
The Cursed Daemon: Retribution of the lightning Meta.

The year, 2017 was a gruesome year for all who witnessed it. The rise of the monsters nearly brought humans to the brink of extinction, but even though they were faced with overwhelming odds, humanity did not back down. They gradually began to build defenses to shield themselves from the nightmare that hunts their existence by using the power of the cursed humans, people who werr infected by the monster's fluids and awakened with superhuman abilities and given the name Metas. Yuichiro Kamina happened to fall under the same title, his homeland was overrun by the rarities called the Xynoins. They killed both his parents and sister while leaving him in a coma. He woke up after 5 years to find that the world has undergone a lot of modifications during his sleep. The Jixa (Japanese imperial Xynoins army) was formed under the WXMD { World Xynions military defense}, tasked with the responsibility of bringing humanity back to its Glory. What would Yuichiro's life be after finding out he was another one of the cursed children and is now supposed to help humanity gain back their freedom? ........................... Other tags,. |Romantic rivals| |sci-fi| |Military| |Magic| |Post apocalypse| |Face slapping| |Gore|. Join the discord server. https://discord.gg/Ajk89bXy

Kirito_K5 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Finding the dorm.

Yuichi walked down the hall, the sound of his boots echoing through the empty corridor. As he turned the corner, he was greeted by a sea of students, all dressed in the same purple and black military uniform as him.

The uniform was made of a thick, sturdy fabric, with reinforced padding in the shoulders and elbows. It had a sleek, streamlined design, with the emblem of the military academy embroidered on the chest.

"Honestly, why the hell is a station built for training new recruits, having teachers lecture about chemistry?" Yuichi muttered under his breath as he walked through the empty hallway.

He shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the frustration he felt towards the previous day's lectures. "Well, doesn't matter," he told himself. "Tomorrow should be different."

As he walked, his attention suddenly turned to his hand. "It's been a while since I heard Outcast's voice," he thought.