
The Cursed Enchantress

In a land plagued by magic and mystery a young servant takes a mysterious yet deadly curse from within an ancient dungeon. A conniving queen wants to exploit it's power to make her daughter invincible. her plot works but with some side effects. How will this girl survive her school when she is so awfully different? This specific curse is one of the world most powerful curses and grants a holder incredible power; however, after 24 hours they will go insane and their power will consume everything around them. To any normal person this curse would grant fire as strong as the flame goddess Aurus. However to an enchanter it would allow them to enchant an infinite amount in contrast to only 3 things in their life. Many power hungry people seek it out and few get their hands on it, only to succumb to the insanity. Due to years of study, this particular queen found a clever use of mind control to by pass the set backs to absolute powerful. The queen herself is not an enchanter so she will have to find the next best person to receive such a gift... --------- I started this story back in middle school and I've only just decided to pick it up again! If you read and enjoy this then thanks for being here!

ReaderMagicCat · Fantasy
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The Old Curse

    Sweet rusty air filled her throat, Causing her tonearly sneezing and give herself away to the dungeon's detection system. Under the shady hood was an agile and pleasant young lady who was under the queen's order to capture a curse.

Why did the queen even want such a incredibly powerful curse in the first place? Perhaps the queen wanted to punish her enemies by making them suffer? Maybe she just wanted it's absurd power at her disposal?

She held the small enchanted bottle in her hand tightly. If she failed to get the most important thing in the queen's plan, it would ruin everything and she would be severely punished.

She looked ahead and remembered her training. All her life she was cast aside like a tool, all too make the princess' life better.

Just ahead of her was the pool of fire and a staircase full of traps meant for no one to get the curse. She casually started to walk down the staircase. Every other step she took down was full of tripwires triggered to kill. Apparently death was a form of mercy compared to getting this particular curse. she idlely though pointless theories in her head as she effortlessly dipped underneath a swarm of whizzing arrows. 

The Queen's advisors had raised and trained her just for this one task. Her whole existence was based on this one important mission and she didn't what for.

She evaded each and every trap, some of them involving trapdoors in the floor to fly open, others involved something swinging at her. She nearly got through the entire dungeon unscathed until the very last arrow flew by.

She quickly was able to plunge down under the whizzing spear of poison until it decided to bounce back off the dense frosty stone wall and tore her vest.

She turned around with grief as she stared at her shredded vest and shuddered as her skin was exposed to the frosted air. A purple acidic goo from the arrow had gotten all over the cloth of her vest, causing it to turn a sickening black. 

    Immediately, she had noticed that some of the poison had dripped on her hair. Moving quickly, she slashed a big portion off it off. She sighed frustratingly and could tell by the poison's potency that her hair would most likely remain short for a very long time.

She only had a second to rest before the main defence system of the dungeon would activate, killing any mortal life form inside.

Swiftly loosening a bottle's cap, she ran over to the cursed fountain.

The fountain's sweet liquid was almost as beautiful as it was terrifying.  She reached out her hand, patted on a curse proof leather glove, and walked closer to the pool while opening a bottle.

Immediately, the fountain started to rumble and a wisp of blood-red smoke gradually flooded out and into the small bottle.

After counting the seconds in her head, she quickly snapped the bottle shut and the fountain spontaneously stopped growling.

She stuffed the bottle in her case and turned around to face a nearby wall. She then snapped her coder onto the wall and quickly started to change the technological command in the wall. A hidden door in the stone wall creaked open to let her out and she swiftly stepped through.

As she walked out into the sunlight, relief swept through her body and she softly exhaled to calm herself.

Once she calmed herself she look down at the warm bottled curse in her hand.

Her Majesty would be quite pleased by her success.

this takes place before our characters! please give it a read as it sets up a few things for the future action! if you enjoy what we have so far then I will be motivated to write more often :) Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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