
The girl in the woods finds a flame

There is a girl in the woods named biobence which means kind and centered around nature she lives happily and never had a problem in the world she is also the girl who came out of the nature stone but one day something disturbed her peace "huh what's that" biobence whispers "oh no AAAH IS THAT A FIRE" she runs "NO ALL THE ANIMALS" she falls face first on the ground "ow :(" someone walks up beside her " get up are you ok" says the person " am I dead the fires talking to me" says biobence "GET UP GIRL DO I LOOK LIKE A FIRE ACTUALLY, I kind of am" the fire person is actually the man who came out of the fire stone pyrage which means the angry fire elemental "so your burning down the forest" she starts to cry " you meanie" "if I'm being honest I did not do it on purpose" says pyrage " oh it was an accident ok let's try to put it out " biobence runs off "GIRL HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO... WE'RE DID YOU GOOOO" pyrage screams he follows after her they stop when they get to the ocean "how are we supposed to get the water to the forest" says biobence "Uh I may.... be able to help" said a gloomy female voice