
The Curse Part 1.

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Chapter 1:Introduction And How It Started. Chapter 1 Included.

Prologue:Where it Start.

Im Wonderer My Age is 15 Im Just Ordinary And Avarage as Like a Adventurer Who Had Dreams.

I study on Ricardo Papa Memorial Highschool Annex. I Love Nature And Explore and have a Many Personality and One Of those is Being Introvert at School and Being Extrovert at our Town.

But. The Owner of The Land Of Our House Decided to Demolish all The House in his land. And We Got Into A Cheap Apartment But Expensive for us.

But in that Day I didn't Know that Apartment Will Open my Eye into a Whole New Whole When I Sleep And Woke in that Parralel but Same as Earth.

Did I Got To The Past?

Did I Broke into Other Dimension?

Am I in Other Universe?

Let's Find it out on my adventure.

Find New Allies and Solve the Mystery of the World i got into. And Try to Go Back Where i Belong.

Could i Learn a New Lesson,or the it will consume me into something Dark?


Reality Place:

Apartment 32

This Is Where Wonderer Lives And Discover The Redstone Necklace,He Us With His Mother,Father and Brother Until He Discover the Necklace that Changes his Whole Life.

Ricardo Papa Memorial Highschool Annex

School Where Emma,Jenica,Wonderer Study And Also His Classmates This School has Full of Mystery too and Many History and Memory.

93 Np Cruz

This Is Where Wonderer Old House Established But The Landlord Decided to Destroy it, that force them to Rent on Apartment 32.

Dimension Of Mystery(Parralel Of Earth):

Curse House

A House in Parralel of Earth. Where Maya And Jasmine Lives.This is Where Wonderer Got Stuck With Them.

Forsaken Dimlight Forest.

A Forest Where Monster at Night Lives,Chamber of A Hidden Truth,Voices Can Be Heard And Full of Mystery.

Nighsky Light.

A Light in The Sky,It Appear when Wonderer Solve the Mystery And the Fake Reality Controller or God Of Reality Creator Teleport Wonderer into New Reality or Dimension,if he's Merciful He Will Teleport back Wonderer into His Real Reality.


Main Character/From Reality.


A Boy Lives In Apartment 32 Who Has Found The Red Stone Necklace,that was a Attach To a Another Dimension If He Sleep And The Necklace is Attach to Him It Will Teleport him through The Curse House....But Since it was not his true reality He will Got Stronger,Faster,Agile,Smarter and More....





A Classmate of Wonderer,Not Either Close But Still Meet Everyday...

Friend Of Emma.





From The Real Reality And A Student and Classmate of Wonderer,Not Very Close To Each Other.

Friend Of Jeni.




Dimension of Curse:


Living in Curse House Nearby A Lake.She Has A Grandma Name Maya. She is Old Cultured Thinking and Doesn't Know Anything thing from Modern Times.





Grandma Of Jasmine,Living in Curse House House Nearby Lake.The One Who Have The Curse Of Monster Of the Night.Same think like Jasmine Old Cultured Thinking. The Mystery of Her is She Never Get Old And Stay Young Looking. is this a Effect of the Curse?

She Has A Dark Secret Personality That No One Knows.....

Age:No Exact Age/Elder



Villain/Dimension of Curse

Monster At Night.

This Monster Has No Specific Gender. It Visit the House at Night. When Someone Come down in 1st Floor it shape shift into a Boy/Girl/Man/Woman. or anything that Known By It's Prey. if it's Gain their Trust it Will Gift Something to the Prey, After the Gift it will give it will take the Prey Life By Sucking Them In There Intimate Area. Sucking All Their Blood And Organs.

Age:Unknown/Like Hundred of years.


State:Normal/Alive Or Undead....

Neutral Character/God Of Dimension of Curse.


No Exact Name But Also Known as Controller of Fake Reality and Reality Creator,His Goal Is Unknown but He is Attach To The Necklace And Give Wonderer A New Mission That is Wierd And Out of this World Experience,like fiction and roller-coaster emotions,but Taught You A Lesson in the End.

Age:Unknown/Before the Birth of this Dimension.

Gender:Male/Born As Male

State:Dead/A Soul Or A God No Longer A Mortal.

Chapter 1:New House New Life.

2022/12/15-25 Finally The Landlord of Where Our House is,Decided to Demolish The House. And At First i thought we will Go Live On The Other City. But instead We Got Move in, in a Old Apartment. Father Couldn't Afford Some Avarage Apartment So We are in Just What We Could Afford. It's Old And if a High Class People Live there Would Gone Crazy Due to Bugs And the Bad Smell of the air. The Bathroom looklike Torturing Room For Rich People.


2022/12/25 Christmas Eve I'm Starting To Get Comfortable in the House Even it's Small. but I Feel Strange Energy In The House, and Definitely Not Christmas Energy.

I Always Feel the Errie Vibes At Night Even the i have My Family Around And There's A Loud Music Going On.