
The beginning of the wonderfull love !

Once when every thing was fine in between Mewar and Sakhanpura a boy(Rajiv) from Mewar went to Sakhanpura to buy some equipment for his shop. He reached Sakhanpura and started to buy the stuffs for his shop but he endup buying all the things except one and that was a bottle of a u shaped tube he searched alot but couldn't find it so he sasked someone and the person told him to visit a shop at the corner of the market. He went to the shop and at the shop he shaw a girl (so pretty and beautiful ) his heart skipped a beat after looking at her. The he just forget about the bottle and went back thinking about her.

He reached his home and his father started shoughting on him that what he was doing that he forgot to bring to buy the bottles.

After all this Rajiv started to visit the shop at Sakhanpura regularly just to see that girl. Her name was Seema. After some time Rajuv and Seema started meeting each other as they fall in love. But a drastic change came to their life as the king of Mewar ordered that no one will have any contact with the people of Sakhanpur. Rajiv and Seema were very sad from this decision of the king and refused to listen to his orders and continued to meet each other.