I was going to kill him, then think again," she said with the scariest tone I have ever heard scarier than my grandmother

"No, it's not like that we need to gain information so I was wondering if you need our help to torture him," I ask

"Thanks but I already made him talk"

"How did you do make him talk"