
The Cursed Bloodline- Alex_Blackwood Story

In a world that the supernatural is real and fairly known the things that lurk in the night hunt upon the streets. Alex, someone who had just moved to the town of Redfall tries to find his place while hiding something in his past. This will also be on Scribblehub at:

Alex_Blackwood · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: Reveal

It's been two days since Alex fought the delinquents in front of Aurora and Mina. While it took a little bit, Mina eventually warmed back up to Alex. She told him that just seeing that scared her, but she understood why he did it in the end, thanks to Aurora. 

Today Alex went to his classes, his biology class, his physics class, and his math class, also known as hell. After the classes, he groaned in agony due to the classes before receiving a text from Aurora.

Aurora *text*: Hey! I need some help; could you meet up with me at the mall?

Alex smiled before texting her back, agreeing to help her. Y/N got closer to Aurora after the events with the delinquents, and the two have gotten along a lot more as of late. Alex didn't know how he felt about her, but he knew that he liked being around her, which was good enough for him.

Soon, he walked over to the mall and saw Aurora sitting on a bench in the mall's courtyard.

Alex: Did I keep you waiting?

Aurora smiled when she saw Alex walk up.

Aurora: No, not at all.

Alex: So what was it you needed help with?

Aurora: Well, I needed an opinion on some clothes.

Alex: Clothes?

Aurora: I wanted to go shopping and needed a male's opinion.

Alex: Okay, I don't mind.

Aurora: Great! C'mon!

With that, Alex and Aurora entered one of the clothing stores, and while Alex was bored out of his mind, Aurora grabbed a couple outfits and headed into the changing room, with Alex following her.

After a few minutes, Aurora walks out wearing a white sweater and a pair of jeans that stick well to her figure.

Aurora: So how do I look?

Alex: Beautiful.

Aurora was shocked at Alex's bluntness, which caused her to blush.

Aurora: T-Thanks.

Aurora quickly re-entered the changing room and changed into her second of three outfits. Once she revealed it to Alex, he was shocked. She was wearing a crop top with a similar pair of jeans.

Alex: You look great.

Aurora: Really? I wasn't sure about the crop top.

Alex: It fits you well.

Aurora smiled before heading back into the locker room.

Aurora: I have one more to show you.

Alex: Alright.

Alex didn't understand why she was showing him all these outfits, but he didn't mind, as she seemed happy whenever he complimented her. 

Finally, Aurora walked out for the third time; this time she was wearing a beautiful purple dress, which brought out the color of her eyes even more. 

Aurora: So?

Alex: I'm stunned.

Aurora: Does it look that good?

Alex: Yeah, it goes well with your eyes.

Aurora smiled before heading right back inside, now changing back to her original outfit. The two walked to the counter, where Aurora bought all three outfits.

Aurora: Thank you for your help today!

Alex: Is that all you needed?

Aurora: For the moment, why?

Alex: I was thinking, How about we go eat somewhere?

Aurora: Like the dinner?

Alex: No, I mean...somewhere that it's just the two of us.

Aurora blushed.

Aurora: Are you asking me out?

Alex: Kinda? I'm not great at this.

Aurora: Oh! S-Sure.

Alex smiled before the two walked to a nearby restaurant. They sat down at a booth, ordered their drinks, and looked over the menu. Aurora ordered a herb chicken breast, while Alex ordered shrimp scampi. 

Aurora: So, Alex, we've known each other for over a week now, but...I feel like I barely know you. So tell me about yourself?

Alex: What do you want to know?

Aurora: What's your family like?

Alex: Oh...

Aurora: Is that a bad topic?

Alex: No, it's just rough to say. My mom passed when I was little, and my dad abandoned me. So my grandfather ended up raising me.

Aurora: I'm sorry!

Alex: It's not your fault; it makes sense that you were curious.

Aurora: I just didn't mean to bring something like that up.

Alex: It's fine, Aurora.

Aurora: Well...what's your grandfather like?

Alex: I haven't seen him in over a month, but he's... controlling at times, to say the least. It's why I ended up moving—I just wanted that freedom away from him and the rest of my family.

Aurora: The rest of your family?

Alex: Not blood-related but I grew up around them.

Aurora: I see.

Alex: Well, what about you?

Aurora: I'm an only child, and my mom and dad live here in town. My dad is a police officer, while my mom works as a nurse.

Alex: Good jobs.

Aurora: Funny enough, they met on the job. When my dad was still in his early cop days, he was hurt during a call and went to the hospital. My mom was his nurse.

Alex: Talk about fate.

Aurora: Right! 

Alex: So is he like the typical cop dad? Protective? Willing to shoot any guy that goes near his baby girl on sight?

Aurora: *Laughs* Only if they make the wrong impression.

Alex: He seems like a good dad.

Aurora: He is.

The two continued their small talk while finishing their meals. They both enjoyed each other's company and talking about some of their hobbies and the things they do. Apparently Aurora streamed on a gaming service in her free time, which Alex didn't even know she liked doing.

After the meal, they both exited the restaurant and headed down the street. Alex offered to escort her home, which she accepted. The pair walked down the road, but something felt...off to Alex, almost like they were being watched. A feeling that Alex really didn't like.

Alex: Aurora?

Aurora: Yeah?

Alex: We're being followed.

Aurora: Huh?

Alex: Just trust me. When I say run, you run.

Aurora: W-What do you mean?

???: Well, well, well, hello there.

Alex and Aurora turned around and saw a man with glowing, red eyes looking at them.

Aurora: He's a-

Alex: Vampire.

???: Good to see you've already figured it out. Name's Dylan; nice to meetcha.

Alex: What do you want?

Dylan: Right to the point, then! I like it. You see, I run this area of the town, and last week one of our own was killed by some mysterious vampire. We had been scouting looking for an answer, but then, well, I found you. 

Alex: And what about me?

Dylan: I can smell you.

Aurora: S-Smell?

Alex: Aurora, run.

Dylan: That's not happening.

Soon enough, four more vampires jumped down from the buildings and surrounded both Alex and Aurora.

Dylan: I'm not allowing either of you to leave. After all, I need some payback.

Alex: If you dare to fucking touch her-

Dylan: No, I won't hurt her; I'm not that depraved after all. She'll just have to watch as I tear you limb from limb.

Aurora: Alex!

Alex: Aurora...whatever you see, just know that I would never hurt you.

Aurora: Hurt me?

Dylan: Now, where should we start-

Suddenly, Dylan's throat was grabbed by Alex, who seemingly teleported right in front of him. Alex looked up at the choking Dylan, his blue eyes shining brightly.

Dylan: N-No...t-that's...

Alex threw Dylan into a wall as he turned around and looked at the other vampires.

Alex: Last chance, run or die.

Vamp 1: Kill him!

Alex: Ah, you have chosen poorly.

Alex's eyes shined even brighter, which shocked Aurora.

Aurora: A-Alex?

Alex ran right past Aurora and grabbed the head of one of the vampires.

Vamp 2: L-Let g-go!

Alex: Alright.

Alex threw the vampire into the wall as he turned to another one of the vampires. He grabbed his head and drove him directly into a wall, repeatedly killing him. Alex then turned and saw Dylan regrouping with his remaining vampires.

Alex: So you, a noble-class vampire, along with four common-class vampires, thought you could take me down?

Dylan: W-What are you?

Alex then teleported right in front of Dylan again, saying nothing but simply smirking. A smirk, which put the fear of the gods into Dylan.

Alex kicked Dylan, who went flying backwards as he punched the two vampires next to him, knocking them to the ground. The last standing vampire jumped at Alex, but his foot was caught, and he was thrown directly into the ground, first causing his head to explode. 

The remaining vampires all had looks of fear at Alex.

Alex then moved towards the other common-class vampires and smirked.

Alex: You wanted to know who I am? Well, here's your answer.

Alex's eyes brightly shined once again as he grabbed the two common-class vampires by the throat, one in each hand. The vampires squirmed in resistance, but Alex kept a firm grip on them both.

Alex: Watch.

Alex's hands soon started to generate fire throughout his arms, but not just any fire—fire that was the color blue. The flames melted through the skins of the vampires as their necks disintegrated, leaving only the heads. Alex tossed them as he stared at the noble vampire, who was now in tears.

Alex: So, have you gotten your answer?

Dylan: Y-You're a...high-class v-vampire!

Alex: Correct. 

Dylan: P-Please! Have mercy!

Alex: Mercy? Tell me, what were you going to do to me if I didn't fight back? Don't lie now.

Dylan: We-We were going to k-kill you.

Alex: So why should I have mercy when you didn't?

Dylan: I-I-I...

Alex created the blue flames around his arms yet again as he then shot a burst of flames directly at Dylan, who immediately burned to death. Alex sighed in relief as he turned to look for Aurora, but was shocked when he saw her on the ground, unconscious.

Alex: Shit...

Alex ran over to her and checked on her to make sure she didn't get hurt. 

Alex: Okay...she's fine. Just passed out.

Alex picked her up in a bridal carry and headed to the apartment as fast as he could. Once he got in, he made sure Ms. Chen didn't see him before running up the steps and putting his keys into his door, but as soon as he walked in, he was shocked.

Lena: Hey, Alex.

Alex: You have got to be shitting me...


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