
Who's Boss Now?

"Daniel has gone to hell," Kiara yelled and gave Alexandra a huge punch. She fell and Kiara was able to get hold of the gun.

"Who's the boss now? Alexandria?"

Kiara said, pointing the gun at Alexandria.

She hadn't used a gun before but anything to scare them away.

She placed her finger on the trigger and threatened to shoot.

Alexandria looked at Daniel, who was growling in pain. She saw blood all over the floor where he was.

"What, what did you do to him?" She asked, frightened.

Kiara chuckled at her words while pointing the gun at her.

"You really wanna know? Well, you are not in a position to know that." 

"Don't do it, I beg you." Alexandria pleaded.

"Shhhh, so you could actually beg? Interesting." 


"Well, I'll only let you go. If you abide by my rules."

"What rules?"

"You get me and my kids away from this hell hole."