
The Cursed Love Story: Cupid's Curse

chocolate_boy88 · Urban
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8 Chs

Uncertified Cohabitation

"That's right. Samuel still has a month to go before the college entrance exam. This stage is very important to him. So in an effort to give him all the help he needs, it would be more convenient for you to stay here."

Robert spoke calmly, but she couldn't remain calm after she heard what he said. "No, Mr. Erickson. I am just a student. I have to stay in the dormitory. Moreover, this place is very far from my school. It's not convenient for me to go back and forth.

"I can help you with the accommodation problem at your school. If you find it too far to go to school, I can also send you in a car. These are not problems."

"No need. What I mean is... It's not appropriate for a man and a woman to live together. This is illegal cohabitation."

Robert smiled with disdain. "I did not realize that your thoughts were so vulgar.

Could it be that you like Samuel?" "Mr. Erickson, your thoughts are vulgar when you speak like that. Samuel is just my student."

"Then do you like me?"

She did not even think about it. "Of course, I do not."

"Since you don't like us brothers, then what are you afraid of? Miss Green, I think I still need to remind you that you were the one who took the initiative that night."

"You..." Her face turned red. "You're a man. I don't believe you didn't have the power to reject me."

"Heh, you don't seem to know very much about men. That's why you didn't know that most men would never reject a woman who voluntarily threw herself into their arms... Unless that man's sexual function is lacking."

Because of his words, her face turned a darker shade of red. It was hard to say whether it was because she was embarrassed or because she was angry.

Robert ignored her embarrassment and continued, "Speaking of which, I am a little curious about Ted Smith and that Jack Meyer. Are they lacking in sexual function? Otherwise, why would they let you leave the first time to me?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Emma became anxious at this line of questioning. How could he know Ted, and why would he mention her brother?

"Did you Investigate me?"

"I do not have that kind of free time. Yesterday, I saw you talking with Ted Smith in the heavy rain. Today you are hugging Jack Meyer in the same place. Miss Green, It seems that I have totally underestimated your ability with the opposite sex." She glared at him.

This was the first time Robert had met a woman who was not afraid of him. She was like a little wild cat that was ready to attack at any time. "What? Do you have nothing to say in your own defense?"

Emma gritted her teeth. "I am not so familiar with you that I need to share any secrets with you. So, I do not need you interfering with my personal matters. Also, you promised me that you would keep our personal mattere a secret."

"Of course, I've never told anyone about the matter of you sleeping with me, have I?"

Emma sighed and reminded herself to be kind. You have to be a teacher in the future. Endure it. "Then what do you mean by telling me all about my love life right now?"

"I'm just trying to argue with you based on what you said. You're not the only non-family member living in my house. It's not appropriate to think of thie arrangement as illegal cohabitation' while you live here. You're like the other people I hired. I'I provide you food and shelter. You'll be responsible for teaching Samuel here. That's all."

Samuel pushed the door open and walked in. Robert stood up and said, as he walked to the door, "Miss Green's living here has been negotiated. You guys can start your lessons now."

Emma was speechless. Who did he negotiate with? It was him who made the decision. However, if she really thought about it, this could also be a good idea. She had planned on moving out of the dormitory anyway, Seeing as how Robert hated her so much, she was not afraid that he would pounce on her. What was there to be afraid of? She could use the next month to find a new house to live in.

After she finished her tutoring session with Samuel, she rushed all the way to the restaurant. Jack had already ordered the dishes. After she sat down, Jack asked, "Why are you so tired?"

She gulped down two mouthfuls of water and said, "I taught others things I know. I taught them while sitting. How can I be tired?"

"Girl, don't you know how to complain?"

"It's not like I'm suffering, brother. Don't always think that I'm the only one in the world who's pitiful. Actually, I'm fine." She had a smile on her lips and was very happy to start eating.

"Eat slowly. It's not like anyone wants to snatch it from you."

She chuckled. "You can't win against me. I will eat all of it, everything."

"Okay, eat them all. If it's not enough, I'll give you some more. Look at how skinny you are. If Aunty was still alive, her heart would probably ache to death."

When he mentioned her mother, she sighed. "Jack, please."

"Alright, alright. I won't say anymore. You can eat."

Jack would occasionally serve her food. The two of them looked at each other and smiled. She felt very happy.

At that moment, a shadow appeared beside them and blocked their light. Emma turned her head to look. When she saw the face of the woman standing beside her, her appetite was instantly gone. Jack stood up and frowned. "Ilsa, why are you here?"

"Brother, why are you like this? When you got back from being overseas, you didn't even corne to visit your own sister, but instead, came to visit the illegitimate daughter."

"Shut up."

"Am I wrong? She was an illegitimate daughter to begin with, and she was a disgrace to her mother. How can you treat her so well?"

Jack said sternly, "Ilsa, you should be more respectful when you talk to her." Ilsa shouted, "Jack, in the end, I am your sister. How dare you help an outsider shout at me?"

"Who asked you to be so uncultured?"

"How could I be uncultured? When I thought about how my mother was being talked about behind her back, I really wanted to kill her. I am already very kind."

Emma tightly clenched her fists and stood up. She was about the same height as Ilsa. "Miss Meyer, please speak with some respect. First of all, I don't have a father, so don't force your father into my hands. I don't care. Secondly, I haven't spent a single cent of the Meyer family's money, and I haven't eaten a single meal with the Meyer family. Even when my mother was ill and hospitalized and needed money to save her life, I never went to the Meyer family to beg for help. Therefore, no one in the Meyer family has the right to criticize me."

Her words made Ilsa's face turn red. "Your existence is a disgrace to begin with." "That's what you think, not me. I am proud to be my mother's daughter." She took a deep breath and grabbed her bag. She took out a hundred dollars from her bag and placed it on the table. After shouting "bill," she turned around and left.

Jack chased after her and pulled her back. "Emma, listen to me. Ilsa, she..." "Brother, don't speak anymore. Save some dignity for me. I'll leave first. Call me if you need anything." Her eyes were misty. She smiled at him and slipped her wrist out of his grip. She quickly left.

Jack turned back and glared at Ilsa. "Are you satisfied?" With that, he left the restaurant.

Emma walked along the road for just about a mile and finally sat down on the curb. She liked to watch the traffic because she envied everyone who had their own home. She sighed. "Mom, I miss you so much."

While driving in traffic, Robert saw Emma sitting on the side of the road. The car was stopped at an intersection for almost ten minutes, which allowed him to look at her for almost ten minutes. She looked like a puppet that needed to be fixed. She kept looking at the ground with her head bent forward, chin against her chest, and did not move from where she sat. He opened the door and got out of the car. He walked towards her.

A pair of black leather shoes appeared in front of her eyes. She frowned as she looked up, revealing cheeks shiny from the trails of her tears.