
The Curse Of Time( Book 1 of Libertalian Chronicles)

" Time and wave waits for no one. " Atleast that is what Alexia was taught by everyone. But when an incident forces her to discover a unique power... she realizes that the existence of the world is far more greater than she had imagined. A power which grants her to rewind time and change the course of history. Falling into the chasm of lies, who should Alexia trust in the end?

secretfangirl_0192 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Senior year is my favorite school year

12 years later

Hemmingdale, California

2nd September 2018

08:13 am


The world was filled with abnormalities.

Every second she took one step forward, there is a drastic change in her external stimulus. She walked on the newly paved sidewalk in the morning heading for school. She had left early since the classes started 32 minutes later. Her thoughts weren't occupied by the heaps of homework and parental supervision she would get in a matter of minutes; she was more interested in the latest murders committed by the murderous vigilante- Blackheart.

Being one of the top admins of his official website she had always *admired* his work.

With a toll of 86 victims, Blackheart reappeared back on the world news' headlines- ferocious and deadlier as ever. After disappearing for 9 years- the legacy of Blackheart took a different turn when the main criteria of his victims changed. He killed corrupt officers, escaped convicts and people of high posts who had a dark criminal record but not enough evidence. This had shocked the authority when they found his first victim- a running mayor dead in his house, strangled by his very own tie holding within his cold, dead palm a small gold coin having a skull engraved on its surface ( his signature ).

Many would say that Alexia's ideals were "wrong" in some ways. After all, no individual should be given the power to judge a person's innocence and play with their lives. But the harsh reality of the saying," All men are created equal" is not applicable as one thinks it is. Alexia never felt equality in the air...emotionally speaking.

As she scrolled through the long log of debate about whether the authority should take help from Blackheart, she found the section of comments where people like @skinnyrocks156 and @onceagamer were defending Blackheart's side giving a long bunch of arguments of their own or offensive emojis.

Either way, Alexia couldn't help but smirk at how hypocritical people are. If she came across these people in person they would probably badmouth Blackheart. Alexia always appreciated internet for the power it gave to people for showing their true selves.

Alexia kept an eye on where she was going and the students heading in the same direction as her. She was least interested in how people reacted to her reading a controversial article but more aware of the environment changing as Hemmingdale High school came closer.

She felt a poke on her shoulder as she swiftly turned her head towards the almond-skinned girl with short black curly hair framing her bright face.

"You walk very fast for someone whose face is plastered on her screen." Emily placed herself beside me, matching my pace.

"This is my normal speed, maybe you were walking slow."

"This is not about me," she said quickly. She stretched her right hand, getting rid of the fatigue.

"Finally senior year! I am so done with all the summer assignments they have been giving, " Emily spoke up causing me to look away from my phone.

Alexia held back a yawn. "Out of this hellhole in one more year."

"You are still part of the swimming club?"

"Of course! You are talking to the best here."

Emily Sanders rolled her eyes at her, emphasizing her dark thin eyebrows. "The school got renovated last month."

"Yup! They added a few more classrooms and more transfer students."

"Our school has been growing for a long time."

"What about your cheerleading squad? Planning to recruit some more?"

"We'll see."

Emily with her thin physique made the perfect cheerleader of Hemmingdale school. She is quite shy and closed-off from the others but also good with holding convos. Last year they bonded at one of the many camping trips. One of the reasons why Alexia wasn't close to her was because she liked spending most of her time alone.

More students started appearing as the peaceful environment of Hemmingdale was replaced by students talking and heading towards the schools. The school didn't have a uniform system but a strict dress code. Alexia wore her casual outfit consisting of a decent top and jeans. Ripped jeans weren't really her thing though it got pretty trendy this year.

Alexia spotted the brown arch with the symbol of Hemmingdale High School at the very centre. She noticed the changes the school went through. The freshly coloured walls which had its strong smell of paint- Alexia seemed to be drawn by it as she felt lighter in the head with the fuzzy feeling.

As Emily and she walked towards the main gate, she saw a car driving past her and stopping by the gate. A girl stepped out from the backseat. The car which gave a sense of royalty and authority was easily recognizable to Alexia.

She quickened her pace to meet the girl.

As the girl bid farewell to her driver, Alexia opened her arms and hugged her from behind. The girl laughed by Alexia's goofiness.

"Finally found you, Sophie, " Alexia said as she let go of her.

Sophie was the complete opposite of Alexia.

Her ivory colour skin made her seem as if she was shining under the sunlight. Her sunflower blonde hair which was tied into a bun framed her face with calm green eyes looking at Alex who had more of tanned skin, blonde-tinted black hair and brown eyes. She was never bothered by her best friend's sharp features though she still wasn't a little happy to see her right now.

"You just hugged me but I still don't know whether you are in a good mood," Sophie said crossing her arms.

"Well, someone..." Alexia eyed her,"... has been going on way too many trips lately. Do you have any idea how bored I was during the second half of the vacation?"

"Really? You had 'no-ooo' one at all?"

"I mean I made a couple of friends from the other school," Sophie creased her brow at her," But it's different you know!"

Emily gently poked Alex on her shoulder. When she turned, Emily spoke up, " I'll see you later, Alex..." she awkwardly left the two friends with each other's company.

"Damn! Emily really hates me, huh?" Sophie sneered.

"I am sure she is just shy," Alexia replied. " I'll talk to her later...so how was your uncle's place?"

Sophie went on ranting about her uncle's huge mansion, like just another random visit to a toy shop. Sophie was from a wealthy family- considering her father was one of the most successful businessmen in the world while her mother was from a wealthy family from the start-adding to the fact that she was the running mayor of Hemmingdale for two years.

Alexia felt the cold morning air caressing her face. A shiver went right through her spine and she closed her eyes-imagining the school's hustle and bustle as students roam around and the buses parking at their respective lots.

She felt her shoulder crashing against someone else.

Her entire body jerked in response as she caught her balance and opened her eyes.

Oh boy, she thought. Just the person I want to see.

The tall boy continued walking, ignoring the slight inconvenience but leaving a rude remark,

"I better get a walking stick for you next time."

"Considering your terrible memory, I doubt you would even remember." Alexia retorted turning towards him.

He slowly turned towards her; messy auburn brown hair moved gently through the breeze. His square jaw looked down upon Alexia, her eyes meeting his dark grey ones behind a set of black glasses, a scar at one corner of his left eye, squinted at her as if she was a bug who he had just stepped on.

Considering their height difference of almost 1 foot Alexia's temper got even worse.

"Oh I'm sorry," He spoke up. "Didn't see you up here, I hope you didn't get hurt." He was -obviously- calling out Alexia's short height.

"And I was doing such a good job of me ignoring you. Now that the black cat has crossed my path- I should kiss goodbye to a wonderful day, shouldn't I?"

"Do you have to be so annoying all the damn time?!"

"Look who is talking." Alexia slowly clapped.

"The first day... just the first day and you both are already fighting. " Sophie shook her head in disappointment. " How about we just completely ignore that happened and move on?" Her lips turned into a tight-knit smile.

"Tell it to this jerk, right here," Alexia remarked. She folded her arms and looked right at Nate.

"I am sorry, I don't have the energy to like you today." Nathan stared right back at her.

"You little-"

"Okaay, Nate can you 'please' leave us alone?" Sophie requested, holding onto Alexia's right hand to make sure that she doesn't approach him.

"Pfft, whatever," Nathan said turning his back at Alexia. Her wide stance and flushed face didn't seem to bother Sophie a lot since she had dealt with this a million times last year. She let go of Alexia as she took her time to compose herself. "That assho**"

"Alex..." Sophie let out an exasperated sigh. "We talked about this..."

"I know..." Alexia pressed her lips together. "It's just, his stupid face pisses me off."

"I had enough of you two bickering and arguing, this year I won't be tolerating it and that's final," Sophie's voice was laced with authority.

"Okay, mom."

Alexia clasped her arms behind her body, her body moving in a rhythm in the cold morning air. She heard a loud sharp noise of an engine revving with energy. They both turned and saw someone parking a bike at the parking stands. The biker removed his helmet and shook his head to groom his black hair. His curly black hair which was dishevelled gave a sense of cheerfulness and carefree nature. Alexia had seen his eyes up close before- at first, they might seem like normal dark brown eyes but if you took notice, there was a slight reddish tint adding to that some other variation she never caught on. His pointy ears were mostly covered under his hair. His tan was a bit darker than her, considering he was a Latino. As he caught a group of friends staring at him- he tilted his elf-like face lined by a sharp jawline and gave one of his mischievous and impish smiles, causing the others to look away from him to hide their embarrassment.

He laughed as Nathan came up walking towards him. Getting off his bike, he and Nate bumped fists with each other and greeted each other with the newcomer encircling his arm around Nate causing him to bend over and looking at him with narrow eyes before his tight smile broke into a soft one.

"David Enrique actually came to school on his first day," Sophie commented. "I am impressed."

"Where's the lie though?"

David Enrique and Nathan Trembley were the two most popular boys in school. Alexia had a well-off reputation too, considering her academic excellence and her participation in swimming activities along with Sophie who had been asked out by many boys (and even girls) because of her maturity and looks.

David was more social than Nathan. He gave off more of a mischievous vibe with his smirk than Nathan who seemed rather bored with almost everything in school or among people. Nathan was more closed-off and cold- having no interests in sports, studies or anything whatsoever. David was not much interested in studies except for a few subjects for which his attendance record was not something one can be proud of. And when it came to his dating-

"Speaking of Enrique," Alexia spoke up. "You were going to introduce me to your boyfriend today."

Sophie, who was staring at him a few seconds ago, was suddenly caught off-guard as she stuttered," I, I was...yeah, I remember."

Alexia smiled at her, " I am happy you finally decided to move on."

"Junior year was a horrible year."

"For all of us."

Alexia and Sophie proceeded to head towards their lockers, whose order changed every year. Hemingdale High School was not the average public American high school but more of a well-maintained private school with good facilities so people from the town of Hemmingdale, who were usually well-off, easily got admission in school if their academic skills were at least average. Considering the numbers they received via-email, their chance of them being neighbours seemed slim.

When they came at their respective lockers, there was one right between them.

"Just our luck," Alexia retorted; putting her locker code.

"It's not bad though," Sophie said.

Alexia opened her locker, placing her books and other items inside. She checked her schedule again to make sure that she had got all the stuff she needed for English class.

As she tilted her head back a little, to catch a glimpse of Sophie; her eyes met someone's back. Whoever he was, he was leaning towards Sophie and she whined a little saying that they are out in public. Alexia immediately joined the dots that it was Sophie's secret boyfriend who she was supposed to meet today.

Judging by the black polo hoodie he was wearing, he didn't seem like a delinquent but Alexia had to intervene in their meeting. She had to make sure that Sophie doesn't make the same mistake again.

As she approached the couple, wondering who the boy could be, Alexia saw that they were of the same height and the boy seemed pretty familiar but she was not sure since the angle at which she was looking at him, half of his face was covered by the fabric.

" Look, I get it you guys are very close to each other but can you step aside for a sec?" She spoke up with her brow furrowed.

The boy turned towards her. "You weren't getting bothered, were you?"

"David?!" Alexia's eyes became wide with shock. Even though Alexia had a hunch about it- she still couldn't believe it. Sophie is dating the school's biggest player? What was she thinking?

Alexia couldn't help but ask, " This is all a prank, isn't it? There's no way Sophie could- " Alexia looked at the blondie for confirmation.

Sophie awkwardly smiled. "Well, you see Alex..."

"Wait, you didn't tell her about us?" David 's question had an edge of urgency.

"I was going too..." Sophie drawled, looking away.

"Really Sophie! Out of all people, you 'had' to choose David Enrique? The biggest nuisance in our school?" Alexia couldn't believe it. She eyed him sceptically- wondering how her life had come to this.

"Hey now, Alex, you don't need to get so worked up-"

"And you? Enrique-" Alexia interrupted, pointing her finger at the boy who was at the mercy of her anger. "- I am well aware of your dating history. The difference between the number of stable girlfriends you had to the number of dates you had gone to is the same as the number of detention classes you actually attended to the number of detentions been entitled to you." Alexia's natural blonde streaks glinted under the light. She folded her arms and lifted her chin, "Which says a LOT because you've never attended any of those which were assigned to you."

" I just can't say no to people's request if they want to go on a date with me," David replied, putting his hands in his pockets. " Besides I have never cheated on them so what's the big deal?"

Alexia knew that. She was well aware of the fact that Sophie might have chosen David for the time being. She hated that about her- the truth about her always deriving attention from your date.

Sophie spoke up this time, "Alexia...I know that you don't approve of him but please for the time being." Sophie awkwardly caressed her right arm with her left hand.

At times like this, Alexia wished that she didn't come to school today. She was fast at making decisions but she knew that whenever she expressed her thoughts- she would end up arguing with the other people aggressively causing her to lose her cool.

She sighed and looked at David. He was uneasy, to say the least, and that makes a lot of sense since Alexia had an upper hand with almost everyone in the school. Whether it was debates or sports competitions- Alexia never liked being the loser or proved wrong.

She rubbed her forehead in annoyance. "Fine, fine." She creased her eyebrows at Sophie. "At least for now."

"So you are not going to kill me?" David asked.

"Not yet." She answered. "Classes are going to start in 5 minutes so if you excuse us-" Alexia gave a tight lip smile to David- telling him to back off.

"You are standing in front of my locker." David gave a deadpanned look.

"Wait..." Alexia noticed the locker between Sophie and hers and then proceeded to stare at David. "Are you serious?"

He nodded.

"God damn it! "

"Thanks, Alex," Sophie said getting her books for the Geography class. Alexia and Sophie's schedule barely had any common classes except for PE, Economics and Chemistry. Alexia hoped that she wouldn't get bored too of her mind.

She closed her locker- still not happy with the recent developments and already lost interest on her first day of senior year. David was going to pull a stunt, she was sure of that. He never starts his day by going to classes obediently as any other normal student would do.

She reached for her phone in her pocket.

She felt nothing but fabric.

Her heart skipped a beat. She searched in her bag and looked down at the floor wondering if she dropped it.

"Where the hell is my phone?!" She grimaced.

"I had no idea you were 'this' up to date with the town's news."


"What's your password for your blackheart website?" David held up his hand, smiling innocently as if the throbbing veins clearly evident in her neck and her flushed face didn't seem to bother him at all.

"Are you fuckin* kidding me?"


An Unknown location


"Has the 'cursed tree' lost one of its leaves yet?"

"Not yet, my queen. Though one of the green leaves from the five is already turning black."

"Already turning black," The queen repeated with a knowing look. She was adorned in a beautiful and elegant gown which brought the fierce red colour of her eyes. Her black hair glistened under a classy looking crown, nothing too fancy but having its own elegance. It shone under the sunlight which was the only source of light in her room as she was reading a book underneath it.

"The 'irams' are really a big nuisance. They don't achieve anything and yet continue to show up and try to crush my power." The queen remarked looking away from her book to the maiden who was talking to her.

"No one can challenge your authority, my queen. This year will also be the same." The maiden said with a flattering tone. The queen decided to ignore her comment for now.

"Let me know if there's any new development, you are dismissed."

As the maiden left, the queen was received by one of her knights who had placed his closed fist on his chest, swearing allegiance to his queen and his country.

"What is the status on the new group of *outcast* revolters in the south?"

"We have successfully apprehended them." The knight kept his chin up. " We are waiting for your order to execute them."

"Not yet," the queen answered. Her voice was laced with authority and power. "Get the information about their hideout and if they don't answer apprehend their families as well."

"As you wish, my queen."

As the knight left the room she turned towards her maidens who accompanied her.

"Did you receive the recent reports from Aquarius?"

The maiden stood attentively. "Yes ma'am. Aquarius has started training the arsonist from Hemmingdale."

"What about the arsonist?"

"He was captured by Aquarius in August and is now currently under close surveillance. Spontaneous combustion and rage are some of the symptoms that she has mentioned for now. We have already informed her about the proving of the arsonist as the guardian of destruction that will take place in a few days."

"I have trained her well," the queen commented. " I know she will able to persuade the arsonist to use his guardian's peace." Her face darkened- " The day of the first iram awakening is coming closer, she needs to quicken her pace."

The maiden noticed the aggression in the queen's last order as they steadied themselves. " As you wish ma'am."

*My sister keeps sending new irams every six years. Doesn't she ever get tired or feel any remorse when so many people die from the curse.?*

The Queen knew that she is not supposed to become soft to traitors. Especially the ones specially destined to kill her or get killed. This year a new group of irams will appear. The book of fate being as cynical as ever as already laid down her path to victory or loss- depending on the choices she makes while strictly abiding with the books.

The queen knew that this year's irams are the youngest seeing how the cursed tree had small leaves in the shade of light green.

Which also meant that this was either going to be the easiest or the most difficult of curse-holders in the history of Libertalia.
