
The Cursed Love Story: Cupid's Curse

chocolate_boy88 · Urban
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9 Chs

This Is A Coincidence

The Instant their eyes met, his expression froze. However, she turned her head and quickly wiped away her tears. Then, she stood up. "Mr. Erickson, why are you here?" She pretended to be calm as she looked at him.

"Is that your mantra?"

Emma was puzzled and then realized that she asked him this question every time she saw him. She awkwardly scratched her forehead. "Um, I was just surprised to meet you, Mr. Erickson, the CEO, whom everyone in Northern City admires, on the roadside."

"Enough with the pleasantries. What are you doing sitting here?"

"It's not illegal for me to sit here."

"It's very annoying."

His statement made her anxious. "How am I being annoying? This is a public road."

"I'm sitting in the car looking at you. You look like a stray cat abandoned on the roadside."

When he said that, her anxiety turned to anger. Thinking about it, she felt no different from a stray cat. She had no relatives, had been abandoned, and no one walted for her at home. Her heart slowed, weighted with sadness. "Then I won't stay where you can see me. I'll leave right away."

"Where are you going?" he asked coldly. "Come with me and get in the car. I'm going home too."

"Going home?"

He turned and walked a few steps. Seeing that she didn't follow, he turned around. "Are you coming?"

"My luggage is still at the dormitory."

"I have everything you need at my home. You can collect your things tomorrow. Come on, get in the car."

Emma got into his car for no reason. Just when the two of them closed their doors, the congested traffic started to move. The congestion seemed deliberate, designed for her to run into him. It was neither early nor late. Could it be a coincidence?

He said to the driver, "Go straight home."

"Okay, Mr. Erickson."

She looked at him. "Where were you going just now? If you are busy, drop me off at the dormitory first. I'll be fine by myself." "I originally planned to go home."

The driver looked in the rearview mirror. Curious and certain that Mr. Erickson had previously said that he was going to the club. Robert looked back at the driver in the mirror. The driver Immediately looked away. He didn't say anything and didn't dare to think too much about it. He drove back to the villa obediently. The two of them sat silently in the back of the car. After a few minutes, Robert spoke. "Did something happen?"

"No," she said. "I just saw someone driving a luxury car and getting stuck on the road. I thought it was funny. Money is not everything."

He was unhappy. This woman was lying through her teeth. Did she think he was a three-year-old child? "Then why were you crying? And money isn't everything? You don't even have the right to complain about the traffic jam because you don't have a car."

"You make it sound like someone knows how to drive as soon as you own a car." She turned around and glared at him. This man, why did he have to be so sarcastic? "Driver, did you know how to drive when you were born?" The driver chuckled. "Miss, how is that even possible?"

Emma raised her eyebrows and looked at Robert provocatively. "It seems Mr. Erickson, here, was born with special gifts. He was born with a car and could drive it without a single lesson." The driver swallowed nervously.

Does Miss Green want to fight? She actually dared to scold him. Did she forget who she was talking to?

Robert narrowed his eyes and glared at her.

For a moment, she felt guilty for her reaction. "What I mean is, although I have a

driver's license, I have never driven a car before. If I actually got behind the

wheel, I might drive very well."

Robert snorted. She was good at recovering. "Tom, pull over to the side and stop the car."

Tom quickly stopped the car.

Robert tilted his chin toward the driver's seat. He looked at her and said, "You go and drive."

"Me?" She felt anxious, and her voice dropped to a whisper.

"Tom, you are off the clock."

Tom looked back and was a little worried.

Before he could say anything, Robert's eyes turned cold. "What? Didn't you hear?"

"Yes, Mr. Erickson." Tom quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. The moment she closed the door, his eyes met Emma's. That look seemed to

say, Miss Green, pray for your own good. After Tom left, she looked at him. "Mr. Erickson, you... are joking, right?"

"I am giving you a chance to prove yourself."

"I don't need to prove myself."

"Then let's spend the night in the car. Anyway, I am not the one who is boasting. The person who ends up ashamed of themselves won't be me."

"I am saying no for your own good. Isn't your car expensive? What if I wreck it? Besides, with you still in the car, it won't matter if your car gets wrecked, I might end up committing a cardinal sin."

She tried to flatter him, but it didn't change his mind. "It's okay. When we get to Hell, you can be my companion. You'll run errands for me, and you'll do so in the car you could drive when you were born."

The corner of her mouth unconsciously twitched. This man was so infuriating. He didn't think he was being childish. She had just mocked him, and it made him angry. After all, in the entire Northern City, no woman dared to do such a thing. Seeing that he didn't say anything, she frowned and said, "Are you serious?"

"Go quickly."

"Then... Can you sit in the passenger seat?"


"Someone sitting beside me might give me some courage." "Sure."

Robert got out of the car before her and sat in the passenger seat.

She sat in the driver's seat with a heavy heart. She reminded herself that, in the future, even if she wanted to flirt with danger, she definitely should not provoke the man beside her. She started the car and was about to step on the gas when he calmly said, "This car is not even worth one million dollars. So, if you damage it, I'll give you fifty percent off. I calculated it, making it affordable for you. So, no pressure."

Her heart thumped as she looked at him. "You... Are you trying to scare me and tell me not to start it?"

"I'm helping you realize that you should be careful, cautious, and to make you cherish your life as much as you cherish the hard-earned money in your wallet."

She snorted. "I'm not driving anymore. Let's stay in the car for the night."

"This car is parked here. Within half an hour, people will come to watch and take pictures. If you want to be famous, just sit there."

"You..." She glared at him. Does this man really have a macho response for everything? She gritted her teeth. "Fine, let's die together." She slowly moved the car to the center of the road.

His lips curled into a smile. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and said, "Don't be too afraid. This car handles like a dream. It certainly won't fall apart if you hit the gas pedal. Moreover, if you actually cause any damage, you don't have to have the money; there are other ways for you to pay for it. I'm sure you could come up with an agreeable figure. I wouldn't reject you."

His words frightened her. She pressed the brake pedal all the way to the floor.

The car behind them couldn't dodge in time and crashed into the Bentley's rear end.

She was stunned. Something had really happened. She looked back and saw the owner of the other car glaring. She looked at Robert with a face full of fear.

"What should I do? Is it my responsibility? Because I stepped on the brakes."

"So, who asked you to step on the brakes?" "You scared me."

"Suggesting you could give yourself to me scared you? When you threw yourself at me? Why didn't you think that I was scared of you?"

She was speechless: "Now is not the time to discuss that! What should we do now? What should I say when I go out there?"

"He didn't keep a safe distance from you. He's responsible too, but he should be more afraid than you right now."


"Because of this car, he can't afford it. Sit in the car. Don't come out."

She nodded.

Robert got out of the car and walked to the back of the car. The other driver got out of their car. She looked back and saw the two men talking.

Robert took out his wallet and handed him some money. He took it and got Into the car. Robert came back in less than three minutes. She urgently asked, "Did you compensate him?"

"Yes, It's been recorded in your account. You can pay me back later, just drive." She was speechless. "You still want me to drive?"

"Either way, you're definitely going to pay for it. Why don't you relax and drive the car back with some confidence? One hit is just a bump, and two hits are just a bump. "Not bad, let's go."

She was about to cry. Was there anyone who could comfort her like this? She trembled driving the car back to the entrance of the villa on Circling Mountain Road.

Robert looked at her and smiled. He opened the door and got out of the car. She got out of the car and felt her legs go weak. He gave her a charming look and walked into the villa's main door. Clark personally came out to welcome Emma, and he quickly said, "Mr. Erickson, Miss Green's room has been arranged. It is on the first floor of Samuel's residence."

Robert stopped and looked at him.

Clark was puzzled. "Mr. Erickson, do you have any other orders?"

"Samuel is a student, studying to take the college entrance exam. Won't It distract him to have Miss Green staying there?"

"Yes... yes." Clark nodded, Immediately understanding what he meant. Robert turned around and continued walking. "Arrange it with me; we can set her up for a month."

"Yes. I'll go back and get someone to clean up the room."

Emma, who was still standing by the car, scoffed at his words. She did not want to live anywhere near him.

"Also, send this car for repairs tomorrow. Be sure to give the receipt to Miss Green for safekeeping."


Emma pursed her lips. Capitalists certainly were calculating.

Clark Invited her inside.

This was her first time seeing Robert's residence. The decoration was in the European style, bright and comfortable. After Clark arranged for her to stay in the room next to the stairs, he said there was something else. Not long after, Clark returned, bringing her a few sets of clothes. She was shocked at the collection. They were all new, with the tags still attached. She took them and thanked Clark.

Originally, she was worried about being able to sleep in a new place. However, she actually slept quite well that first night. The alarm clock rang; and when she woke up, she felt refreshed. After washing up, she came out of the room. Robert was also heading downstairs. Because the room was facing the stairs, the two of them bumped into each other. Embarrassment turned her face red. "Mr. Erickson, good morning."

He raised his eyebrows and looked her up and down. "Yes, you look positively delicious."

She was puzzled.

He sounded too charming when he said, "This outfit suits you very well. It's very sexy."

She frowned, afraid that was exactly what he had meant.