
The Cursed Daemon: Retribution of the lightning Meta.

The year, 2017 was a gruesome year for all who witnessed it. The rise of the monsters nearly brought humans to the brink of extinction, but even though they were faced with overwhelming odds, humanity did not back down. They gradually began to build defenses to shield themselves from the nightmare that hunts their existence by using the power of the cursed humans, people who werr infected by the monster's fluids and awakened with superhuman abilities and given the name Metas. Yuichiro Kamina happened to fall under the same title, his homeland was overrun by the rarities called the Xynoins. They killed both his parents and sister while leaving him in a coma. He woke up after 5 years to find that the world has undergone a lot of modifications during his sleep. The Jixa (Japanese imperial Xynoins army) was formed under the WXMD { World Xynions military defense}, tasked with the responsibility of bringing humanity back to its Glory. What would Yuichiro's life be after finding out he was another one of the cursed children and is now supposed to help humanity gain back their freedom? ........................... Other tags,. |Romantic rivals| |sci-fi| |Military| |Magic| |Post apocalypse| |Face slapping| |Gore|. Join the discord server. https://discord.gg/Ajk89bXy

Kirito_K5 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Why won't you reconsider?!

"Ava, tell me what's going on?" Mira inquired again, "What did you mean by 'leave this place?',".

Ava's eyes wandered to the door, checking if anyone was eavesdropping before she spoke out, "There's a paper, I found it inside Miss Rachel's room… she plans to sell some of the kids to some people, day? I don't know, but it doesn't look to be in delay".

"Some people? Who?".

"I don't know, and I'm not waiting to find out." Ava pitched the bag over the window and didn't progress until she made sure the bag landed on the ground.

After hearing a loud thud, she walked away from the window and went to close the door before walking toward Mira.

"Ava? You need to calm down and rethink this, you are talking about Miss Rachel, the same woman that helped you, me, and every kid in this orphanage." Mira expressed, trying to stop Ava from going through with her plan.

"Just this week alone, five kids have gone missing, and each one was labeled dead any time we ask what happened. Has it never occurred to you how we never get to see their bodies but mere words telling us what happened?." Ava brought out another point.

"T-that's because.."

"A week after I came here, Miss Rachel took a sample of my blood and Yuichi also, wanna know what she did with it?" Ava hinted which drew Mira in, "The next day, I saw her selling it to the same suit men that always visited my mom back at the orphanage".

"Hold on,... This is too much for me to take in… what's so bad about having your blood sold… sorry that sounded right in my head." Mira panicked, sitting on the bed as she tried to take in everything she heard.

Mira was one of the oldest people that had been in the orphanage, so she had so much trust in Rachel since she viewed her as a mother.

Hearing Ava say such things was baffling to her since she also trusted Ava. Looking to the ground, Mira asked, "Are you sure what you are saying is true? You could have just seen something different".

"Regardless, I don't plan to risk it." Ava walked over to her wardrobe and opened it, "I'll leave once it's evening, I already have everything I need".

"Ava, I really think you should reconsi…".

The door to the room suddenly sprung open and Rachel strolled in with her eyes first scanning the room.

"Miss Rachel!" Mira jerked up from the bed, holding the boy close to her with a nervous look on her face.

"Mira? What were you girls talking about?" Rachel asked with a warm smile on her face.

"N-nothing much." Mira replied with a shaky voice, "She was just… telling me her hubbies, that's all".

"Okay, good to know you guys are getting closer." Rachel commented, looking at Ava who didn't once shift her attention away from the wardrobe.

Adding another smile Rachel uttered, "Ava? Meet me in my room once you are done here." She walked away and closed the door behind her.

As soon as Rachel left, Mira fell to the bed with the boy in her hand as she let out a heavy relieving sigh.

"That was scary." Mira high pitched; she then turned to look at Ava, "Are you still going through with It?" She asked.

Ava shut the wardrobe and replied, "Nothing is changing my mind, not even if a war starts tonight, I'm taking Yuichi and fleeing to District 6".

As issued by Rachel, Ava went to meet her by 6 pm in the evening, when everyone in the orphanage was seated for dinner.

Ava stood in front of Rachel's room, taking a deep breath before she knocked on the door.

"Miss Rachel, you asked me to come see you." Ava voiced out.

Almost like Rachel was expecting her, the door immediately opened and Rachel showed her face, "Ava, come in." She spoke out.

Ava reluctantly walked inside the room, and was quick to notice the cups of tea decorated on the ground.

She was suspicious about it but didn't pay it too much mind since she was too curious about why Rachel called her to the room.

Ava sat down on the plrf pillow that was on the ground while Rachel seated opposite her.

Picking up the kettle that was filled with tea and pouring it inside the tea cups, Rachel expressed with words, "How do you find your stay in this place so far?"


"Don't mind me," Rachel handed the cup of tea to Ava, "I'm just curious to know how my children view my house".

"We eat three square meals a day and there's nice water with a good environment, there's nothing wrong with the orphanage mam," Ava responded.

"Oh? That's good to know." Rachel picked up her cup and took a sip of her tea with a smile on her face.

Ava stared at the tea for a while, looking at the cup and Rachel's face back and forth before she finally made up her mind and picked up the cup.

She likes tea a lot, which is something she finds soothing, and can never part from it.

Taking a drink of the tea, Ava smiled as she mattered, "It's just right?".

Ava was about to take another sip when she caught a glimpse of the sinister grin Rachel had on her face.


Ava instantly tossed the cup away from her hand, looking at the spilled tea on the ground as she slowly felt her head getting lighter.

Her body dropped to the ground when she suddenly felt her legs and arms go numb and was unable to move any part of her body.

'The tea… there's something in the…tea.' Ava muttered to herself as she slowly faded.

But just before she passed out completely, she saw Rachel walking toward her with a rope in her hands as she sang.

"Bad bad girl, so unfaithful you bad bad girl, I will take you home… and make you bleed, oh bad bad girl".

Fear clouded Ava's thoughts as she desperately tried to haul away from Rachel even though there was nothing she could do.