
The Cursed Daemon: Retribution of the lightning Meta.

The year, 2017 was a gruesome year for all who witnessed it. The rise of the monsters nearly brought humans to the brink of extinction, but even though they were faced with overwhelming odds, humanity did not back down. They gradually began to build defenses to shield themselves from the nightmare that hunts their existence by using the power of the cursed humans, people who werr infected by the monster's fluids and awakened with superhuman abilities and given the name Metas. Yuichiro Kamina happened to fall under the same title, his homeland was overrun by the rarities called the Xynoins. They killed both his parents and sister while leaving him in a coma. He woke up after 5 years to find that the world has undergone a lot of modifications during his sleep. The Jixa (Japanese imperial Xynoins army) was formed under the WXMD { World Xynions military defense}, tasked with the responsibility of bringing humanity back to its Glory. What would Yuichiro's life be after finding out he was another one of the cursed children and is now supposed to help humanity gain back their freedom? ........................... Other tags,. |Romantic rivals| |sci-fi| |Military| |Magic| |Post apocalypse| |Face slapping| |Gore|. Join the discord server. https://discord.gg/Ajk89bXy

Kirito_K5 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Don't poke around

The Jinx organization is known to have many divisions all around Japan and other Xynoin-infected countries like New Capital, Romania, Coast land, Atansia, and many more.

But specifically in Japan was a total of 25 different Jinx bases to help fight off the Xynoins since Japan had the highest level of hazard.

One of the bases, Hq Black crow was located in Sicron District 3, one of the safe zones created by the organization for humans to live peacefully in.

Sergeant Shinra Takanase was among the soldiers serving under the Hq Black crow, or rather, a cursed fighter as they were Nicknamed.

Feeling furious and frustrated, Shinra went to confront the Lieutenant Colonel of the black crow division.

"Excuse me Colonel Mikeson." Shinra greeted with respect even though he was on the brink of losing it.

"Sergeant, what do you want?" Mikeson asked, his legs crossed on the table with a cigarette in his mouth.

The fume of the cigarette wasn't helping the high temper Shinra was feeling at the exact moment.

Gulping down his saliva, Shinra spoke out,' Sir, our mission last night at District 7, the information given to us was false!".

"The information said, the Xynoins broke through the first line of difference and penetrated the district… but when my men and I went over to the border line we found no sign of a Battle… the Xynoins basically just walked right through".

"Is that so?" Mikeson said before he blew out the smoke from the cigarette.

"Yes sir," Shinra answered back, not letting Mikeson's attitude affect him, "And also, district 8 has been untouched… these monsters can easily…".

"Sergeant Shinra!" Mikeson yelled, "Your job is exactly what I tell you to do… if you value your leisure then I suggest you stop poking your nose around…not everything is meant to be disclosed".


The door went shut with Shira out of the office and an aggravated look on his face.

"So? How did it go?" Lisa asked, she had been waiting for him at the entrance ever since he went in.

Looking at Lisa, Shinra tidies up his body, "Same shit as the last time." She responded as he walked away

"I'm starting to think, you enjoy being abused by higher men." Lisa uttered, following behind Shinra with her hands behind her back, "Are you a masochist?" she asked.

Shira slowly looked at her, "Don't you get it? I bet these higher-ups are using the Xynoins attack as an excuse to produce more Metas, like you and I".

"So what, you plan to reveal their big secret? Then what? Do you think anyone actually cares?" Lisa said.

"What are you …"

"Look Sergeant, there are simply some things that shouldn't be messed with, I understand you want to help but you'll be doing more harm than good."

Shinra clenched his fist with his eyes focused on the ground, "Even still… this doesn't sit right with me".

Lisa let out a heavy sigh, "Don't worry that's why you have me- us, that's why you have us, we will always be with you".

"Thanks." Shinra uttered, "But that's so cringe coming from you, never again". He voiced as he walked away.

"Aww, don't be modest~." Lisa said as she giggled behind Shinra.


"Is she okay?" A girl's voice resounded

"How am I supposed to know, don't ask me?" Another man's voice replied.

"Should we wake her?" The female voice asked again.

"Terra, geez don't ask me,...."

With a loud gasp, Ava sprung up from the mat she was laying on to find she was being observed by two small kids.

"Where am I?" Asked Ava, with a quietude look on her face.

The boy slowly moved back before he ran out of the room yelling, "Ahhh, mom, the girl is awake!".

Ava diverted her attention from the boy who just ran out to the girl who was kneeling in front of her with an an enthusiastic look on her face.

"Hey, hey, are you a girl like me?" The small girl asked, moving closer to Ava with a big smile.

Ava stayed silent as she was trying to put herself together, her eyes widened when she suddenly remembered.

She grabbed the arms of the girl and pulled her close, "Where is Yuu?!" She asked.

The small girl, startled, immediately yelled her answer back, "I don't know who yuu is.., you're scary!".

Ava slowly released her grip on the girl's arm before she stood up from the mat, "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for." She muttered.

"Hmm-uhm." The small girl nodded her head, "It's alright, mom told us not to wake you but we did anyway".

"You're mom?" Ava questioned.

"Yes, mummy, she's very pretty and kind, she said she found you and one man and brought you here… mummy's the bestest". The girl praised.

A smile hit Ava's face as she went to her knees and patted the girl on the head, "Can you take me to where your mommy is?" She inquired.


The girl grabbed Ava's hand and hurled her out of the room with much excitement following her every footstep.

A woman in a yellow yukata with long lemon hair was sitting inside an empty Japanese-style room with a treasure box in front of her while she knelt.

The young boy slid open the door and shouted, "Mom, she's awake!".

"Uhn? Who's awake?" The woman asked softly as she looked at the boy.

"Those two…".

"Get out of the way, Max." The small girl said before she shoved him out of the entrance and walked in with Ava following behind her.

"Oh?" The woman voiced with a soothing smile on her face, "So you are the one little Max was warning me about".

The woman closed the treasure box and pushed it away before she stood up with both her hands resting on her stomach.

"Please, come in".

Ava walked in, her eyes glancing around as she approached the woman, "Good day." She greeted.

"You look a lot better than you did when I found you, you must have a lot of questions. Don't worry, I'll answer every one of them."