
The Test Results

Kiara stumbled through the front door of the house with Lycan by her side, cozy apartment, her heart still pounding from the intense fight she had just been in with Liam at the bar. As she kicked off her boots and discarded her jacket, she couldn't help but smile at the victory she had achieved. Liam had underestimated her, and she had proven him wrong.

Lycan, her protective partner and the love of her life was waiting for her to finish undressing as he sat in the chair in the living room. 

"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence," he teased, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Is there a hiding spot where you left Liam that I should know about?"

Kiara rolled her eyes and gave him a playful shove. "Oh, stop it, Lycan. You know I can handle myself just fine. And Liam is nursing his pride somewhere, I'm sure."